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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

how long does it take to get a response from customer service im trying to access my account information but i cant because my number is linked to another email and i dont have access to that email. ive sent an email 3 days ago and still havent heard back..................


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Please reach out to customer service using the link I posted below. They will be able to help you. Keep an eye on the inbox here on the community. In my experience they have always gotten back to me fairly quickly. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i tried linking my number on this account but it says my number is already linked to another account so im stuck 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i tried resetting my email using my number but i cant see the email if i dont know where the link is being sent too so i dont have access to the email and i dont understand how that even happened 

Mayor / Maire

My experience using the link below, I get a response within a few hours. If you haven't heard from them using the link below within 24 hours, send another one. 

Just to confirm, when you try signing into your account, are you able to use the old email address and password? 

Mayor / Maire

hi @zakaria3 around 2 hours usually, but true that weekend can be longer 

Message agent again if waited too long

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Sorry to hear you are having issues.
The below link will allow you to private message a customer support agent directly in order to get support. Give them as much information as you can to prove that the account is yours. They will be able to assist.

Keep an eye on your mailbox here as that is where your reply will come in (envelope icon if on desktop, click the profile picture and then select messages from the drop down if on mobile).

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