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Charged twice

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi I'm hoping to get a charge refunded that was made twice on my account it was for 32.77. If someone could get in touch with me to get this resolved I would appreciate it


Mayor / Maire


Very likely one of 2 things:

  1. a pending credit card charge which will not settle (completely normal)
  2. a charge which was applied to your public mobile account's available funds (if it was, best to leave it there for use against next renewal - the time to get these refunded likely exceeds the time to your next renewal)

Mayor / Maire

Hi @Rosannemariesmi 

First and foremost I always recommend reaching out to your credit card company first or bank to confirm they are actual charges and not pending. People often mistake those. If your bank does confirm they are double charges, THEN contact a CS Agent via this link


Mayor / Maire

@Rosannemariesmi   If you're sure this isn't a pending charge that will be removed you can contact customer service using this link, just write your message and press send and an agent will reply at your community inbox, envelope icon top right or tap your avatar to check for Messages 

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