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Family members

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Can I add family members on same account, so I don’t have to pay for each?


The name on the credit card doesn't need to match the account. You can use the same credit card on multiple accounts.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Related to this, can one person pay for multiple accounts in other names? In other words, can the payers name differ from the the account holder? Or would all accounts need to be the same name for payment details and account name?

Think of a family of four.

Hi @Chalupa_Batman 

no, only the new one will get the $10 credit, @Zakarya  on the other hand will get 1 Point or $1/cycle

@Chalupa_Batman Good point. The referer gets $1/month for the referral, either in points or as an account credit for legacy rewards. 

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Zakarya As per @DennyCrane each account has to be seperate. HOWEVER, if you are the primary person and you sign up accounts for everyone in your family, make sure you use your referral code so you get credit each month for them being a part of the service. Also, they get a $10 credit on their accounts.

Someone here will have to remind me....  they get $10 credit on their account. Does @Zakarya also get a $10 credit on his account?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Oh! Ok, thank you! 

Mayor / Maire

There are no sharing plans at PM. Additionally each phone line needs its own account with its own email address. 

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