05-30-2023 11:26 AM - edited 05-30-2023 11:41 AM
In 2021 I created two account for 2 teenagers with their own e-mails. The 2 accounts are being charge on my credit card since then. The 2 teenagers in question no longer live with me since august 2022. So, I would like to stop getting charge for that. Can you help me with this. Thank you!
05-30-2023 11:35 AM
just a headzup...customer has a couple of ways to do this themselves. No need to start conversation with CSA...as you know, they're super busy these days.
Thanks for your help, as always.
05-30-2023 11:31 AM - edited 05-30-2023 11:33 AM
if you created both accounts, just log in to each one and disable Autopay. Let them deal with it from then on.
05-30-2023 11:30 AM
@thibe1988- Since this is a public forum, you should remove/edit out any private information from your post (phone numbers).
05-30-2023 11:29 AM - edited 05-30-2023 11:37 AM
quiekst way for both phone. CAll 1-855-4PUBLIC, enter the phone number and stop autopay there. But you can only do so if you know the 4 digits code
if you don't mind them to just loss the service. You can also just call your credit card and reverse the charges. But both kids would loss the service immediately. But this is the esaiest way
05-30-2023 11:28 AM
@thibe1988 you are posting to a public forum...
05-30-2023 11:28 AM
@thibe1988 if your know the PIN numbers for the accounts you can 611 and disable auto pay , or get support to help