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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just signed up and my data is not working


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If I turn data off and then back on the 3G symbol appears in the top right hand corner for a few seconds then disappears 

HI @ihillman 

from what we see, it is a device problem.   You can try your sim card with some main stream phone to confirm

but as said by @slusagm , if you keep hiding your phone model, we cannot really help, even PM support agent won't be able to help further

the problem is you have to tell us the model and brand for us to help.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

problem is I can’t access the full app settings

only shows under the title personal hotspot

what phone do you have? Android? what brand/model then?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Just data not working

hi @ihillman 

data is a problem with the APN on the phone

what phone do you have?


@ihillman wrote:

I signed up yesterday and my data is not working

How about other services: calls in/out, SMS in/out?

Reply from agent is in your mailbox unless you deleted it by accident.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I signed up yesterday and my data is not working

hi @ihillman 

you did the right thing, sending in ticket.  Yes, sending in ticket is the only way to talk to support.  If the answer is not what you want, reply them again and and ask for escalation. 

or you can also share your question here, maybe we can advise further.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do I access support. I sent in a ticket and received a reply from an agent but it disapeared

Mayor / Maire

@ihillman wrote:

Just signed up and my data is not working

Hi @ihillman 

You can always try to reboot your phone. If that doesn't work, go into your settings and reset the  network settings and then reboot. Still doesn't work, check your APN settings.

Name: Public Mobile
Proxy: Leave blank
Port: Leave blank
Username: Leave blank
Password: Leave blank
Server: Leave blank
MMSC proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 302
MNC: 220
Authentication type: Leave blank
APN type: Leave blank

If you have to reset them to above, once complete, reboot.

Mayor / Maire

calls work?  

what phone do you have?

try Reboot the phone, and Reset Network settings

or you can ask PM to confirm if the account was properly setup.  

Just open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. (For 2FA when login, you might need to use email to receive if you cannot receive the text on the phone.)  Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen       

or message them using this link:



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