3 weeks ago
I've been trying to get into my account for a couple of days. It keeps posting that there were too many login attempts and to wait 1 hour then try again. After the hour I got the same message and then waited several hours for another try and still got the same message. I then waited till the next day and STILL got the same message on my FIRST attempt. Please help!!!!!
3 weeks ago
@rlorette wrote:I've been trying to get into my account for a couple of days. It keeps posting that there were too many login attempts and to wait 1 hour then try again. After the hour I got the same message and then waited several hours for another try and still got the same message. I then waited till the next day and STILL got the same message on my FIRST attempt. Please help!!!!!
You need to wait 1 hour after lockout but getting the error message after 1 bad attempt is normal after waiting. Ignore the error and try again. You aren't really locked out after one try. It's a mistake by Public Mobile to show the error message. I know because I have done that and it lets you in if you try again with the right password on the next attempt.
3 weeks ago
hi @rlorette
it could be just a browser cache problem. Please try again using Incognito/private/secret mode on your browser to login My Account, or try using the PM app (logoff the app first and log back in)
if same, then submit a ticket with CS Agent using direct message:
Remember CS_agent will reply to your Community inbox within 2 to 4 hours, please check your inbox here:
3 weeks ago
@rlorette and have you tried with new webroswer using incognito mode / private mode or try the app instead ? If so No worries support can help also
you can use the orange chat bubble bottom right of screen or send a private message To CS_Agent
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After submitting ticket keep an eye on your community inbox for their reply , or you can use this link to the community in box