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Data not working properly since plan upgrade to 5G

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi! I have an iPhone SE 2nd gen. I've been with PM for several years, and I recently switched my plan from 15GB at 4G to 20GB at 5G. Since this change, I have been having trouble with my Data. Every time I leave my home/wi-fi I am unable to access the data either at all or when it finally connects it's very spotty and slow. I have confirmed I'm in a 5G area for PM. I did troubleshooting, including resetting my phone's network settings, which actually made things worse.  I've searched the community but couldn't find a solution and the system wouldn't let me put in a ticket. I hope I can get some help here. Thanks! 🙂


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I was wondering if you figured this out.  My son said he has not changed any settings.  I looked at his phone and his data is set to LTE.  If you have a physical sim, perhaps remove it and put it back, not sure if that would help or not.  If you want to send a private message to a CS Agent for assistance, here is the link:


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hmmm....Ok thank you! I'll see if there's any settings I can change on my phone.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

My son has an SE 2020 and he is on a 5G plan and says he has not had these issues.  It is just set to LTE.  I hope you can get it working properly.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thank you!!!

Don't give up yet about the speeds or connection issue with data. There are a lot of smart folks here who may have ideas to help resolve it. I too am on a 5G plan but with Telus. Same phone, I was more about the amount of data vs the speed myself. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks! Gah, I didn't realize that when I switched. I was going to downgrade it back to 4G but the price has now increased so I would be getting the same plan (20GB) but it would cost me $5/month to downgrade to 4G. I did reset the network settings and it made it worse, but thank you for the suggestion. 🙂


Mayor / Maire

Hi @sleffer77 

I too own the iPhone SE 2020 and it's not a 5G phone. You may want to go into your network settings and reset them and then reboot. Just know that when you do, you will erase all your saved WiFi passwords. This may help. 

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