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Exclusive Offer vs Boxing Week Offer

Mayor / Maire

I was reading the iPhone in Canada article that was posted here about the ending of the More The Merrier bonus offers and read this on a post there.  So I looked into MY offers and found this. 


I'm completely dumbfounded at this. Does anyone have a legit answer to what they see above? $1 difference and get 10GB more data and at 5G speeds and unlimited data? How is that "exclusive" offer a real offer if the Boxing Week special is $1 more and offers better. I have to be missing something. Yes, losing the More is Merrier offer sucks but offering us an "exclusive" plan to make up for it and then offer a better plan for $1 more is like a punch to the mid section.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Well, it tells me that the true cost of mobile data is equal to or less than $0.10 per GB so any service provider who charges more that that for add ons is ripping it’s customers off.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I think we're seeing a new marketing plan in action at PM. I noticed a new $24 4GB plan tonight but only for new subscribers.  So there's a few changes taking place here, some making more sense than others.

Mayor / Maire

@Chalupa_Batman  Marketing to upsell you on more data that you probably don’t need but every doller counts for PM 

adding I noticed in mall today a migration deal for fido to Roger’s for 30GB for $29 same as Quebec resident can get from PM 

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