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How to request a security code?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi- an agent suggested that I request a security code on the website to change my options for verification - how to switch it from sending a text verification code to sending an email verification code. 
any suggestions on how to find it?


Mayor / Maire

if you still cannot find your way to do that, why not reply the agent since you have been taking to them already 

Mayor / Maire

@rachiefitz3 wrote:

Hi- an agent suggested that I request a security code on the website to change my options for verification - how to switch it from sending a text verification code to sending an email verification code. 
any suggestions on how to find it?

Hey @rachiefitz3 

Follow these steps.

1. Log in to your account.

2. Click on Profile on the left side of the page.

3. Click on Manage Eversafe ID


4. If you click on Email, make sure it's the correct email and confirm. Then, click on the phone number, then "remove". 

Then from there the code will go to your email instead.

Good luck.


Mayor / Maire

@rachiefitz3  Perhaps they mean to log in to your account, go to manage Eversafe and delete the phone number there which will force it to send the code to the listed email instead of by text.

Mayor / Maire

hi @rachiefitz3on the security code step, simply click Resend code or Didn't receive code and then you should see Send email there

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