09-15-2023 01:33 PM
Is there something i can do with my incompatible add-on , i got like 3gb data , some US talk time ,and more of them , never used them but now it just say incompatible , just wondering if there’s something i could do to keep them , or swap them maybe i dont know ,
09-15-2023 02:11 PM
Data add-ons become incompatible when you switch to a 5G unlimited plan but other add-ons should still be available. When I switched my two bonus data add-ons became incompatible but the international calling minutes are still available. The incompatible add-ons stay on your account and become available again if you change plans, presumably if you go back to something with a data limit. They're not lost.
09-15-2023 01:51 PM
Double check the incompatible list. It should only be for data. It would actually make sense to include the Canada-wide calling add-on under that list even actually for all plans that have unlimited Canada-wide calling. Not the international calling ones.
09-15-2023 01:45 PM
Sometimes at first it won’t work and you’ll need to re login or use PM on your computer using incognito and you be able to access them. If you did switch plans, it won’t show up right away, give a few hours or day to reset itself.
If these suggestions don’t work, send in a ticket.
09-15-2023 01:41 PM
Which plan are you on presently?
Did the website mention incompatible addon?
Adds on can't be swapped. You can keep in your account for possible future use.
09-15-2023 01:34 PM
@Yanovz They say that because you switched to a 5G unlimited plan . They will remain in your account to be used should you ever go back to a 4G /3G plan for use