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Dropped Call

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi!  Anyone else have an issue with dropped calls?  I find that when I'm on the phone for over 15 minutes, my call sometimes gets dropped.  Not sure why!  It's happened at least 5 times over the past three months.  Not too often and overall not an issue, but annoying when it happens!  Any advice would be appreciated.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks, I've done that and things have been so much better!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was having drop calls all the time, couldn’t go more than 5 mins. Open a ticket and ask for a network reset and that fixes 9/10 people. If it still hasn’t help and ur using a eSIMs some phone don’t work well with it, put in a SIM card. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

To Public Mobile:  You have lost me as a long-term customer due to the ongoing dropped calls. I waited a few months to see if you would get things fixed. No luck. I cannot keep hanging up on business calls! Peace out!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

i have same issue here , my cell phone drops calls all the time only with public telus network . i do have bell sim card no issue at all .its the public network causing the issue 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So .... many ..... dropped calls.  The record is 3 times in a 30 min call.  I've submitted a ticket today and I've tried all the suggestions posted here in the Community forums  There's no consistency to the issue.  Sometimes it happens 5 min into a conversation, sometimes 30 min.  It's never been as bad as it has been this past few days however.

hi @Amped I experienced some dropped calls problem too last week. Try reboot phones and see if it helps 

If it is too bad, change network to 3G for couple days before switch back to Automatic/4G

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Galaxy S23 in Regina.  My father who is also on PM, but in Saskatoon, is also complaining about frequent call drops.  He's on a Moto G Play 2024 now, but it was also happening with his previous phone.

hi @Amped what phone do you have?? which city in SK??

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Also in Saskatchewan, and also get tons of dropped calls.  Happens in a good signal area.  Never happened with my previous providers.  Completely random too.  Sometimes after 5 minutes.  Sometimes at 42 minutes.  Rather annoying!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am in Sask and get frequent dropped calls, especially during important tax or agency other calls where they don't phone you back. Very frustrating. I switched to 3G temporarily but doesn't seem to help. Is this a public mobile issue or my iphone issue. My wife doesn't get dropped calls on her iphone also with PM.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Mine has been very bad this week. Extremely frustrating 

@Cujimoto wrote:

That's a creative solution to the issue.  I'll give it a go!  Thx!

Let us all know what your results are. (And you should edit out the Solution until you actually get a solution)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's a creative solution to the issue.  I'll give it a go!  Thx!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm on an iPhone11.  Time to get a new phone?!?  I'm in the 416 so shouldn't be an issue...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Happens frequently with me. I have learned to live with it. PM is tier 3. You get what you pay for.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Cujimoto 

for me, I can talk 2 or even 3 hours without trouble.  Some people said there is a limit per call, but I think it was 3 or 4 hours, definitely not 15 mins

is that location specific? Try  to track if it only happens for particular location.  Try reboot the phone, try Reset All networks

and what phone you have?

Mayor / Maire


I experienced that along with "choppy" calls too. I selected 3G instead of 5G or cleans up the call...but gotta remember to switch back to LTE when done the call !!

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