09:50 AM
- last edited on
03:24 PM
Why does my bill say 61$ owing when I was on a plan for a promotional deal that was the 55$ a month plan but only 30 dollars cause of the promotion and it was supposed to last year at 30 dollars but now it wants me to pay 61$...public mobile has been getting pretty ridiculous it's almost time to switch and just use my starlink from now on if I'm going to have to pay so much...why I even bother doing these stupid promotions when they don't ever work for as long as promoted...I want my 30 dollar 20 gig promotional deal I was getting for the last 4 months
05-14-2023 05:12 PM
03-27-2023 11:09 AM
@Obereth069 wrote:I don't do automatic renew cause I have too many problems with billing too much...and I never paid yesterday cause I was busy so I'm paying today and this happens.
Hi @Obereth069
the blind spot here is you have to make a payment to get the $20 credit. Many discount payment system is like that. Before you pay , you see the full bill, after you completed the transaction, you will see the discount applied. This is the case
And is this the first month you disabled Autopay and tried manual payment? Maybe that's why you never notice that problem before (autopay deal with all those troubles)
Why not pay the full bill ($55) first and you will see the $20 added to your account. Then next month, you will only need to pay $35 because of the $20 credit you got. This will be like that from there the, the $20 will keep adding to your account in every renewal
03-27-2023 10:57 AM
@Obereth069 wrote:I don't know what ur talking about I'm seeing up to date stuff...
@Obereth069 did you use Incognito mode? If not, you might be reading old cached stuff due to cahce issue with the site
If you are still confussed, you might want to open ticket with PM support using direct message if you cannot get via Chatbot
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply to you there
03-27-2023 10:55 AM
I don't know what ur talking about I'm seeing up to date stuff...
03-27-2023 10:55 AM - edited 03-27-2023 10:55 AM
@Obereth069 wrote:I don't do automatic renew cause I have too many problems with billing too much...and I never paid yesterday cause I was busy so I'm paying today and this happens.
@Obereth069 that could cause problem. How you paid last month? you loaded only $35 or $55?
But if you login to My Account using Incognito mode, you could see a $20 credit there as it should it to your account on March 26th anyway, regardeless you paid or not. So, please using Incognito mode
If you already use Incognito mode and see $0 available fund, you might need to load $55 into My Account and to trigger the $20 credit. Again, with the $20 credit in the account, you would have overpaid for this month, but it will stay there for your next renewal
03-27-2023 10:52 AM
@Obereth069 what you see was not the correct info
Please login to My Account again using Incognito mode. The page has poor cache management and you need to use Incognito mode to get the correct info
The reason you see $61 is that PM ONLY apply the $20 during renewal. Before the renewal date, the $20 is not there so it will show you the full price $55+tax. When renewal time comes, it will give you $20 and you only pay $35 + tax
And again, what you are seeing or showing us was an old cached page. Please login My Account again using Incognito mode and you will see something different. You will see on your Payment history another transaction on March 26 and it will show you the $20 was applied to you on March 26
03-27-2023 10:52 AM
I don't do automatic renew cause I have too many problems with billing too much...and I never paid yesterday cause I was busy so I'm paying today and this happens.
03-27-2023 10:49 AM
I shouldn't have to pay the 61 dollars and then get credited that doesn't make sense...it should say the promotion credit when I go to pay but it doesn't and wants 61 dollars lol
03-27-2023 10:44 AM
HI @Obereth069 I think @softech was correct about the date. Look like the screenshot you provided was not updated
Use Incognito/Private/Secret browser mode to login My Account again and you should see the transaction on March 26 , which mean you have paid already, not an "Upcoming bill"
or check your credit card, you should see how much they posted on CC. But keep you mind, you might see 2 charges, one pending and only one is real charge
03-27-2023 10:40 AM
That chat bot is the worst
03-27-2023 10:38 AM - edited 03-27-2023 10:40 AM
HI @Obereth069 They apply the $20 credit on your renewal day, not earlier. That's why the March 17 $20 was wrong and they have to cancel that.
If you wait till renewal, you will see the $20 credit and you will be paying $55- $20
03-27-2023 10:34 AM - edited 03-27-2023 10:35 AM
@Obereth069 wrote:
Once second. Today is March 27, why the payment due date is Mar 26?
you are reading cached old info.
Please login My Account again using Incognito mode.
Also, Look like they are giving you the $20 credit during the renewal process. So, once you login using Incognito mode, you should see a $20 credit given to you on March 26 and you should be just paying $35 + tax after they give you the $20
03-27-2023 10:28 AM
Yes I was paying 35 a month I know...but it was supposed t
03-27-2023 10:28 AM
@Obereth069 did you join PM with a new activation on the $55 promotion? or you were existing members change to the $55 plan?
What happens here was that PM did give you the $20 credit on Mar 02 but reverse it back on the same day. So, you will need to open ticket with PM support and confirm what's wrong
I am pretty sure the $55 plan with $20 promotion was opened to existing member in the end, but it was a bit of confusion at that time.
So open ticket with PM support and ask them why they reverse the $20 credit, please let us know what the support says
1. Please open ticket via Chatbot (need access to My Account): At https://publicmobile.ca/chatbot.
Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗"
2. If you have trouble with Chatbot or you don't have access to My Account: Private message CS Agent at:
**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply to you there
03-27-2023 10:25 AM
03-27-2023 10:24 AM
03-27-2023 10:23 AM
03-27-2023 10:13 AM
HI @Obereth069
your bill is $55, even without the $20 promotion, you shouldn't be paying $61, unless it is a typo or you added tax. Can you post us what you see on your My Account?
03-27-2023 09:54 AM - edited 03-27-2023 10:00 AM
@Obereth069 is this a first renewal after you changed to $55 plan? (I assume not??)
First, login to My Account again using incognito mode and check if you have any amount on Available Fund. If you are on this promotion for some time, while the plan charge is still showing full $55, you should see a $20 credit added back to you at available fund after every renewal. So, with a $20 credit, you are in reality just paying $35 (+tax) for every renewal
If possible, can you provide us the screenshot of the amount due break down at Payment page's My Upcoming Bill: https://selfserve.publicmobile.ca/en/account/my-payment
Also, provide us a screenshot of the last one or two renewals (would be couple lines for each renewal) so we can see if PM was charging you correctly all along