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Do we need roll over add ons?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Recently activated on the PM $15 no data plan.  My reasoning was - who needs data since there is WIFI available just about everywhere. Also I thought - that this PM thing gets even better because one can self select plans as required when I need data. 

Well I’m still happy with my low monthly payment but disappointed that I found out that I can select any plan I want as long as it costs more but it’s a no no to go back to a lower priced plan. Also I now realize that it’s a major hassle to connect to public WIFI accesses and impossible to connect when  I need it while in my car and generally outside such as parking lots etc . Ok so I thought that I could always buy data on on for 3GB for $30 but again I’m disappointed because add ons do not roll over until used up but expire after only 30 days.

So now I sort of regret having ported from Bell to PM because I can not again get the Bell promo deal I was on before and if I upgrade my PM plan I’m not ahead but just went sideways.

I have also noticed that PM has constant dizzying changes so just perhaps in the near future they will realize that it’s not only gaining new customers such as I but also disappointing many existing customers and forcing them to look elsewhere.

I and assume others may stick with PM if they at the very least offer roll over add ons.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Not "woke " at all.     And of course I know that this senior thing  has nothing to do with cell service because no senior discounts are offered . Just thought I would refer to this CBC article because I wrote a somewhat similar article years ago to "letters to the editor" and did get a flurry of  flack. . A reader responded by calling me cold hearted and continued to explain that she just  had to pay $8000 for a new roof. I did respond simply by "so you had $8000 and  have a house". 

@Wayworn wrote:

@SeniorCitizen wrote:


Well said. 
Unfortunately TELUS  (Public Mobile) has rebranded itself to attract and retain budget conscious affluent customers rather than catering to customers of all income levels who are willing to give up "frills" to stay within their mobile services budget not the "budget" as pre-determined by Public Mobile.

Maybe the "budget conscious affluent customers " are affluent just because they are budget conscious?

Also on interesting news article -

CBC News : Canadian seniors are wealthier than ever. Do seniors' discounts still make sense?

Younger generations struggling to make ends meet say discounts would be a big help

The proportion of poor people in the over-65 group is smaller than any other age group.

Sorry to say, the CBC is being woke and divisive with this kind of journalism.  Cellular service costs are not income tested.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@SeniorCitizen wrote:


Well said. 
Unfortunately TELUS  (Public Mobile) has rebranded itself to attract and retain budget conscious affluent customers rather than catering to customers of all income levels who are willing to give up "frills" to stay within their mobile services budget not the "budget" as pre-determined by Public Mobile.

Maybe the "budget conscious affluent customers " are affluent just because they are budget conscious?

Also on interesting news article -

CBC News : Canadian seniors are wealthier than ever. Do seniors' discounts still make sense?

Younger generations struggling to make ends meet say discounts would be a big help

The proportion of poor people in the over-65 group is smaller than any other age group.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@EB0 wrote:


IMO, If the total number of new customers signing in more than the total number leaving Public Mobile, and if the total revenge from new customers more than the total loss from leaving customers, 
then the focus will be on the new customers and upselling going forward 

if anyone monitors the community very closely, they will figure that more new customers more than existing customers leaving.

I think that there's still a wave of port-outs coming if competitor offers are coming up for BTS, BF and BD. I believe that there are still plenty of people that were previously on $$ rewards, specially on the low cost low usage end of the spectrum that are in the process of using up available funds and data add-ons before jumping ship. People on the $34/50GB Can/US plan will more likely stick around - that one is hard to beat.

I know that I help with one account here that I always thought to be here "forever". The old $15/250MB/100min out/UL min in/UL texts worked really well for a very long time. Occasionally using a few MB and a couple of minutes here and there from the holiday gifts. In April, this plan was $7. Now it's twice the cost (including the rewards, their one referral left PM in June). Now that there's a cheaper competitor's offer (yes, coverage works well where this person uses the phone) with similar parameters (120 minutes in, UL out, UL texts, 100MB that can be augmented with a data eSIM for the rare time outside of WiFi)... it's likely that that "forever" ends mid September 2024.


@Wayworn wrote:

Maybe they have new marketing people that don’t yet realize that they are only in business because of us the customers. 

So true.  However, not all service providers can cater to every segment of the market.  Whatever segment they choose to target, it has to be competitive with its peers.  I fully believe that the most efficient platform for price discovery is an unrestricted market.  Vote with the wallet, not the emotions.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@SeniorCitizen wrote:

What happened to the $19 plan (pay 3 months in advance) with 3gb of data?

