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Double billed

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I have now been double billed for the 3rd month in a row. I have sent messages and their responses do not respond to my concerns and now I am getting no response at all?





@Amoore wrote:

I have been charged on the 12 and 18 of the last 3 months.

it doesn’t say it in my account but it says it on my MC statement 

Is there anyone else in the household who uses Public Mobile?  If there isn't and Public Mobile says that there is another Public Mobile account that was paid for and you are unaware of that account, you should contact your credit card company have your card replaced with one with a diffetent card number.


Take the same advice I gave @Amoore  and submit a ticket via simon (The chat bubble bottom right corner of the page) or send a private message to the Moderator_Team. Put " Credit card billed 3x" in the subject line and leave a detailed message describing your issue. Be sure to include the following :


  1. Full name and address on your account.
  2. Email, phone # and pin #.

 If you cannot remember your pin # include at least three of the following:


  1. Date of birth
  2. Last payment, date, amount, type and last 4 digits.
  3. Alternate phone number if any.
  4. Security question and answer.
  5. Plan amount, any add ons or promos on account.
  6. Last 4 digits of sim card.
  7. Any rewards in your account.
  8. Autopay y/n?

By including this info you will save yourself the time of having to answer any extra questions to further identify yourself.The average wait time is 2 to 4 hours up to 48 hours however they have been very busy it could be a much longer wait than usual so try and be patient with the moderators. Include as much relevant info as possible so they can get work on the issue right away


Keep an eye on your private message box (the envelope icon) next to your avatar at the top right corner of your screen for a little bubble to pop up indicating a message from the moderators. Responding promptly will speed up service times.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’m having the same issue. It’s now 3 payments off my credit card this month


Your credit statement shows two charges from public mobile but your account only shows one payment? Are you normally on autopay as your method of paying? And you don't have the extra  charge showing as a balance on your account? There are no other accounts that use your card as a payment method? Which date is your renewal the 12th or 18th?


Reply to the moderator with a photo of your statement (block out all but the last 4 digits of your card) showing the double charges. You can call your credit card company and get the merchant transaction # for the erroneous charges so it will be easier for them to trace where the extra charges were applied.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
this was my response which didn’t address the issue so I sent another message stating I’ve now been billed on the 12th and 18th for 3 months 

Hi Arlene!


First of all, let me thank you for going through the authentication process, as this helps us keeping your account and information secure.


I have checked the account and noticed that on the 12th of December 2020 you've been charged $23 plus tax in order to renew the $25 plan.Could you provide more details please?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have been charged on the 12 and 18 of the last 3 months.

it doesn’t say it in my account but it says it on my MC statement 

@Amoore wrote:


I have now been double billed for the 3rd month in a row. I have sent messages and their responses do not respond to my concerns and now I am getting no response at all?



What does your payment history say (the part showing all the amounts)?  Since you haven't been able to get a response, how have you been trying to contact the moderators (for the times that you get no response)?  Have tickets been opened by going to 

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