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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I have an account set up under my name, but for my son’s phone. I have set my phone to be a trusted device, however, every time I try to log in I am asked to confirm identity by the code that is sent to his phone number. How do I get the code sent to my number, or get the trusted device bit to actually work?

Any help would be appreciated. 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Linner - Go to here and enter your phone number so the 2FA code will always be sent to your phone number instead of your sons (His service will not be affected)

Mayor / Maire

@Linner  there should be an option to send it to email instead. You can click on it to have the code sent there. 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Linner 

for trusted device to actually work, you need to use a browser that does not clear cache on exit.  It could be a setting you can change

I notice better to use the app for me

for the 2FA code, you can change the phone number.  After login, to go Profile, Manage EverSafe ID, and update the phone number to yours.  But the phone number cannot be currently used for another EverSafe login

another choice is to use email.  You can click Didn't receive code, then click Send email

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