01-19-2023 04:52 PM
I have recently realized that I cannot call my doctor office, or receive call from them, on my Public Mobile line. (I do not have their number blocked.) My doctor's office uses Telus' BizConnect, which is even more strange given Telus owns Public.
I call/receive call from them on my work phone (on Rogers) with no issue.
Any suggestions?
01-20-2023 04:50 PM
hi @boywonderto this is a weird one.
Maybe you should open ticket with PM so they can check
A good workaround for now is to download VoIP like Fongo or TextNow, then set Forward on unanswered or Forward on Unavailable to the VoIP number. Then the number would go to Voicemail but your VoIP app will ring. Just make sure you have Mobile data turn on all the time, or you have Wifi
01-20-2023 04:30 PM
Maybe try powering down and restarting your phone? Pull the sim out and restarting phone again? Pop your sim into another phone and see what happens.
01-19-2023 06:06 PM
@boywonderto did you try to put your PM sim in another phone and see if you cam make the call??
01-19-2023 05:57 PM
Have you tried calling them using the full 11-digit and 10-digit dialing? [i.e. including the 1 + (area code)(xxx)-(xxxx), then again without the '1' ]
Give it a shot and let us know.
01-19-2023 05:44 PM
@boywonderto What happens when you call their number? Do you get a busy signal, a fast busy signal or just not even to point of any tone?
01-19-2023 05:08 PM
Try calling your number from your work phone. Also try other Telus/Koodo/Public or even Bell/Virgin/Lucky customers if you know any or have someone at a store or kiosk try to call your number.
01-19-2023 05:05 PM
@boywonderto I agree with @BKNS27 That’s strange here’s link for support if needed
Getting support / submit ticket
Or while your already here and logged in the community
01-19-2023 05:02 PM
If your phone didn’t block the Telus number then it should go through.
I would suggest you contact a CS_Agent to look into it for you. Create a ticket on SIMon Chatbot below or private message on the envelope icon above.