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Auto-pay on October 23rd, Number ported out on October 23rd

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


My auto-pay plan charges on October 23 and was charged, but I ported my number out to a different carrier on October 23 as well.

Assuming I'll see a pro-rated refund to my credit card in the next month? If not, who can I follow up with?


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Nope, no luck; the price you pay for looking for a good deal.

Never setting foot in the PM camp again, that's for sure.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Will give that a go; if that really is the case, never coming back to Public Mobile.

At least another number I ported out from Koodo gave a pro-rated refund.

Mayor / Maire

No, you will not see any pro-rated charge back from PM.

PM is pre-paid and once they get your money that's it.

They process renewals in wee hours so you were late to port out - cancel your service even it was the same day.

Now even your account is cancelled since number is ported out.

It will not hurt to ask agent for refund as they cannot issue credit since account is closed. But do not hold your breath.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

As PM is pre-pay, if your this period start October 23 and it’s charged before you port it out, I don’t think you can get refund, but you also can email agent to make sure , good luck 

Mayor / Maire



Your plan would have to be active to be ported out. Renewals are in eastern time so the funds would have been taken out in the early morning hours of the 23rd. 

Edit: This is prepaid. There are no refunds or prorated refunds.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
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