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I wish to change plans

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’m currently in 15GB for $40 3G. The home page has a flash sale for 30gb for $40 5g but for new customers only. I find this unfair and want to change but don’t know how. 


@Im3333  It would renew every 90 days automatically with auto pay on . But you cannot transfer existing PM phone number to another PM account . In that case you would have to port out the first PM phone number to a different provider . And create a new PM account with your SIM card using a different email then before and port your first PM number back in on the new PM account from the temp provider 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks.  Does that mean I have to keep renewing every 90 days?  I want a plan I can set and forget. 

Plus, it sucks  that my current plan is not 5G and the new one is. 

I have a new, unused public mobile sim.  If I sign up for the new offer as a new customer can I port my existing public mobile number to the new plan?

Hey @Im3333 

I agree fully 100% with @Handy1 . It's the MUCH wiser move!!!

Mayor / Maire

@Im3333 it is common for telecommunication companies to offer special deals to bring in new customers. Since Public is a 3rd tier provider, they are not in position where they offer price/plan matching. 

So if you don't want to lose your current account, then the plan is not available to you. If you don't care about your account, you could port to another provider (freedom, get a free sim), then port back in to public. But do you want that hassle?

Mayor / Maire

@Im3333  Sorry that’s for nee activations only but there’s a 20GB for $39 right now and if you opt in for 90 days it works out to $34 a month . So pay $102 upfront 60 GB for 90 days . Just make sure to make plan change for next renewal and not immediately or you lose money on your current cycle 

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