05:46 PM
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11:07 PM
I recently upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy A34, which I'm led to understand is compatible with Public Mobile's 5G network. I was keen to switch to a 5G plan on Public Mobile once they became available, but after I did, my phone won't connect to one. It still only connects to LTE+.
I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, close to downtown, well within Public Mobile's claimed 5G coverage. My phone is compatible with one of the two 5G bands Public/Telus uses (n78 3500). I made sure to turn 5G on in my phone's settings. I even turned off my phone, pulled out my SIM card, and put it back, in the hopes it would find the network.
What else can I do? Does the 5G network in Halifax not use the n78 band? Do I have to do something else? Is the network being turned on soon, such that they can advertise its coverage? Should I not have been so **bleep** cheap and gotten the Galaxy A54?
08-17-2023 11:56 PM
Well, it would be Bell doing the rolling out in Halifax, not PM or Telus.
08-17-2023 11:36 PM
it doesn't look like there's much 5g in Halifax yet
08-16-2023 08:09 PM
Okay, so I'm guessing these settings are just as they are because there's no 5G source nearby. Hopefully between everything that's been done so far, it will find one at some point. I'll probably suddenly notice it in a few months once Public finishes rolling it out to my city.
08-16-2023 07:54 PM
Restrict DCNR = 0 means your plan is allowed to use 5G. There is nothing else to provision from PM.
08-16-2023 06:35 PM
I brught up my advanced info on the LTE Discovery app. Some of the values I've noticed are "isDcNrRestricted=true" and "isNrAvailable = false"
I also see in *#0011# "UpLayerInd: 1" where I presume "1" means "TRUE," as well as "RestrictDCNR: 0" The NR info above are all dashes, which so far as I know, means there is no data.
These, as far as I know, are carrier-side settings, so I would need to have Public Mobile enable them. Maybe they just haven't done that yet, since I only switched to my 5G plan four days ago.
Having said that, I ran a speed test, and got over 200Mbps and 30Mbps, which is even faster than my wifi, so evidently Public is at least giving me ludicrously fast data. My phone just doesn't think it's 5G, which I'm finding increasingly easy to live with.
08-15-2023 11:01 PM
Thanks for reminding me to check this thread again. It looks like someone bought a new SIM card, and that made the 5G work. That was something I had considered early on, but was assured by several people that a new SIM wasn't necessary. I'll probably pick one up from the Telus store sometime soon.
08-15-2023 06:04 PM
@SlickToxic 90GB $117 90 day 4G services
08-15-2023 06:00 PM
@JMarshall-CA serving PLMN will show LTE for 4G or 5G NSA. You'll need to see the values for DCNR_restriction and upperlayer_ind_r15.
08-15-2023 04:23 PM
I went into my phone's network settings using *#0011#. Here's what it found:
I notice, on the fourth line, it describes Public Mobile as an "LTE" carrier. Is that correct? Is it supposed to display 5G if I have a 5G plan, or does it display "LTE" all the time?
08-15-2023 04:02 PM
What plan do you have of 90 gigs?
08-15-2023 03:10 PM
Why would I "brag" that I got the cheapest 5G phone I could find? I'm trying to figure out why Public Mobile doesn't seem to be giving me what I'm paying for.
08-15-2023 02:37 PM
You happy or bragging?
08-15-2023 02:14 PM
@SlickToxic I have faith in the service . But your right about 90 day data run out I have less then 5Gb left until sept 28 check it out . I’m scheduled to go to the 150GB 90 days instead next renewal
08-15-2023 01:56 PM
All the high speed data might be used in 90 days? Then 2 months of 512kbs? This unlimited will be same or even slower with 4GLTE or wireless modem?
Reconsidering monthly not 90 days. Money saved may be not worth headaches especially winter.
These plans for all of Canada?
08-15-2023 01:48 PM
What we getting and learning first. 90 days long time if service not up to par
Good prices but concerns of support lacking here.
Public is Telus network service. Same quality?
08-15-2023 12:36 PM
Does it take a few days for Public to actually enable my phone to connect to 5G? I've done the usual things like reset the network settings, take the SIM out, and asked a CSR to reset the settings for me. But I've downloaded a few apps to give me more info, and it says Public Mobile is an "LTE" carrier; no mention of 5G. Either my phone doesn't know about PM's 5G, or some other tomfoolery is afoot.
Not that I'm all that bothered about it. From the sounds of it, 5G only seems to work if you're standing outside, on top of a hill, and the transmitter is more-or-less beside you. It sounds like I'll get more use out of the bumped-up speed and enormous data allowance.
08-14-2023 11:04 PM
@SlickToxic are you asking if a phone bought from Rogers will work on PM? The answer is yes.
