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How to change my SIM without having access of my email or phone number

New in Town / Nouveau en Ville

My phone was stolen so I need to change SIM I can't get in to my email or my cell number 


Mayor / Maire


Click here to request a SIM Swap with the Public Mobile Customer Support Agents (CSA): Submit ticket for a SIM SWAP

Choose 'Contact Us'

"Click here to submit a ticket↗"


Help Article:



@DannyGirl   You got a new SIM card yet?


if you do , you can try to open at ticket with PM Support and ask them to manually change the SIM Card for you


If you have not got a SIM card yet, still open a ticket with PM Support and have them to help put your account into Lost/Stolen and maybe ask them to help to change your email address used on My Account for now (of course, get a new email first , maybe Gmail)


Message PM Support directly to open ticket:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there




Mayor / Maire

Are you not able to login to email using webmail? Is it 2FA to your phone? Is there an email option?

Are you able to login to your account here?

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