07-15-2017 12:13 PM - edited 01-04-2022 02:21 PM
The changes announced yesterday and the ridiculous price increases are a craptastic disgrace to the company and a betrayal of the community that supports it. There is no longer a reason to support this company--Public, you were supposed to be a disruptor of the mobile industry, and not another 3rd rate lackey. I am utterly disappointed because I believed in the business model and the community approach. The fact that they were presented with a bait and switch press strategy touting the "benefits" of 3G is also disgraceful.
Given that Public has relied on the free labour and engagement of its Public Community, I would like to request public comment from @Jeremy_M on two simple questions:
-Are the price increases at the behest of Telus?
-How do the price increases comport with a vision of Public Mobile as a full service mobile competitor that competes on price (i.e. The business model that we have all invested in)?
Why should I endure this company's growing pains so I can be a part of a Chatr-like third-rate service?
07-16-2017 08:19 PM
07-16-2017 07:51 PM - edited 07-16-2017 07:52 PM
I am not from a technical perspective.
I just mean the top secret tower sharing agreement should have some policy to balance both parties' interest.
Bell cannot let Telus take all it's customer while still sharing resources to Telus.
Let's say if one day Telus decided to have a massive promotion aiming Bell's customer in Ontario, $1 per month for 100GB!!
The tower sharing agreement must somehow prohibited this kind of activity.
Telus is going to pay a penalty to keep the balance right.
07-16-2017 06:24 PM
07-16-2017 05:31 PM
07-16-2017 04:16 PM
@echf wrote:(speculation. no evidences!)
I think this new price is not Telus's call alone. Bell may have push the price increase at the back.
Public Mobile start disrupting the balance between the BIG 3.
The top secret tower sharing plan for sure (99%) is controlling a balance between Telus and Bell. In order to keep the balance right, PM's expansion has to come to a stop. Especially Bell may be very angry about the new PM massive marketing marketing campaign.
DING! Bell put pressure on Telus -> PM immediately kill itself by rise the price
(speculation. no evidences!)
@echf Seems about right to me too even if Bell is not involved. Perhaps @Jeremy_M and the team actually salvaged PM's low end by convincing Telus to try out the capped LTE plans.
07-16-2017 03:48 PM
@sheytoon wrote:
Where did you get the information that there is some sort of priority on the network that prefers Telus users to Koodo or PM? Can you elaborate on where this prioritization occurs? In the RAN or core? Do you have evidence you can share?
I can't answer that, as I can't remember where I heard it, either at RFD or HowardForums. Wasn't here tho, IIRC. From what I do recall, it would be RAN. So it wouldn't affect everyone, perhaps just people at over-saturated locations (such as a sporting event, or concert). To me, reading about it, it made perfect sense, and it didn't seem at that time, it would be a massive concern to most users.
Now someone just suggested that perhaps Bell is pressuring Telus. Not into conspiracy theories, but it seems like a legitimate concern.
07-16-2017 12:20 PM - edited 07-16-2017 12:26 PM
(speculation. no evidences!)
I think this new price is not Telus's call alone. Bell may have push the price increase at the back.
Public Mobile start disrupting the balance between the BIG 3.
The top secret tower sharing plan for sure (99%) is controlling a balance between Telus and Bell. In order to keep the balance right, PM's expansion has to come to a stop. Especially Bell may be very angry about the new PM massive marketing marketing campaign.
DING! Bell put pressure on Telus -> PM immediately kill itself by rise the price
(speculation. no evidences!)
07-16-2017 08:58 AM - edited 07-16-2017 09:00 AM
Alek is a former Bell and Rogers executive. He never intended for the original (independent) PM to be a viable long term competitor. He built a dirt-cheap CDMA network with ZTE, had limited coverage on an obscure spectrum with almost zero phone support. Then he sold the company as soon as he could to Telus and made a nice profit, along with his investors.
Now PM is a fully owned subsidiary of Telus, and Telus calls all the shots.
Where did you get the information that there is some sort of priority on the network that prefers Telus users to Koodo or PM? Can you elaborate on where this prioritization occurs? In the RAN or core? Do you have evidence you can share?
07-15-2017 11:28 PM
@Luddite wrote:
The kicker is data. LTE prices have jumped everywhere except Freedom. Oligarchies are not pretty when it comes to pricing! 👺
Ironically, for some, it might be better to go get the new Freedom $55 3GB LTE Canada-Wide plan and select Telus as the preferred network on their phone, as it doesn't matter if you select Home or Away. Just don't go over...
