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Community Rank Up.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Why is it taking me so long to work up from a 'Great Citizen' to a 'Model Citizen' or something better?

I swear I've done more work on this Community Account than my old one which i lost, and my old one ranked up much faster than this.

My old one didn't even have 10 Solutions and I was already a Model Citizen, now I've started fresh and I'm at 19 here and nothing has bumped up.

I guess my question here is what's my next goal that I need to achieve to finally Rank up? I don't know what more I can possibly do considering I'm the only 'Great Citizen' sitting with the Top 10 Bravoed Authors in The Community and everyone else Is a Mayor or Oracle?

Second Question: the other day I was scrolling through the Authors from 'All Time' and I see the title 'Legend' for some who used to be Active here years ago. What does that mean and how did someone land that because until now I didn't know it existed. 🤔 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

☝️☝️☝️Model Citizen ☝️☝️☝️


Thanks @softech 

I think I'll wait a year or two to absorb as much information as I can before even considering the role/application.

@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

The one I don't see is....  how does one become an Oracle? 


Oracle is not part of this Community rank from the Khoros Atlas software

but you can check this post by Community Manager:

Mayor / Maire

The one I don't see is....  how does one become an Oracle? 

Mayor / Maire

@Priority , you have plenty of experience with activations & helping others in person so keep putting that experience to helping others here in the Community & all will be well. 🙂


no magic.. you just "put your heart out" to help  🙂

@softech , Wow, sounds right! I thought it happened for @Handy1 pretty quickly! 🙂

@softech  Hahahah I’m the wiener by default 😛

@Handy1 wrote:

Not that I’m aware of . I never posted a single reply as a deputy mayor . I had badge one day saying you ranked  up and BAM I was mayor @softech @was quick to notice and congratulated me was in the last couple months 

@Handy1  it happened there was only a  Mayor vacancy and no deputy mayor position, so , you got it  LoL

Serious, this are the details

  • At least 6 months + at least 20 authored solutions:   Deputy Mayor     (time highly probable) (solutions certain)
  • At least 6 months + at least app. 1000 posts: Mayor                 

Both DM and Mayer needs to be 6 months here , only difference is that if you get 20 solutions and less than 1000 post, then you are the DM.   If I remember correctly, you got way over 20 solutions on your first month here, then way over 1000 posts on your 2nd month here.   So, you are the best Rookie here I think 



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

That's why I like to come on at Night time, I'm always awake until 2-3AM helping the Night Owls when it isn't as competitive like during the day. 

Most of you probably notice I'm on like all hours of the night, if I keep it up that way imma become a Legend with no sleep. 🤣


@Priority wrote:

@LitlLdy your at #11, I'm rooting for you to move up even just one Position, you deserve it. 

@Priority , I was higher for 2 months but after getting sick I couldn’t get the energy to do much 😞 Plus there’s several more helpful people on here & that are very fast to respond so I end up posting repeats of what is already said before I am even done typing! 😞 I’m to slow most of the time to be of any help!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@LitlLdy your at #11, I'm rooting for you to move up even just one Position, you deserve it. 

@Handy1 I never doubted you'd be #1, your always so fast and helpful. 

@Chalupa_Batman wrote:

Wait. What did you tell him? Enquiring minds want to know! LOL

@Chalupa_Batman , that he is climbing up in position, keep helping in the Community & his badge will jump up before he realizes it, like it has for some of Us 😃 Or I said something like that! I’m old, I forget how I word things at times! 😂 

Wait. What did you tell him? Enquiring minds want to know! LOL

Not that I’m aware of . I never posted a single reply as a deputy mayor . I had badge one day saying you ranked  up and BAM I was mayor @softech @was quick to notice and congratulated me was in the last couple months 

@Handy1 wrote:

@LitlLdy  Don’t say that loudly . Don’t need a bullseye on my back 😛

@Handy1 , sorry, I got excited 😞 I’ve been watching!

@LitlLdy  Don’t say that loudly . Don’t need a bullseye on my back 😛

Mayor / Maire


Did you not get a double notification? Deputy Mayor followed by Mayor right after?

@Handy1 wrote:

@LitlLdy  and @Priority  i actually skipped deputy mayor somehow .

@Handy1 , I couldn’t remember how many you skipped! Sorry. You are now in #1 position! Woooo!

@LitlLdy  and @Priority  i actually skipped deputy mayor somehow .

Mayor / Maire

@Priority, wait to see where you are come September when community giveback rewards/points are given! 😉 Remember what I told you!

Edit: If I can remember correctly @Handy1  skipped a few !



you have been a good citizen and you are a great one now

You will be a model citzen soon.   🙂

This rank is just some built in settings on Khoros Atlas.  and here is your timeline in your change in ranking according to :

  • Subscribing:                                                    New in town        (certain)
  • 1st post:                                                          Great Neighbour (certain)
  • 1 week + at least approx. 5 posts :                 Good Citizen       (time certain)
  • At least 2 months + at least app. 35 posts :    Great Citizen      (time certain)
  • At least 2 months + at least 70 Bravoes :       Model Citizen      (highly probable)
  • At least 4 months + at least 15 authored solutions :  Town Hero           (time highly probable) (solutions certain)
  • At least 6 months + at least 20 authored solutions:   Deputy Mayor     (time highly probable) (solutions certain)
  • At least 6 months + at least app. 1000 posts: Mayor                 (?)

However from data it doesn't look like it's exactly related to amount of posts/solutions/bravos... I am guessing it might be related to some specific badges or a total amount of badges...?

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