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Does the $15 plan include some data?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I ask the subject question because my $15 plan is not supposed to have any data. However when I turn off my WIFI it seems to connect to a very slow 3G network and it does show 3G on my iPhone. Tried a simple google search and very slowly it does connect and even though it seems to take forever to load it does eventually load. So again the question is does the basic $15 plan include slow but nevertheless data?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

All just a bit confusing- You say MMS uses data if data is turned on so doesn’t this mean that there is some - at snail paced data on the $15 plan  Right now I’m on the PM app with no wifi and it seems to work. Do you think  perhaps I’m just lucky to have a glitch in my favour?

Hope no one from PM is reading my situation and if in fact it’s a glitch and just I’m lucky to have some data included- they don’t fix this glitch and take away my data. So I’m giving a solution and closing this tread . 

HI @Sansan 

it is normal MMS need data to work but it does not count towards the data bucket

So, even MMS work, does not mean people have data.  The new $15 plan has no data at all, but MMS will work with Mobile data turned on


Question, I have the original $15 plan. I ran out of data 2 weeks ago. My renewal is still days away. 

I am still able to send and receive MMS. So does that not mean that you dont need data to send pic's local or international? In this case, I would imagine that's the reason for this no data plan still having some data, though slow as mentioned?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Vero-nique2024 wrote:

J'ai le forfait à 15$ et il n'inclut aucunes données

I know that no data is included but as member  Phil_Adelphuss suggested that it must include some data although painfully slow, in order to be able to sent pictures by MMS.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Phil_Adelphus wrote:

@Wayworn  Although the new $15 does not list data as included there must be some because the plan includes picture messaging and MMS needs data.  I don't know if that's an explanation in this case or not but I was wondering how picture messaging would work with that plan and perhaps that's how?

That makes sense.

Mayor / Maire

@Wayworn  Although the new $15 does not list data as included there must be some because the plan includes picture messaging and MMS needs data.  I don't know if that's an explanation in this case or not but I was wondering how picture messaging would work with that plan and perhaps that's how?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Dunkman wrote:


I assume that you have the new version of the $15 plan. The new $15 plan does not include data. 

The previous version of $15 plan did include 250 mb data (+ 100 outgoing minutes).  This plan does not have unlimited throttled data.  

Interesting observation. Possible glitch?  

Yes it is the new unlimited text and data  $15 plan. It just renewed at the $15 plan because I rejected the targeted PM offer for 6 GB plan. Although nice to know this $15 plan does have some data it is sooooo slow that unless in an emergency it is unusable.

@Wayworn , what model of iPhone do you have and what settings are using using for voice and data?  Regardless whether you have data on your plan or not, you should be able to connect to either of 3G/4G/5G network depending on hardware model, phone settings and local network.  The plan does not restrict network connectivity. 


I assume that you have the new version of the $15 plan. The new $15 plan does not include data. 

The previous version of $15 plan did include 250 mb data (+ 100 outgoing minutes).  This plan does not have unlimited throttled data.  

Interesting observation. Possible glitch?  

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