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We’re expanding our Oracle team!

Customer Support Agent

Hey Community,


We have some exciting news to share - we're looking to grow our Oracle program!


As Public Mobile continues to grow and expand, we're hoping to do the same with our Oracle program; not only are we looking for new and exciting opportunities for Oracles to get more involved with the Community and with Public Mobile, we are also looking to expand our Oracle team. 


We're looking to add passionate, knowledgeable Oracles to the team, and we would especially love to add diversity and representation from those that are bilingual French speakers, so we can better support our Community. 


The Oracle program is designed to recognize our most active and helpful Community members who are passionate and knowledgeable about all things Public Mobile, enjoy helping others, and are interested in providing feedback & participating in ideation with Public Mobile.


This time around, we'll be trying something new and will be using an application process to allow all who are interested to apply should you meet the criteria below:


Who we're looking for:

  • Friendly, welcoming, positive individuals that want to make the Community a better place & help others
  • An active member of the Community for the past 12 months (you should be a top 25% contributor or higher for roughly 9 of the last 12 months)
  • Someone who is able to take on a minimum commitment of 1 year to the Oracle program
  • Individuals who want to be representatives of the Public Mobile Community, and who maintain and uphold our Community guidelines

Our expectations of Oracles:

Oracles are expected to be an active, involved member of the Community, and will be responsible for:

  • Providing Community support such as answering questions and helping other members
  • Maintaining the Community by keeping it organized
  • Providing feedback & participating in beta testing and research sessions with Public Mobile 

What’s in it for you:

  • Being the first to know about official Public Mobile news
  • Sneak-peeks at new Public Mobile projects and initiatives
  • Opportunities to provide feedback and weigh in on upcoming Public Mobile projects
  • Events with the Public Mobile team
  • Occasional Public Mobile swag
  • Oracle Community badge 
  • Unique Community privileges 
  • And last, but not least, a $20 Community Reward every 30 days!


Does the above sound like something you'd be interested in? If so, we'd love to hear from you via our application form here; please apply by Thursday December 3rd. We will be reaching out to the successful candidates later in the month to chat about next steps! 


- Public Mobile Community Team

227 REPLIES 227

@RosieR  Just reading the application. For now at least....I only skimmed through it when it was first posted.

@Jb456 wrote:

Well this is no fun. First the application is not really mobile user friendly (have to rotate) and now I can't select more then one thing in the same column? 😤



so you are applying huh?  you will be an excellent oracle.  😊

Well this is no fun. First the application is not really mobile user friendly (have to rotate) and now I can't select more then one thing in the same column? 😤



Not applicable

@darlicious wrote:


Thanks I forgot about that.....perhaps I should go edit my post so that @will13am understands the sarcasm I was referring to...... /s <- added

Generally used for when _you_ are being sarcastic. (maybe)


Thanks I forgot about that.....perhaps I should go edit my post so that @will13am understands the sarcasm I was referring to......

Not applicable

@darlicious wrote:

Free phone.......? Is there a sarcasm emoji? Maybe I need to make better use of them so other members dont misunderstand my intentions or perhaps underestimate my capabilities.......


Remember - /s

@darlicious wrote:


Normally i would have expected more excitement as well but i think the application itself has intimidated some candidates who have eliminated themselves by way of the list of what looks like prerequisites for the position but i think should be on @maximum_gato 's wishlist for pm's ultimate oracle candidate.


That and you have a significant portion of public mobile "superusers" that might normally be very interested in applying feeling particularily deflated , disillusioned and generally letdown by public mobile and  events occurring both behind the scenes and out in the open in the community. Time heals all wounds......but only if they are met head on rather than buried where they can fester.....



Lol.....with 30+years of customer service experience i know the right time and place and the where and the whens......but i have been enjoying not having any of those constraints nor do I miss saying "You're the boss.......its your decision."



