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Emergency alert

Mayor / Maire

This may have been asked before , but I noticed in Nova Scotia .. my public mobile line doesn’t  receive emergency alerts about evacuation (wild fires) , that my Telus lines and Koodo line does …is this normal , or do I need to subscribe to those alerts some how 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

We live in BC.   My wife received it on her iPhone but I didn’t.   We are both on the slower (cheaper) 3G network.    A few months ago I went to the Apple Store, in Guildford, Surrey; they checked it all out and said it was “a network problem, check with your provider”   :-(.    Soon I turn 85 so I speak very limited computereze.  

@hycm53  I didn’t today either was couple yesterday around 6pm and 10 as you say , but my PM line never received one 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Handy1 wrote:

@esjliv @XionBunny @softech  Ok thanks gang , gonna ensure LTE is on and see if that what I’m missing and works , thanks for your reply’s 😉

The last emergency alert I received was last night at 10:05pm. So far I didn't get any one yet.

Mayor / Maire

Just to add to it, if your phone is set to lte but where you are is not the best service so the phone goes to 3g you will not get the alert while on 3g.  Sometimes when you move around and it reconects to lte you may get the alert then!

Yesterday I got an alert for the no burning 3 hours after it was sent because I was in a no service area and when I got out to service on lte it came in.

Mayor / Maire


try rebooting your device.

I know it sounds like a typical response, however, sometimes rebooting retriggers those notifications to appear as if they are “new.”

 That’s what happens to me anyway…

@softech  No worries there then , all my lines are iPhones … and Canadian versions … so I should be in the clear 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@softech phones imported from India can be hit or miss too.

@XionBunny   i meant those Asian phones.  Some might not get it for whatever reason

I believe major brands are fine, Apple , Samsungs, Moto, etc,  phones from different region are fine, but for those smaller asian brands , not all of them work

Mayor / Maire

@esjliv @XionBunny @softech  Ok thanks gang , gonna ensure LTE is on and see if that what I’m missing and works , thanks for your reply’s 😉

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@softech not exactly true, I have an iPhone imported from the UK, and it received the alerts just fine, back when I was using it, now it's just a backup device.


HI @Handy1 

make sure your phone is set to 4G or LTE or 5G

but if your phone is a non-North American phone, it is still possible it won't get the alert

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You'll only get those alerts on the LTE/5G network, the 3G network has never been supported.

Mayor / Maire

@Handy1 - are connected to LTE/4G? Check your network type/mode. With LTE enabled emergency alerts should work.

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