I'll give it to August and plans will be changed again. Of course, for us ex-Freedom users, the plan we got probably is the best plan anywhere. No more roaming either....sweet.
07-15-2017 10:19 PM
@doctorbe wrote:I'm on the middle one, I joined in January, I pay $135, or $45 a month not including discounts. So from $45 to $65 is a 44% increase. And they tried to sell it like they were doing us all a favour--remember we are "the PUblic Mobile community" under their branding-- that's the worst part. I thought this company was different than the others but it's clear now that I was mistaken.
Your plan isn't changing unless you change it yourself. This is for new customers
07-15-2017 10:09 PM
What I don't understand is that Public Mobile 3G is actually pretty fast, if you have the LTE plan. (just did a speedtest without LTE and got 17.5Mbps, vs about 100Mbps LTE).
Hopefully all of us that are satified with our current plans (which I am) don't see any changes any time soon.
To the telco's, is it really that hard to provide decent prices for cellular to Canadians? Obviously it isn't, as PM has shown, but it seems that eventually greed gets in the way.
07-15-2017 08:56 PM - edited 07-15-2017 09:02 PM
I'm on the middle one, I joined in January, I pay $135, or $45 a month not including discounts. So from $45 to $65 is a 44% increase. And they tried to sell it like they were doing us all a favour--remember we are "the PUblic Mobile community" under their branding-- that's the worst part. I thought this company was different than the others but it's clear now that I was mistaken.
07-15-2017 08:47 PM
Alternativley, these are the 90 day plans
Unlimited Canada-wide talk, global text and 3 GB of LTE data is $165/90 days [$55/month].
Unlimited Canada-wide talk, global text and 6 GB of LTE data is $195/90 days [$65/month].
Unlimited Canada-wide talk, global text and 12 GB of LTE data is $240/90 days [$80/month].
07-15-2017 08:35 PM - edited 07-15-2017 10:29 PM
And those guys all have phones and support and roaming that works and a website that doesn't suck. It's a craptastic disgrace.
So disappointed PM, and looking forward to your response @Jeremy_M
edit: and wifi calling.
07-15-2017 07:47 PM - edited 07-15-2017 07:48 PM
I've decided to do a phone plan price comparison given all the upproar and feedback everyone has been showing. Im trying to keep everything related in some way (Canada Wide Calling, Texting, and 3GB over 30 days. We will use 2GB for PM just because. Please note this is Ontario based prices for comparison, may be different depending on your area.
Fido with fido roam and spotify is currently $65 for 3GB of data
Virgin Mobiles 3GB plan
I decided to do this as a comparisson to the smaller 3 players. I'd assume the real Big 3 prices will be somewhat more expensive, but in Ontario these are what prices are currently looking like
EDIT: The PM Price is currently $70 for the above image
07-15-2017 07:03 PM
@jeffster1970 wrote:I'm going to put it out there, though I could be wrong.
Public Mobile is an MVNO. It's not likely that they have an actual CEO, or really anything.
I am guess they have a fairly small staff running the entire thing, which runs on the Telus network.
I am thinking too that the Freedom promo pulled in more than enough new customers that at this point, they risk having some network congestion because of that. Remember when it comes to who gets what, it's Telus>Koodo>Public Mobile.
I am hoping, after coming from Freedom, that they're not planning on a bait and switch. But I imagine if they tried, there would be some headaches that might not be worth it in the end, and likely Rogers/Fido/Chatr would step in to play mop-up duties.
You keep hoping that at some point that our 3 (4 if you include Shaw) major carriers would come up with really good plans, but I really don't see it happening.
Public Mobile is a division of Telus. They use the same network, so there's no concern that a tiny promo would congest the network.
07-15-2017 06:49 PM - edited 07-16-2017 04:10 PM
I think the Freedom promo was an effort to suck FM dry knowing that a major price increase was in the works. It also limited the low price to a smaller number.
Current pricing up to 2 GB/30 days is actually still slightly lower than everyone else. At least based on my meanderings. PM does still offer the best deal for unlimited calling, and unlimited calling/texting plus the flexibility for even lower if you go provincial only.
The kicker is data. LTE prices have jumped everywhere except Freedom. Oligarchies are not pretty when it comes to pricing! 👺
07-15-2017 05:08 PM
I'm going to put it out there, though I could be wrong.
Public Mobile is an MVNO. It's not likely that they have an actual CEO, or really anything.
I am guess they have a fairly small staff running the entire thing, which runs on the Telus network.
