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Canada-US Plan ending?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have just begun the Canada-US Plan which I now hear ended April 9th! Does this mean I will no longer have this plan and have to choose an alternate plan, or is this plan grandfathered for me and others that signed on for the $39/ 60 GB plan?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@hTideGnow - Yes, Virgin was only letting me pay $60 for 70GB at 5G and reduced speeds of 256kbps. At the time they were offering $34 plan but for new activations.

I did sometimes use the free Virgin rewards app (Discounts to stores) but I rarely use it. A couple times when going to the Source and one time to an ice cream shop and once at SportChek.

I would use the $15 bill credit or buy LD minutes with points. At least we are lucky to even have a rewards system that can save money on our phone bill with the credits of 15 points for $15 - there is like 2 or 3 others with a rewards system - PC Mobile and Virgin.

Yes, people who are losing the legacy rewards honestly think that they are paying $2 million then before? At least we aren't paying as much like the big three customers are paying - Rogers, Telus and Bell.

But it does save me money - both on the actual plan and roaming use. Virgin charged me $14/day that it costed me $150 last year for like 4 days in the states.

LoL you should share your experience how OM saves you money even you are on Points. People who loss the legacy rewards like end of world 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Flygirl - Yes, I switched my second number here on November 23rd 2023 and it saved me a lot! Scammy 12GB for $40 for only 15 months then had to pay $50 plus my phone which is $34 which isn't all that bad to keep it.

Next time - I will buy my phone from Apple and possibly finance it with Apple.

hi @Flygirl you don't change to another plan, this Canada US plan will be with you 

if you change to another plan, then you cannot change it back to this one.  You can I ku change to another plan they offer at that time 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Wonderful news, thanks for taking the time to reply! Can't believe I stayed with FIDO for so long with pricy plans that didn't work for me! No customer loyalty at all there!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Flygirl - You will keep the Canada - USA plan and it's data allotment as long as you don't change plans or cancel service / port out of PM.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks! What do you mean by "as long as you don't change plane?" Do you mean plan?

Mayor / Maire

hi @Flygirl if you have it already, it will grandfather with you.  So, as long as you don't change plane, you will get to keep this plan

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