Free phone.......? Is there a sarcasm emoji? Maybe I need to make better use of them so other members dont misunderstand my intentions or perhaps underestimate my capabilities.......

@darlicious , zero sarcasm in my statement, just as serious as the monthly tensions over who received a reward and how much.  

@darlicious wrote:


Thanks for asking the questions that anyone seriously considering applying might ask and want to know before applying. Despite the almost university style initial application the loose perimeters of acceptable applicants vs short listed candidates indicates that just by applying you will recieve all the necessary information/feedback to make an informed decision on whether you have the ability to fufill the time commitment requirements. In other words apply while you can and worry about withdrawing from the process if it conflicts with the demands of your real job.


Hi @darlicious precisely!  

Being an oracle comes with a fancy title which also comes with a $20 every 30 days bonus.  The $20 is a gift, a reward, never meant to be payment for a job.  Being an oracle is a demanding volunteer job. 


To the applicants (I know who you are ... not really lol), please be ready to do the job you are volunteering for.  Best wishes and may the force be with you all!



@CFPartDeux wrote:

@Jb456 wrote:

@darlicious  only 5 minutes and you're exhausted? We didn't even get to your whipcream post yet Hun 😂

Uhm..... WHAT!? Should the PM censor be looking at that post? 😉 🤣


No! No! pm will be censoring the member that i pulled the strawberries and whip cream out for.....

@Shortcakess  isnt what they appear to be....they came up woefully short on promise!!

@Jb456 wrote:

@ShawnC13  oh and also. Is that call in feature a toll free number? Lol because I'm on the $15 plan and would not want to waste my outgoing minutes lol

The number to call in for Oracle meetings has always been a regular 10 digit phone number. That does mean that someone with only province-wide or limited calling could have an issue.  Fortunatlely there are options to make free calls (via the internet). It's kind of assumed that th Oracle has unlimited calling or an internet connection, although something might be able to be worked out at least when it comes to making that phone call.  An internet connection can sometimes be useful for these virtual meetings as there can sometimes be visual presentations, but it's usually not completely necessary.


Normally i would have expected more excitement as well but i think the application itself has intimidated some candidates who have eliminated themselves by way of the list of what looks like prerequisites for the position but i think should be on @maximum_gato 's wishlist for pm's ultimate oracle candidate.


That and you have a significant portion of public mobile "superusers" that might normally be very interested in applying feeling particularily deflated , disillusioned and generally letdown by public mobile and  events occurring both behind the scenes and out in the open in the community. Time heals all wounds......but only if they are met head on rather than buried where they can fester.....



Lol.....with 30+years of customer service experience i know the right time and place and the where and the whens......but i have been enjoying not having any of those constraints nor do I miss saying "You're the boss.......its your decision."



Free phone.......? Is there a sarcasm emoji? Maybe I need to make better use of them so other members dont misunderstand my intentions or perhaps underestimate my capabilities.......

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Jb456 wrote:

@darlicious  only 5 minutes and you're exhausted? We didn't even get to your whipcream post yet Hun 😂

Uhm..... WHAT!? Should the PM censor be looking at that post? 😉 🤣

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious wrote:



BTW... it seems like you are one of those rare specimens who can actually multitask effectively! I'm exhausted just listening to the last 5 minutes of your life......

Yeah, right..... this coming from the person that spends hours figuring out how to get so many freebies she can keep the local Food Bank stocked up! 😜

Mayor / Maire

@Jb456 wrote:

@darlicious  We didn't even get to your whipcream post yet Hun 😂

@Jb456 , @darlicious  I did lol

@darlicious  only 5 minutes and you're exhausted? We didn't even get to your whipcream post yet Hun 😂


Thanks for asking the questions that anyone seriously considering applying might ask and want to know before applying. Despite the almost university style initial application the loose perimeters of acceptable applicants vs short listed candidates indicates that just by applying you will recieve all the necessary information/feedback to make an informed decision on whether you have the ability to fufill the time commitment requirements. In other words apply while you can and worry about withdrawing from the process if it conflicts with the demands of your real job.


BTW... it seems like you are one of those rare specimens who can actually multitask effectively! I'm exhausted just listening to the last 5 minutes of your life......

@ShawnC13  oh and also. Is that call in feature a toll free number? Lol because I'm on the $15 plan and would not want to waste my outgoing minutes lol

@Jb456 wrote:





If it was not a silly apply process like PM is doing this round it would be a nice gesture for all current Oracle's and the new ones. The apply process should have been more personal.


I think they should have just reviewed active users, discussed with current Oracle's in your forums and then sent out private invites to apply if they wanted to. Instead of opening it up to almost everyone. That's more of a personal touch.


"Hey we noticed you are an active helpful member of the community. We have positions in our Oracle program available. Here's a link if you want to apply. Thank you for all the help and support you provide to members!"


Then once whoever gets picked and current Oracle's get options to choose a new phone for their effort for however long they been on the forums. Top Tier phones for all current Oracle's that have been an Oracle /Retired for years and mid tier phone for the new hires.


No harm in asking 😁




Ah, those good old days. 🤔


>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@darlicious wrote:

@computergeek541  @ShawnC13 

Let me clarify "the ability to voice my opinion." I certainly dont disagree with being in an oracle position that your thoughts and opinions on matters concerning pm would be heard loud and clear and possibly taken with greater weight and consideration than the average member. This of course is a distinct perk of an oracle and would be on the "pro" list of being an oracle if you are passionate about certain projects or agendas (like i am about the social side of the community.)


However "If i see something I'll say something." I can often have an opinion that can be unwanted,  controversial, unpopular, outrageous or the very opposite......but not one a representative of pm should be voicing in the community and that is not something i think I could give up. Just like sending customers to use simon I do it occassionally with regret. I fully advocate for the use of private message for moderator contact and I know this is not the method pm prefers....... these are opinions I would have trouble stifling......and others that you have run into reading my posts.

Yep, curbing one's tongue is an attribute PM prefers.

>>> ALERT: I am not a CSA. Je ne suis pas un Agent du soutien à la clientèle.

@ShawnC13  so does that poll ever say video call 2am eastern on a Wednesday? Lol cause that's when I'd probably be free 😂 call in feature is nice tho.


Monday to Friday days not possible when you're in an office for 8/10/14 hours with signed confidentiality agreements. 


I could take more time out of my day writing to Melinda asking these questions or she could just read the thread and respond here. Which is why I asked the questions just after you tagged her in a post. Figured it would save my time for more important things like answering people's questions on the forums. 🤷‍♂️.


I've already missed alot of posts just because of this convo /thread we have going so not going to waste my time sending her a message also.

@Jb456, most of those questions should be directed to Melinda.  We do have video meetings but using video is not a must as there is always a call-in feature as well.  When I am at work I find a spot and call in, if I am at home I will connect with my laptop.  Usually every 3-4 months Pm tries to get us all together.  A poll is posted and everybody puts what their availability is and the date and time are chosen when it works for most people.  It isn't going to work for everyone every time.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Mayor / Maire

@ShawnC13  regarding video calls I probably should have just said some people have to sign privacy / confidentiality agreements and most of my time I'm in those places while typing on the forums. Lol.

@ShawnC13  since you're an Oracle maybe you can answer these questions for me. One reason I don't really feel like applying.



  • Providing feedback & participating in beta testing and research sessions with Public Mobile 

What are these research sessions with PM? Are they just phone calls or are these like everyone on a live zoom video chat type thing?





Again what are these focus groups / feedback sessions? Are they just a phone call or zoom webcam things with everyone in it?


How many take place a month?

Around what time?

How long do they last?

Is there a requirement to sit in on them?


The reason I am asking is. I am always pretty busy and my normal work schedule is crazy with all different hours sometimes day or night. Then I have other things I do on side. Yes I'm always posting on the forums but it's not like I'm sitting at home on the couch lol.


So if these meetings or sessions whatever are video calls that's something I definitely cannot do! For privacy for my normal job since it's very secure online stuff and the second one for privacy that Canada doe not technically see as legal in their eyes. 


A phone call possibly if it fits my crazy schedule but definitely NO to video calls so that would disqualify my Oracle application right there lol.


Just to give an example. As I am typing back this response to you. I'm in a car (passenger of course haha) made 3 stops, working on an excel file, on a phone call then soon getting ready to go to normal work for the night. This is normal everyday for me. So being in a permanent spot for video session ain't going to work.


If it's just maintaining the community forums, helping answer questions,editing / merging. 


Discussions,testing, etc in Oracle forums and maybe a phone call session (if it's a day I can find time for a bit) than sure no problem with that. (If that makes sense)


So if you can answer it would be helpful for me to understand more.








Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Jb456 wrote:

And also @ShawnC13  if I can speak openly like @darlicious  does.


When some of the current Oracle's have issues (or grudges) already with particular "most active" member's. Why would we want to apply? When PM has done nothing about said Oracle's. 


We all know a particular Oracle set out on his own agenda to personally try to get certain members banned. 


Which is why I believe before adding any new Oracle's. PM should review the current ones first.


Just my thoughts! Don't take offense (it's just discussing)

That's already been done, at least as far as that "particular Oracle" is concerned, and PM decided to use the "slap on the wrist", and the "short leash" approach, so as far as PM is concerned, that's it. 🙄

@Jb456 wrote:

And also @ShawnC13  if I can speak openly like @darlicious  does.


When some of the current Oracle's have issues (or grudges) already with particular "most active" member's. Why would we want to apply? When PM has done nothing about said Oracle's. 


We all know a particular Oracle set out on his own agenda to personally try to get certain members banned. 


Which is why I believe before adding any new Oracle's. PM should review the current ones first.


Just my thoughts! Don't take offense (it's just discussing)

For your first two points why not apply to make things better? As for the review portion, I believe @Melinda_H  has done that and addressed concerns, and offered advice for the future.


For the disappointed people who weren't approached by PM to become an Oracle neither were the last two intakes.  So now people apply, I can't remember but I think I still had to send something in when I was nominated.  PM will still pick the new Oracles, and I am sure they will look for those who stand out above the others.


I was just hoping to see more excitement; really, it is a great opportunity to work with your service provider to make things better.  What other provider offers this opportunity.  For myself, it was for the opportunity to give input and work with PM.  The $10 (yes it was $10 when I started) was just a nice little bonus.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *



Good move.


Hey, my brain is not yet fully functional either - and I'm middle-aged.

@HALIMACS  thanks I edited it. Sorry worked all night, brain not fully functional yet 😄



Those are quite the thoughts - and truth be told, those who know me know I say it as I see it.  Sugar-coating is only meant for treats.


I might have considered using the word "agenda" in place of "vengeance", but that's just me.





Mayor / Maire

And also @ShawnC13  if I can speak openly like @darlicious  does.


When some of the current Oracle's have issues (or grudges) already with particular "most active" member's. Why would we want to apply? When PM has done nothing about said Oracle's. 


We all know a particular Oracle set out on his own agenda to personally try to get certain members banned. 


Which is why I believe before adding any new Oracle's. PM should review the current ones first.


Just my thoughts! Don't take offense (it's just discussing)

@ShawnC13  in her very first post.


"The Oracle program is designed to recognize our most active and helpful Community members who are passionate and knowledgeable about all things Public Mobile, enjoy helping others, and are interested in providing feedback & participating in ideation with Public Mobile"


But then turn around and basically say. "Hey almost anyone can apply as long as you been here a year and at least 25% reward"


Kind of a slap in the face to those who are most active don't you think?


PM should have done it more personally and private messaged potential candidates first but what do I know 🤷‍♂️

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