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5G vs LTE

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am planning to switch from FIDO to PM.   Is there any speed differences between 5G and LTE?   Is the coverage better then FIDO?


Mayor / Maire

hi @rahulr 

I guess you have a 5G compatible phone?? 

4G plans give you max of 100Mbps while 5G plans give you max of 250Mpbs

Mayor / Maire

@rahulr   I have a 5G plan with my phone set on 5G auto so it switches between 5G and LTE depending on signal wherever I am and what I am doing.  This afternoon I did a speed test and got 158Mbps download on LTE, so with a 5G plan the LTE is still faster than PMs advertised speed for 4G plans.   Differences in coverage would depend where you are so that's a difficult one for us to answer. 

Mayor / Maire

@rahulr Coverage will be good so long as your have Telus and bell towers around you Fido runs off Roger’s towers . For 5G vrs 4G/LTE 5G service plan is faster then 4G plan but even with 5G plan and phone set to LTE you will still get faster speeds  of a 4G plan (100mbs )

Mayor / Maire

I believe 5G is generally faster then LTE, LTE is generally 4G speeds. I’m not sure about the coverage for Fido, you would have to check their coverage map for your area.

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