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Data stopped working

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am new to Public, signed up for $40 5G at 3G speed, 30 days in early July. Data worked fine up until 4.25G, then stopped working. I logged into my account and it says I have used 4250.8/5120MB. I'm on autopay and plan renews August 1st, but for now data doesn’t work. I have an iPhone 6S.

Any suggestions. Would be appreciated.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The 30 second restart worked! 

Thanks for all the responses. 

In this case, I hadn’t used up all the data (know that for sure only because it took me a few days to get around to the help community).

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Araray wrote:

I am new to Public, signed up for $40 5G at 3G speed, 30 days in early July. Data worked fine up until 4.25G, then stopped working. I logged into my account and it says I have used 4250.8/5120MB. I'm on autopay and plan renews August 1st, but for now data doesn’t work. I have an iPhone 6S.

Any suggestions. Would be appreciated.

Power off phone for 30 seconds or more then power on, hopefully will help.


@Araray wrote:

I am new to Public, signed up for $40 5G at 3G speed, 30 days in early July. Data worked fine up until 4.25G, then stopped working. I logged into my account and it says I have used 4250.8/5120MB. I'm on autopay and plan renews August 1st, but for now data doesn’t work. I have an iPhone 6S.

Any suggestions. Would be appreciated.

So data is still showing in the add-on section of your overview page in the self-serve?  I am not sure if data usage updates in real time or only a couple times a day.  Have you checked to see to make sure you haven't used up all your data and it just hadn't updated when you logged in and checked


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Araray wrote:

I am new to Public, signed up for $40 5G at 3G speed, 30 days in early July. Data worked fine up until 4.25G, then stopped working. I logged into my account and it says I have used 4250.8/5120MB. I'm on autopay and plan renews August 1st, but for now data doesn’t work. I have an iPhone 6S.

Any suggestions. Would be appreciated.

There is also a chance you used it up and the website hasn't updated to reflect it, I'd suggest checking again in a few hours before trying troubleshooting or contacting moderators.

Mayor / Maire

Try the lost phone trick. To report your phone stolen.  Login to your account.  Choose  Plans and Add-ons tab. Then choose  Lost/Stolen Phone  tab.  The choose  Suspend Service  tab.  Logout.  Wait few minutes. Login in and report your phone found.  Reboot your phone. 

If you still have problems then contact a moderator.

Moderator can be reached at

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