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Expriration message

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I need to know why am I told my plan has expired when there is/are sufficient funds available for my plan


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@lllb - this is the general part of the renewal process in most instances.  If you have enough money in your account and your phone still works, do not worry - all is good and in a few hours it will show the updates.  If your phone doesn't work then you can always use the chat bubble.  I expect you are just going through the renewal  - which is every 30 days!

Mayor / Maire

@lllb Is you're renewal soon? Like tomorrow? If so this is standard for renewal time and will get even more confusing if you're not used to it.


  • At renewal time
  • Account will go from active to expired
  • Then expired to suspended with a next renewal date like 90 days away
  • The system starts processing your renewal around 2am eastern the day of.
  • In the afternoon of your renewal day and the system processes your payment then your account will go back to active, account will be back to normal with proper 30 day renewal date.
  • As long as you're services are working during this time. Just ignore your account and those messages. 



Is your plan / phone working presently?  IF working and you have enough funds, don' t worry about any expiry messages.  On the night before and morning of renewal of plan, there are several different warning messages.  These messages will disappear when the renewal process is done.  



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