I am thinking too that the Freedom promo pulled in more than enough new customers that at this point, they risk having some network congestion because of that. Remember when it comes to who gets what, it's Telus>Koodo>Public Mobile.
I am hoping, after coming from Freedom, that they're not planning on a bait and switch. But I imagine if they tried, there would be some headaches that might not be worth it in the end, and likely Rogers/Fido/Chatr would step in to play mop-up duties.
You keep hoping that at some point that our 3 (4 if you include Shaw) major carriers would come up with really good plans, but I really don't see it happening.
07-15-2017 05:00 PM - edited 07-15-2017 11:56 PM
It's pretty clear that community users, customers, and potential customers are pretty unhappy about the plan changes. But what would you expect the upper management at Public Mobile to say?
Anything is just going to be some textbook forward looking statement that says nothing. It'll be something such as "Thank you for your feedback. We are constantly evaluating our prices and services offerings and will continue to offer great value and choice for customers". That is not an actual quote but you'd only get a statement such as that which really says nothing.
Plus, Public already knows customers are unhappy. Anyhthing that they say can quickly be interpretted as them just arguing with the customers which wouldn't accomplish anything.
Even then, for all we know, these plans changes could be a way of winding things down, although no one at the company would ever admit to that. Telus would much rather have customers on the more mainstream brands, and postpaid at that.
For now, things for existing customers are fine. But at any time, espeicially if there is ever any announcement about any possible price increase for current customers, anyone can can just switch carriers if unhappy. I think that part of what is making customers upset about these plan changes results from the new plans being so similar to Chatr, that the element of consumer choice is being greatly reduced.
07-15-2017 04:23 PM
07-15-2017 04:12 PM
07-15-2017 03:51 PM
07-15-2017 03:48 PM - edited 07-15-2017 03:49 PM
@shawnie_boy, no carrier has the right to just change your plan. What they CAN do is stop offering your current plan and switch you to one of their current plans, but they would have to give you at least 30 days advance notice. Therefore, you still have a buffer window of 30 days to consider your options.
07-15-2017 03:44 PM
07-15-2017 03:36 PM
It doesn't make sense to me PM would have the 4gb $38 promo and get so many people over and then change everything about their company. This is very strange. @CS_Agent what are the rules about plan changes. Will PM force previous customers to ever change their plan?
07-15-2017 01:40 PM
07-15-2017 01:14 PM
@doctorbe wrote:A craptastic disgrace
😉 One could not say better. I'm now only staying with PM on one foot,
with the other one ready to embark on more realistic options.
That was a "brilliant" way for PM to commit a suicide 😉
07-15-2017 12:59 PM
07-15-2017 12:41 PM
@zhadj030 wrote:No need to create any new topics to bash the new rates.
Here join the train in this topic :
For your questions no need for them to tell you that:
-Are the price increases at the behest of Telus?
What do you think ? Who owns PM? And who shares infrastructure with Telus ?
It is logical,
-How do the price increases comport with a vision of Public Mobile as a full service mobile competitor that competes on price (i.e. The business model that we have all invested in)?
Most likely that model either died, not cared for or just not interesting for Bellus at this point for generating an even greater profit, it is only used when compititors are having good promos to counter.
Or simply that Telus don't want anymore new subscribers at the moment as they may feel that they gained too many people then anticipated from their members or friends (Bell and co)
You must be joking that Telus doesn't want any more customers. Sure they do, but they want customers paying high prices for 3G data at speeds that were considered acceptable 5 years ago.
@doctorbe, you totally hit the spot with your dissertation. I am really thinking that the experiment is coming to a close. We will probably be blended with Koodo so that Telus can run their edition of chatr. RIP Public Mobile.
07-15-2017 12:22 PM - edited 07-15-2017 05:28 PM
No need to create any new topics to bash the new rates.
Here join the train in this topic :
For your questions no need for them to tell you that:
-Are the price increases at the behest of Telus?
What do you think ? Who owns PM? And who shares infrastructure with Telus ?
It is logical,
-How do the price increases comport with a vision of Public Mobile as a full service mobile competitor that competes on price (i.e. The business model that we have all invested in)?
Most likely that model either died, not cared for or just not interesting for Bellus at this point for generating an even greater profit, it is only used when compititors are having good promos to counter.
Or simply that Telus don't want anymore new subscribers at the moment WITH THE GREAT RELATIVELY LOW RATE as they may feel that they gained too many people then anticipated from their members or friends (Bell and co)
Edit : what is in Caps, believe me I am not screaming (That was my meaning @will13am)