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I did not received $2 bonus on auto pay

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I am on $15 plan with auto payments but I did not received $2 credit for the current month recharge.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Depending on when you signed up, you may be on the Points plan (after January 25, 2022) instead you will earn 5% off your plan so that is $0.75 for the $15 plan. It's only worth it at the $40 plan or above with the points program.


@amanmander   Any chance you migrated to the new rewards system by mistake?


Login to My Rewards (, and check if you see your rewards are shown in $ value or Points value.  If you only see Points, then you have migrated onto the new rewards system and will no longer receive the $2 Autopay Discount but will receive the 5% in Points back for all your spends here.

Mayor / Maire

How long have you been a customer, did you opt into the new rewards program if you were one the old one?

Mayor / Maire


If you joined on April 6, 2021, same time on this Community.

This was a glitch on AutoPay on April 1. Maybe you are affected so contact a CS_Agent on this Community by private message or create a ticket on SIMon Chatbot.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@amanmander wrote:


I am on $15 plan with auto payments but I did not received $2 credit for the current month recharge.

When was your renewal date?

Did you have to manually add funds to your account and click the "Reactivate Current Plan" link?


Please provide more details.  Thanks

Mayor / Maire

If you signed up after later January then you don't get the $2 reward. You will earn points instead. But no reduction in payment.

If you've been here longer then did you possibly use the lost/stolen function recently? Or had you removed your card and re-entered one. This turns off autopay. Autopay would stay on if you used the replace card option.

Mayor / Maire


If you joined after Jan 25 2022. You don't get that $2 credit anymore. Sorry

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