If all else fails, talk to the credit card company, they can stop reoccurring bill payments. You are required to contact the company so go through the Get Help/ Chat with Simon to start the process of CSA Assistance.
Depending on when you signed up, you may be on the Points plan (after January 25, 2022) instead you will earn 5% off your plan so that is $0.75 for the $15 plan. It's only worth it at the $40 plan or above with the points program.
I had that happen and all I did was fully restart my phone. It needs to reconnect so that it connects to the US providers. Good luck! hopefully it starts working for you.
If it was 2% it would be worth it, but unfortunately as people have said it's not. if you don't trust sites a great alternative is to use paypal and link your cards to that. It's free for individuals. Then you can easily dispute charges if you have t...