If the PM plan is "5G speed", it can go as fast as 250 Mbps.
SIM can be used in any device, including wireless modem as long as it has the correct frequency bands.
Throttled 5G speeds are 512 kbps. I don't think it'll work well for video chats... Maybe low quality videos with lots of buffering. It's not meant for videos, it's meant for text and some pictures or OTT voice calls (Whatsapp).
08-14-2023 03:49 PM
What possibilités of faster speeds with a Rogers 4GLTE phone on a Public 5 G plan? Will the network throttle lessen with improved speeds?
Are unlimited speeds of 512kbs useable for video chat or low quality/sd video?
08-14-2023 03:00 PM - edited 08-14-2023 03:05 PM
This what looking for!
So a 5G plan with a Rogers 4G plan might have faster than 100mbps?
Can Public Sim be used in wirelessmodem?
Unlimited speeds are mentioned but fast enough for video chat or low qualty videos?
Computergeek and Sheytoon Thank You
08-14-2023 07:18 AM
So the radio network is provided by Bell in Halifax. There is n78 there, I believe it's a 90 MHz channel. It'll typically use LTE B2 or B7 as an anchor band. You can see what your phone is using by dialing *#0011# on a Samsung.
Keep in mind all plans have access to 5G, the only difference is your speed limit will change depending on your plan. You can stay on a "3G speed" or "4G speed" plan and still get 5G, but your speeds will be 3 Mbps and 100 Mbps respectively.
08-13-2023 10:42 PM
@MetaMorpheusMob wrote:1Subscription plans with 3G speed may reach download speeds of up to 3 Mbps, subscription plans with 4G speed may reach download speeds of up to 100 Mbps and subscription plans with 5G speed may reach download speeds of up to 250 Mbps. To access 5G network speeds, ensure you have a compatible phone, your phone’s software is up-to-date, and you are connected to the Public Mobile 5G network where available.
Unforttunately, Public Mobile itself providing incorrect information. A connection to the 5G network is absoliutely not required to achive the full 250Mbps 5G plan speeds.
08-13-2023 07:13 PM
I'm using a website called Kimovil that shows which networks phones are compatible with in different countries. It says that my phone is compatible with one of the two bands Public uses, and your model of iPhone is compatible with both. Is the n78 3500MHz band not enabled in Halifax? I know the Telus network has it, because it's listed on their website, and I can't imagine Public doesn't also use that network.
08-13-2023 06:54 PM
I didn't try resetting the settings this way. I just did, and it hasn't seemed to do anything. It still says LTE+.
I did try removing my SIM earlier, but I didn't leave it out of the phone for five or more minutes; just around a minute or so. The phone seems to switch between LTE and LTE+ while I'm home; I'm wondering if being indoors affects the network.
08-13-2023 06:48 PM - edited 08-13-2023 06:53 PM
have you reset your network settings yet?
1. Open Settings>General Management>Reset
2. Tap Reset Network Settings>Tap Reset Settings
If prompted enter your pin, passcode
3. Tap Reset Settings 1 more time to confirm
4. Restart
you may as well remove and reinsert the sim while you're at it. remove the sim for 5 min and then reinstall
if none of these troubleshooting tips work you can ask customer support to reset the network on their end
as good as these 5g plans are, I'm still a believer of purchasing a data plan suited to ones needs. even though I'm on the 4g/20gb plan I still have access to the 5g network at 100mbps. and lte isn't throttled.
08-13-2023 06:37 PM
@JMarshall-CA Im on iPhone 14 pro max 4G plan at the moment and can still get 5G network check out my pic on 5G but 4G plan
I’m actually going next renewal for the 150GB $150 90 day
08-13-2023 06:34 PM
What phone do you have that shows it's getting 5G on Public's network?
08-13-2023 06:34 PM
@JMarshall-CA Only certain plans have it as option . I’m assuming you’re on the 30GB for $45 30 day ? If so there’s no option for 90 day with that plan . But there’s a 50GB plan for $55 30 day or if you opt in for 90 day it’s $150 for 150GB 90 days
08-13-2023 06:32 PM
@MetaMorpheusMob wrote:You Got It! 👍
What Plan are you on? 30 or 90 day?
I'm on the 30-day plan. I wasn't aware there was a 90-day plan, or how to switch to it. That might be worthwhile, though.
08-13-2023 06:25 PM
@JMarshall-CA 👍🏻 then you’re all good . And 5G plans are up to 250mb and 4G plan is up to 100mb . So you certainly getting 5G speeds
08-13-2023 06:22 PM
I just did a speed test, and got 185Mbps up and 30Mbps down.