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Invoicing errors

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


i have an issue with invoicing, when I bought the line I had added my credit card for automatic withdrawals and since the first month I’m not getting the $ crédits, i was told that when you add a credit card for automatic payments you will get a discount.

i have this issue for 2 phone lines.



Mayor / Maire

I think you're entitled to 1 credit of $2 for each account. If you got a welcome email that mentions the $2 autopay reward then you need to demand it (politely). It's their messaging/marketing problem. They need to make good on it.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Tinno1971   what plan do you have?  if you are getting $40 plan or above, you actually getting as much , or more, as the $2 Autopay discount from the old rewards system.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Mayor / Maire


If you joined after January 25, 2022, you will automatically be on the new Points system.

The Points system no longer reward $2 for AutoPay, $1 for RAF or $1 annual credit.

You will get 5% in point for your monthly payment. Once you have collected 15 points, you can redeem it for $15 off your bill.

Mayor / Maire

@Tinno1971 @are you on old rewards or the now Points system ? If it’s the latter and you on points you don’t get the auto pay rewards 

Mayor / Maire


If you're on the points rewards system, you don't get a discount with auto pay.

So sorry.

Mayor / Maire

@Tinno1971 - if these are newer activations the $2 autopay reward is no longer available with Public Points. Only the older grandfathered plans on old rewards are eligible for the $2 autopay. If someone told you otherwise, I am sorry to say they were mistaken.


If you are referring to any accounts on the older rewards system, then you can connect with a CSA to inquire.

­­­Public Mobile Representatives customer support­­­ agents (CSA) can be contacted by either two methods, found here:



You just joined and you are now on the current reward system Public Points.  The Pre-Authorized payment discount is no longer available on the current rewards system.

Instead of $2 discount per cycle, you are now getting 5% back in points.  Once you collect to 15 points, you can redeem for $15 bill credit on My Rewards site


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