11-20-2021 08:48 AM - edited 01-06-2022 04:02 AM
11-20-2021 01:54 PM
11-20-2021 12:19 PM
US roaming add-on cannot be stacked. Additional add-on has to be bought after first is used.
You should contact CSA right away and explain your mistake as only one US roaming can be used at one time.
11-20-2021 09:34 AM
If you only need 10-days of Roaming, and you 'purchased' two add-ons, Public Mobile will credit the erroneous addition to your available balance for future use towards cycle renewals or additional add-ons.
They will unlikely credit the amount to the payment card used, rather to the account.
11-20-2021 08:57 AM - edited 11-20-2021 09:01 AM
Do you see the 2 add-ons appear in your plan details?
If so, contact CS and explain your mistake. They'll credit your account for the one you don't want:
If you see only one add-on and your account balance shows extra available funds, you can leave it there for future use.
11-20-2021 08:55 AM
@Trish131 PM is prepaid service and usually no refund. However, from experience PM usually is very understand and will provide refund or credit back to your account for situation like this.
Simply open a ticket with PM Support, click on the Bubble on the lower right or directly at : https://publicmobile.ca/chatbot. Follow these steps to get to the ticket open screen quicker
After ticket is submitted, make sure to check your Community Inbox(top right corner envelope icon) periodically for response from PM's CS Agent
11-20-2021 08:49 AM
Here’s when and how to contact our Customer Support Agents: