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Is there an easier way to sort through your usage history?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am trying to find a past call to a specific number. Is there an easy way to do this without going through every single page of calls?


@Anonymous wrote:

 @Yummy : I found that it does sort the whole list.

Oracles can not see other customer data. If they do then it's a closely guarded secret and I would highly doubt they do.

Oh, I did not mean PM's 'Oracle'.


I was talking about Oracle software package. Database... Where PM keeps all usage data for its customers.

Mayor / Maire

@Vballxox wrote:

I am trying to find a past call to a specific number. Is there an easy way to do this without going through every single page of calls?

You can tap the title in the top bar to sort and then groups everything. 

If there is a date range....that could be helpful too. 

Not applicable

 @Yummy : I found that it does sort the whole list.

Oracles can not see other customer data. If they do then it's a closely guarded secret and I would highly doubt they do.

Great question!

Just tried to see what I can do there... and it looks like nothing useful 😪

- It sorts ONLY current screen even though you might have multiple screens (pages).

- Some 'sorts' do not work at all (try to sort by Call Type).


If somebody really wants to have full usage history handy, the only way I see to do that is to manually grab all data page by page and paste it into Excel (or similar program/app). Then you can sort, filter, search, etc.


I am curious where PM keeps all this data (per customer). Oracle (or similar program)?

Mayor / Maire

@Vballxox Paste usage data into a spreadsheet. Sort that way.

Not applicable

 @Vballxox : This is what I kinda figured out. Of course you know to click on the top header to sort. The question marks don't make sense to me. Sorting sorts the whole list.

Date/Time makes sense
Call Type ?
Originating # makes sense
Destination # ?
Originating Location might make sense but I only have my province
Destination Location makes sense
Duration makes sense
Data Usage makes sense
Usage Type groups mostly making sense

Charge is irrelevant here


we hope that they would add an export to feature.. but this is just on our wish-list...


So, at the moment, nope  😞


did you try to click on the Desination #  header to sort by that?   Maybe that make your search a bit quicker?


Mayor / Maire

@Vballxox...nope. It's perdy archaic way to do things alright...but it's the PM way.

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