Gone by the way of the dodo bird. I also think that it was one of those targeted offers - one account ($13) got an according text offer a few months back, but another ($15) didn't).

The other 90 plan, $75/60GB flared up for a couple of hours (!) in my account (on the app, not the browser version earlier this week when the new and (not) improved plans went live.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Well said. 
Unfortunately TELUS  (Public Mobile) has rebranded itself to attract and retain budget conscious affluent customers rather than catering to customers of all income levels who are willing to give up "frills" to stay within their mobile services budget not the "budget" as pre-determined by Public Mobile.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


That's quite the downgrade to go from 120GB of data to none. If you never bothered to track your data usage previously then I can see how you are surprised on how quickly you used up 1 GB of data.

Those of us on the $15 plan w/100 outgoing minutes and 250mb of data have become adept at using wifi when available (saving the passwords when necessary), using our phone's data warning and data limiter settings. Avoiding using mobile data for apps that use video or have a lot of photos or even Google photos as searching for that photo of that fish you caught in 2017 will use a lot of data!

Turning off this kind of content in the settings of certain apps like Facebook or Instagram when not on wifi is a must. As is turning off background data usage in your apps.

Downloading maps on wifi beforehand helps when needing directions while navigating helps save data. There are many other ways to minimize your mobile data usage as well.

If you think you will have the sporadic need for larger buckets of data some months and not others now that Public Mobile no longer offers the flexibility to change plans according to your data needs you could consider a larger data plan that you use in addition to your current plan and suspend for up to 89/90 days when not needed or suspend either plan depending on whether or not you need data or not. A dual Sim phone makes this a viable option.

Unfortunately Public Mobile has rebranded itself to attract and retain budget conscious affluent customers rather than catering to customers of all income levels who are willing to give up "frills" to stay within their mobile services budget not the "budget" as pre-determined by Public Mobile.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

What happened to the $19 plan (pay 3 months in advance) with 3gb of data?

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


IMO, If the total number of new customers signing in more than the total number leaving Public Mobile, and if the total revenge from new customers more than the total loss from leaving customers, 
then the focus will be on the new customers and upselling going forward 

if anyone monitors the community very closely, they will figure that more new customers more than existing customers leaving.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Maybe they have new marketing people that don’t yet realize that they are only in business because of us the customers. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

The lowest plan for new customers is $19 1GB.

IMO, public mobile may not be offering $15 plan anymore to anyone. for the rollover minutes or data, it will not be happening either. The focus of public mobile is upselling the service, get ride of those cheap plans.

i would not be surprised, if PM increases $15 plan to $17 to force them to upgrade to $19 plan, similar to what happened in the past with $10 50 minutes 50 messages plan.




Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@EB0 wrote:


Data add-ons used not to have expiry data, you keep it until it’s fully used, but public mobile changed it to 30 days, I don’t think they will change it back to no expiry anytime soon 

the best plan for you is $19 1GB, which is cheaper than those $30 plans.


In hindsight I didn't realize how convenient it was to have been on a Bell 5G 120 GB data plan and never kept track of how much data I was using.  Now with PM I did buy a 1GB data add on that I burned off in only a few days. Using maps GPS and just google searches with watching simple how to do videos does burn through data.



Public mobile stop offering roll over data add ons for a while now.  I doubt that PM will return to offering that feature.  

The personalized plan offers for existing customers  is a new strategy for Public mobile.  Looks like Public mobile is not offering lower price plans for existing customers. Oracles have been letting PM know that this is an unpopular decision for existing customers, that may lead to some switching to other mobile companies. 

The advantage of the $15 plan right now is that you do have many choices for higher price plans. But, you are right that you can't switch back to $15 plan since it is not being offered anymore.  

Mayor / Maire

PM changed data roll-over feature a while ago so as you mentioned data add-on expire after 30 days.
Add-on minutes stay until used so they do roll-over.

Yes, there is a lot of to be desired with PM service. I would like limited minutes and data from the old $15 plan to roll-over (accumulate as we progress through the service year) AND reset to initial plan quota at anniversary. I am sure some folks at old $15 plan would appreciate that.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


Data add-ons used not to have expiry data, you keep it until it’s fully used, but public mobile changed it to 30 days, I don’t think they will change it back to no expiry anytime soon 

the best plan for you is $19 1GB, which is cheaper than those $30 plans.


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