08-01-2024 05:03 PM
from my current one $29/month to the $19/month plan for new customer. Otherwise I'd have to leave, since $19/month is the monthly budget for mobile bill. Please reach to me. Thank you very much.
08-02-2024 10:04 AM
08-01-2024 10:54 PM
@Meow wrote:As per experience of some customers you are NOT able to downgrade your plan anymore. You can only upgrade it.
There is no rule/policy that states that customers cannot downgrade plans. Customers can still downgrade plans, but it has to be to a plan that is offered to the specific customer. It just happens to be that some customers are already on the lowest priced plan availiable to them. For example, my account has 6 different price plans that are all priced lower than my current plan, and I am able to swtich to any of them.
08-01-2024 05:21 PM
As per experience of some customers you are NOT able to downgrade your plan anymore. You can only upgrade it.
If you want cheaper plan you would have to cancel current one, get new SIM and open new account.
08-01-2024 05:11 PM
Sadly we are all restricted to plans available on our account and not plans for new activations.
Before you go through the hassle of finding g a new provider and then porting etc why not just contact Customer Service and politely ask to be switched down to the $19 plan. If they give you a hard time then of course I wouldn’t blame you if you switch to another cell provider. Good luck.
08-01-2024 05:07 PM
you can only change to plan on your Change Subscription page in My Account. If the plan is not there, you are out of luck. Sorry.
08-01-2024 05:05 PM
@WhyNickname You can only switch to plans that show under change subscription when logged in to your account. If you don't see the one you want the only option is to try contacting customer service to make the request which may or may not be granted. You can contact support by opening a ticket at the chat icon bottom right of this page.
08-01-2024 05:05 PM
HI @WhyNickname
from what we understand, new activation only plan is for "new activation" only and not for existing subscribers. I don't think anyone got PM to bend the rule, but you can be the first. Try to ask PM support agent for help on this
please submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link: https://widget.telus.tiia.ai/publicmobile/publicmobile.html Type the question "Submit ticket", Then click the following in order: "Contact Us" , "Other", "Log In".
If any issue with ticket submission, you can submit by direct message: