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02-04-2019 01:34 PM
Hey Community,
We have some insider info we’d like to share with you! In the upcoming weeks, we will be launching a new and improved Get Help page. This is a result of the feedback we received during the workshop we held with some of you last year and, before the new web pages go live, we’d love to get your support once more.
Here are the ways you can get involved:
- Sign up by Feb 7th to Test our New Get Help Pages. We are looking for 10 Public Mobile customers to check out the new web pages and let us know what you don’t like and what you love.
- Testing will be done online meaning anyone across Canada can get involved.
- Testers must be able to speak English.
- We’ll be holding testing between February 12-15 and the time commitment is only 20 minutes. That’s only a coffee break, right?
- Feedback will be collected during the session.
- Customers who participate will receive a $10 account credit within 30 days of completion. Cha- ching.
Depending on the number of volunteers we get, we may not be able to collect feedback from everyone. If that’s the case, we’d still like to hear from you after the pages have launched. Our goal with these changes is to make it clearer, simpler and faster for you to get and give help. We look forward to your involvement before the big reveal!
Sign up no later than February 7th, 2019 by completing this link.
- Vote by Feb 11 on New Leaderboard Timeframe. When we started exploring how we would create a new Get Help page we also looked at the Community, a key place where you get and give help. In particular, we looked closer at our Top Bravoed Authors board, and noticed that it’s typically the same members showing up. (You know who you are, you rockstars!)
We’d also like to see more members get involved, so you can get more $$ off your plans. To our newer or less active Community members we have some questions:
- Does the current timeframe and corresponding bravos required to get on the leaderboard seem daunting?
- If the time period was shorter and you saw that you were among the top members for the day or the week, do you think that would encourage you to get more involved?
- Do you use the leaderboard to help determine who you might want to tag in your post to help answer your question?
Now it’s voting time! With all of this in mind, we want your opinion on the most useful Leaderboard (Top Bravoed Authors) timeframe. Vote on your preferred option below, and if you have other suggestions or ideas, please post on this thread. The last day to vote will be February 11, 2019.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Public Mobile Community Team
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02-12-2019 09:40 AM
This will be interesting to see how this potential new help page makes a difference for the community. I'm not completely sure how I feel about this until it's actually in play I guess. The leaderboard for me doesn't change how I contribute to the forum, although I do look at it occasionally.
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02-09-2019 11:47 PM
@computergeek541 wrote:
@6500K wrote:
If it caught traction, I was going to suggest restricting the voice help to only certain members of the community and that quality control could be implemented by recording calls and assessing them. Yeah maybe this is too ambitious.
Who'd be actually willing to do this when not working for the company? First off would be privacy concerns. There's also the issue that the person has to be online at the exact moment instead of just answering a message thread at his/her convenience. The community rewards wouldn't even come close to being able to compensate people to do this. I know - it was just an idea.
Yeah sounds crazy but I would help even if there wasn't any reward. I know it may be very foreign to many but that's what I like doing. Anyhow, it's been fairly enlightening for me so far.
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02-09-2019 11:44 PM - edited 02-09-2019 11:48 PM
@6500K wrote:
If it caught traction, I was going to suggest restricting the voice help to only certain members of the community and that quality control could be implemented by recording calls and assessing them. Yeah maybe this is too ambitious.
Who'd be actually willing to do this when not working for the company? First off would be privacy concerns. There's also the issue that the person has to be online at the exact moment instead of just answering a message thread at his/her convenience. The community rewards wouldn't even come close to being able to compensate people to do this. I realize that you were just trying to come up with some ideas.
This would only work with talking to employees of Publc Mobile. Even this, this would be compltely opposite to the the message forum concept of support that they currently have.
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02-09-2019 11:36 PM
Alright alright I get it. It was an attempt to think outside the box, but I understand. I did work in a call centre once and I suppose many of the standards there would be difficult to implement here. I used to specialize in problem clients and I didn't mind helping them. I don't think it is for everyone.
If it caught traction, I was going to suggest restricting the voice help to only certain members of the community and that quality control could be implemented by recording calls and assessing them. Yeah maybe this is too ambitious.

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02-09-2019 04:27 PM
I think you missed your calling in life*...you oughta be a friggin' comedy writer! I was laughing the whole way through.
*assuming you're not already 🙂
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02-09-2019 03:57 PM
@6500K wrote:I also thought of a "cool" feature if it can be implemented (pun intended). Not sure if it is opening a can of worms but ... here it goes.
A live voice chat feature in which if a community member is available at the time to answer a voice chat then the system can broker this and connect the new customer to a live member of this community for help. I found that talking for one minute may be more effective than reading many many pages of solutions in threads. If implemented well, this would be the first site to have a community driven voice help system that I have ever seen (or heard - pun).
A corollary to this would be to have voice recordings (or even short instructional videos), that provide help for the most common problems that arise in our community. I would volunteer my voice but it is not the most suitable for something like this in my opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if someone could do an imitation of Darth Vader to help with activation problems? That would be the bomb!
This may have been tabled already by someone, but I thought it would be appropriate in this thread.
Not to be disagreeable, but I see problems with the chat idea.
First, in a chat, no other members can see/hear what is discussed, what instructions have been provided, what has been attempted. If any incorrect or inaccurate information is given, there is no chance for the rest of the community to provide corrections or additional insight as it happens. Compare this to a thread, where there is a written record of everything for all to see. If the issue remains unresolved and the customer needs to chat again, possibly with a different member, the discussion has to waste time starting from scratch, because the community has not seen/heard any of the previous chat.
Then, how would the connection be made? Through a voice channel or chat box on the community? If so, this requires significant development to implement, which I'm not sure is the best use of PM resources when we already have a forum. On the other hand, if this simply connects the helper to the customer using their phone lines, then there are privacy issues for both participants. Do you want to be giving out your name/phone number to a stranger? Should helpers be given a customer's name/phone number?
Finally, I'm sure there will be customers who mistakenly believe that the member they're being connected with is an employee, or somehow has access to accounts. Because that's what customers have come to expect when interacting through chat on a company website these days. We can put warnings and disclaimers, but you know there will be inevitably be some who ignore/miss the warnings. This can become problematic when the customer starts disclosing personal information, or complains that the "rep" didn't/couldn't resolve their issue, and leaves as an unsatisfied customer.
Your other suggestion to do voice recordings can be more effectively covered with articles added to the knowledge base area if the issue isn't covered there already. Video recordings added to the knowledge base might be useful however. If you mean to have the voice recordings returned as answers to searches/queries, this would actually be similar to the already existing Simon Bot (accessible by clicking the orange question mark in the corner), except the answers would be in voice form. The answers returned can only be as good as the programming that determines which answers to give.
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02-09-2019 03:57 PM
@6500K wrote:I also thought of a "cool" feature if it can be implemented (pun intended). Not sure if it is opening a can of worms but ... here it goes.
A live voice chat feature in which if a community member is available at the time to answer a voice chat then the system can broker this and connect the new customer to a live member of this community for help. I found that talking for one minute may be more effective than reading many many pages of solutions in threads. If implemented well, this would be the first site to have a community driven voice help system that I have ever seen (or heard - pun).
A corollary to this would be to have voice recordings (or even short instructional videos), that provide help for the most common problems that arise in our community. I would volunteer my voice but it is not the most suitable for something like this in my opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if someone could do an imitation of Darth Vader to help with activation problems? That would be the bomb!
This may have been tabled already by someone, but I thought it would be appropriate in this thread.
I am guessing by @RobertQc post that he does not agree and frankly I agree with him. It would most difinitely open that pervial "Can of Worms". As cool as it may be in most cases there are the few that would make it a logistic, technical and lack of respect nightmare. To quote Murphy, "If it can go wrong it will".
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02-09-2019 03:48 PM
@6500K wrote:I also thought of a "cool" feature if it can be implemented (pun intended). Not sure if it is opening a can of worms but ... here it goes.
A live voice chat feature in which if a community member is available at the time to answer a voice chat then the system can broker this and connect the new customer to a live member of this community for help. I found that talking for one minute may be more effective than reading many many pages of solutions in threads. If implemented well, this would be the first site to have a community driven voice help system that I have ever seen (or heard - pun).
A corollary to this would be to have voice recordings (or even short instructional videos), that provide help for the most common problems that arise in our community. I would volunteer my voice but it is not the most suitable for something like this in my opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if someone could do an imitation of Darth Vader to help with activation problems? That would be the bomb!
This may have been tabled already by someone, but I thought it would be appropriate in this thread.
@6500KI think its a great idea to help some customers, it has great potential for help out in way less time. I know that many posts are solved by a team effort, and there are cases where humans including myself and the oracles do not get it right or do not have a complete answer and have to be corrected which isin't terrible, but is also not complete. What happens if a shi*tdisturber community member answered the call and asked for their password then changed their plan?
Let me open that can of worms for you. My glass is half empty today.
Customer "Hey my phones not working" (backround television is blasting)
Me: "Be specific, whats not working, I am trouble hearing your the tv is on and real loud"
Customer "Hey yea I am watching the news"
Me: "Please turn down the TV and tell me what you need help with"
Me: "can you please be more specific, what is not working"
Me "ok so you phone is black, it wont turn on?"
Customer "it turns on"
Me "sigh... okay is the screen responding to your touches"
... customer leaves for 3 minutes
Me "so then some things are working please be specific"
customer "No nothings working"
Me: "Please be specific what is not working"
Me: "ok if your account active, whats not working mms, sms, text, calls, data, do you have a plan at public mobile?"
Customer: "no response"
customer "no response"
ME: "hello"
Customer "hey"
Me" "is your account active"
Customer;"What account????"
Me ":.................the public mobile self serve account?"
Customer "How do I check"
Me" go here *self serve link* and login, then look at the page, does account status say active?"
Customer" silent, no response"
Customer "you can hear the keyboard, click click click, some music starts playing, sounds like facebook notifications, customer is laughing"
ME" "Hello???:
Customer: Hey bro whats up
Customer: I am in my living room
ME:"............. where are you in terms of logging into self serve? are you on your computer, are you in a browser ready to log in, are you logged in on self serve?
Customer Yea
Customer "Yea I am at my computer"
I have disconnected from voicechat, I have disabled voicechat, I hate voicechat.
Customer "Hey I cant log into my self-serve please help"
Sh*tdisturber4444 has joined voicechat
Sh*tdisturber4444 "did you try inserting the phone into your &*^&^@#m, then starts playing troll music"
Sh*tdisturber4444 "has disconnected"
Customer- "Hi my phone battery is not lasting as long as it should"
SSz has joined voicechat
SSz "u ned to Kontact mederator_team plz click this link be patient"
SSz has left voicechat
Me in disguise with dirteh senchez voice "hey um my phoneeeeee"
@Anonymoushas joined voicechat "Hey, what do you need"
ME in disguise "I need... hnnnnnnng"
Me in disguise *breaths heavy*
Me in disguise "grumbled sounds"
z10user4 "Do you need help with your phone or servie"
Me in disguise "I need help"
z10user "with what?"
Me in disguise "I am sorry I need help please wait a moment"
Me in disguise *never comes back, but starts timer of how long he will wait lol*
z10user4 has disconnected
Customer "Hi my phone has no service"
Slesh409 has joined voicechat
Slesh409 "last wek I went to baesbell game n on way muh phone no service bruh is your oil leaking u shuld chek 1st k"
Slesh409 has left voicechat
shi*tdisturber445 has joined voicechat
community member "Hey how can I help you"
shi*tdisturber445 "I have an error in my self serve, please see this screen shot"
shi*tdisturber445 "abz.jjdh.fly/myaccountscreenshot.jpeg"
community member *opens picture*, sees picture of genitalia.
community member has left voicechat.
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02-09-2019 12:19 PM
I also thought of a "cool" feature if it can be implemented (pun intended). Not sure if it is opening a can of worms but ... here it goes.
A live voice chat feature in which if a community member is available at the time to answer a voice chat then the system can broker this and connect the new customer to a live member of this community for help. I found that talking for one minute may be more effective than reading many many pages of solutions in threads. If implemented well, this would be the first site to have a community driven voice help system that I have ever seen (or heard - pun).
A corollary to this would be to have voice recordings (or even short instructional videos), that provide help for the most common problems that arise in our community. I would volunteer my voice but it is not the most suitable for something like this in my opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if someone could do an imitation of Darth Vader to help with activation problems? That would be the bomb!
This may have been tabled already by someone, but I thought it would be appropriate in this thread.
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02-09-2019 01:32 AM
@RobertQc wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:Agreed Cool White is about 3100 or I like to say brown light. Start getting into the blues around 8000K and get up to 30000K you will get a pink/light purple colour
@ShawnC13I don't remember laughing at any of your posts before now, but I have now. Thats such a good way to describe it. Brown. Like poo, I hate 3000k lights. Next time I see someone with 3000's I am going to tell them their headlights are poop and its not just the schnapps talking. I will see them rollin' up behind me, try to time a red light, roll down my window and just point at the front of their car with serious face. If they see me pointin' they will probably roll down their window and I will yell "Your headlights are poo!" Haha...
@RobertQc, I can remember as a kid the adertisements everywhere for the cool white a soft light. I don't even really like 4100 for the house I like a clean white light
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02-09-2019 01:28 AM - edited 02-09-2019 01:28 AM
@ShawnC13 wrote:Agreed Cool White is about 3100 or I like to say brown light. Start getting into the blues around 8000K and get up to 30000K you will get a pink/light purple colour
@ShawnC13I don't remember laughing at any of your posts before now, but I have now. Thats such a good way to describe it. Brown. Like poo, I hate 3000k lights. Next time I see someone with 3000's I am going to tell them their headlights are poop and its not just the schnapps talking. I will see them rollin' up behind me, try to time a red light, roll down my window and just point at the front of their car with serious face. If they see me pointin' they will probably roll down their window and I will yell "Your headlights are poo!" Haha...

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02-09-2019 01:14 AM
I was just making a silly quip after the cool comment and riffing on his username and...yes kelvin as in absolute zero making 6500K freaking hot.
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02-09-2019 01:11 AM
@RobertQc wrote:
@Anonymous wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:@6500K, the post became cool as soon as you used the Bugatti Veyron in an analogy
Well...not at the temperature he runs at. 🙂
@AnonymousI am going to strongly disagree with you here lol.
6500K temperature headlights are the perfect white/blue color. I would not only call them cool (as in awesome), but the coolest.
Not cool as in kelvin temperature. Cool white is usually referred to as much less than 6500k
Agreed Cool White is about 3100 or I like to say brown light. Start getting into the blues around 8000K and get up to 30000K you will get a pink/light purple colour
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02-09-2019 12:55 AM - edited 02-09-2019 12:58 AM
@Anonymous wrote:
@ShawnC13 wrote:@6500K, the post became cool as soon as you used the Bugatti Veyron in an analogy
Well...not at the temperature he runs at. 🙂
@AnonymousI am going to strongly disagree with you here lol.
6500K temperature headlights are the perfect white/blue color. I would not only call them cool (as in awesome), but the coolest.
Not cool as in kelvin temperature. Cool white is usually referred to as much less than 6500k

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02-09-2019 12:44 AM
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02-09-2019 12:42 AM
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02-09-2019 12:14 AM
@Anonymous wrote:
Ain't dat da troof!
I like the helping people get going. I also like the reward. The reward is a paltry nothingness compared to time spent that clearly I must like helping people more.
As always, your in-depth analyses blow over my head as I try to figure out a few bits of it. I think you hit it in an earlier post. It doesn't actually take a whole lot to get *some* reward. It takes a good bit to get the $15 and then anything over that is just unnecessary excess.
This sounds like the 90/10 rule that I once heard. 90% of something takes 10% of the time to do. The remaining 10% takes 90% of the time.
Or something like the Bugatti Veyron that broke the 400 km/h speed barrier. The Veyron had 1000 horse power under the hood. To get it to 300 km/h required 200 HP. To reach the next 100 km/h required 800 HP more.
I don't know if I'm making this clear or not. lol

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02-08-2019 11:58 PM
@RobertQc wrote:
You either come here to help out or you don't. $10 or $15 you can't think of it as making money, otherwise you might as well shoot yourself in the face when figure out if money was the object you actually spend more money in electricity costs running your computer and having your screen and lights on than you make here.
Ain't dat da troof!
I like the helping people get going. I also like the reward. The reward is a paltry nothingness compared to time spent that clearly I must like helping people more.
As always, your in-depth analyses blow over my head as I try to figure out a few bits of it. I think you hit it in an earlier post. It doesn't actually take a whole lot to get *some* reward. It takes a good bit to get the $15 and then anything over that is just unnecessary excess.
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02-08-2019 11:43 PM
@ShawnC13 wrote:@RobertQc, totally agree just you were making sure that people knew the numbers you used were easily found by clicking on badges so I wanted to make sure you used the correct numbers. It wasn't 4 less only 2, 6 badges and rewards given out 2 ORacles retired and 4 new ones were announced so $40
@ShawnC13Yes that was my oversight in the overall calculation for how much rewards PM gave for December. I only searched for anyone with a 10% and 5% badge in december and just remembered 8 oracles x $20. I shouldn't have used 8 oracles. The rewards going forward will match up to that it so I am not too worried as it gives a better representation of the current rewards system. But its good to clarify for those wishing to do the math so thanks for pointing that out.
I like to understand how things work so excel helped me keep track of the top 96 people each month, Not difficult to record how many posts, solutions, and bavos someone had received since everything is dated. Then based on a badge you know what categories those efforts fell. Each month with more data it became more and more accurate. I did that for a while but stopped a couple months ago. I am no longer curious. I get it. You either come here to help out or you don't. $10 or $15 you can't think of it as making money, otherwise you might as well shoot yourself in the face when figure out if money was the object you actually spend more money in electricity costs running your computer and having your screen and lights on than you make here.

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02-08-2019 11:27 PM
@6500K wrote:Wanna hear something funny - I've been here regularly for the last four months or so and I've never noticed the leaderboard before today! Now I actually know what you guys are talking about. Isn't that crazy!?!? I gotta get out more.
Funny. As I was unknowingly making my way up that list, someone (mimmo?) pointed out where I was. On the what now? Oh. Huh. Howdy 'bout that.
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02-08-2019 11:22 PM
@RobertQc, totally agree just you were making sure that people knew the numbers you used were easily found by clicking on badges so I wanted to make sure you used the correct numbers. It wasn't 4 less only 2, 6 badges and rewards given out 2 ORacles retired and 4 new ones were announced so $40
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02-08-2019 11:19 PM - edited 02-09-2019 12:35 AM
@ShawnC13So for that specific month they can remove $80 (if there were 4 less oracles) Every month outside of that, there is a slight change like maybe 4 or 5 top 1%
17 or maybe 18 top 5% It changes a bit based on how many total contributors there were. Nothing changes in the concept.
They are probably paying much more than $1,000,000 per month (easy) and I estimate as loyalty base increases to the 5 year mark at least $7,000,000 per month between autopay and loyalty but less than $1,000 for community rewards. My point was that the more work you do on the community, the less that works nets you in rewards. If public mobile is looking for a method to get more people to participate maybe you should increase the rewards.

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02-08-2019 11:15 PM
I don't get how RobertQc equates time to Bravos. I also don't get where he linked you to some level of time. I don't understand how that was parsed out of his words.
I don't keep track of the time I spend here actively refreshing, waiting, posting, refreshing, waiting. A lot of time I do other things leaving my desk then I come back, refresh, see what I might say wherever. Maybe nothing. Go do other things again. Sometimes I am just sitting here active. I know my profile can show time logged in but it's not accurate due to leaving the desk remaining logged in. Out and about much less time but still checking in for curiosity. Addiction remember 🙂
Yes, it's why I often scratch a post because somebody else got to it and I was saying the same thing. Other times I'm thinking of a slightly different angle so I post. Or as you say, in different words to try to help the customer. But...not always. However I feel at the time.
I'm probably not saying anything helpful but there it is.
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02-08-2019 11:08 PM - edited 02-08-2019 11:09 PM
Take it however you want it. If I insulted you, then I insulted every single person in the forum who got a payout badges. I used the information that is available publically and if you look everywhere on the site, Badges + Bravos. Bradges and bravos.
Bravos = Top % Badges
Top % Badges = $
You have to re-read what I wrote and understand how the more bravos everyone gets, the less money you get for them. This is about public mobiles reward payout, not about the specific users.
@wetcoasterIf you really think I was insulting you all I can tell you that I was not, if you still think I was well there is nothing more for me to say because I can't imagine being more clear.
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02-08-2019 11:05 PM
@6500K wrote:I think @ShawnC13 is talking about me and my slow PS/2 ball mouse.
Always late to the party but I like to add some info if I think it can be said in a different way.
@6500K, lol actually talking about me trying to post on my work computer when I get a chance. I will hit post and when it finally does post it there will be 3 posts already and mine is like 2 minutes behind lol
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02-08-2019 11:04 PM
@RobertQc, I never said you did. I was just in agreement with what @wetcoaster said in the paragraph I quoted. I do have a correction for you as you said there were 8 Oracles for Dec. That is incorrect only 6 received the badge and then 4 were announced and will get there first Oracle reward this this time. As you know it is easy to see how many receive each level when you look at the badges for each month.
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02-08-2019 11:01 PM
I think @ShawnC13 is talking about me and my slow PS/2 ball mouse.
Always late to the party but I like to add some info if I think it can be said in a different way.
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02-08-2019 11:00 PM
@wetcoaster wrote:
I know that the bravos are part of the generally accessible information, hours spent on the board isn't (or should not). Extrapolating from my bravos that I am only here an hour a month is wrong, and uncalled for.
@wetcoasterI don't understand where you are getting this, Please quote me where I said you were here for only an hour.
The only reference I made to 1 hour, was how long it would take FOR ME to get into the 10% category, which is not even the one you are in. You are in the 5% category which would take ME significantly more time.
I never said anything about how much time others would take to get into each category.
Please, re read what I wrote. The only "conclusion" I came to was $ PER BRAVO that public mobile paid out.
Its not only you, its every single person in this forum including myself.
@ShawnC13 wrote:@wetcoaster, this here is a great point. There are many people here that spend a lot of time here but are reading and only adding to a thread if it is something new or to correct something that someone has said.
@ShawnC13 I agree with this and I never came to any conclusion of how long they spent here. I stated the math of X bravos for X dollars
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02-08-2019 10:56 PM
@wetcoaster wrote:@RobertQcIn the past half a year or so I most of the time didn't bother to sign in from my phone unless I had something to contribute (or should I say when hoped to be actually fast enough to do so, just to be outdone be others in 99%). While posting from the computer I strive for quality over quantity, but being on the west coast and mainly "doing the grave yard shift" means that they usually are burried quite fast. I don't believe in repeating what has been said five times in the same thread already, so unless I have something to add that hasn't been mentioned before, put a correction in there if I see a wrong statement or am just plain slow getting my posts together I am first and foremost reading and handing out bravos.
@wetcoaster, this here is a great point. There are many people here that spend a lot of time here but are reading and only adding to a thread if it is something new or to correct something that someone has said. I totally agree there is no point adding to a thread that has the same answer given 5 times by different people. I can see within a couple of posts similar answers but we have people that will do it way after the fact. Just because someone isn't at or near the top of leaderboard doesn't mean they aren't spending many hours here reading and helping people with quality posts when the opportunity arises for them to be first to respond or correct that misleading information.
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02-08-2019 10:52 PM
@RobertQc wrote:
@wetcoaster wrote:
So, I'm only spending an hour a month here ( if you have access to that information that is a severe breach in privacy) and don't deserve bravo's or rewards??!!??
One thing that you are of that opinion - you are entitled to that- but publicly accusing me of such "alternate facts" is not on.
Just for the record: usually I'm here for a combined hour or more throughout the day as my work load, breaks etc allow. In the past half a year or so I most of the time didn't bother to sign in from my phone unless I had something to contribute (or should I say when hoped to be actually fast enough to do so, just to be outdone be others in 99%). While posting from the computer I strive for quality over quantity, but being on the west coast and mainly "doing the grave yard shift" means that they usually are burried quite fast. I don't believe in repeating what has been said five times in the same thread already, so unless I have something to add that hasn't been mentioned before, put a correction in there if I see a wrong statement or am just plain slow getting my posts together I am first and foremost reading and handing out bravos.
Yes, I have never been on top of "the list", I think the closest I ever got was #4? Yes, you are, obviously, spending more time here and are ahead of me on every version of the list. Doesn't make my nearly two years of steady, quality contribution here worthless. If I'd be starting out now these kind of posts would be what would be a good way to discourage me from trying to help.
@wetcoaster wrote:@RobertQc( if you have access to that information that is a severe breach in privacy) and don't deserve bravo's or rewards??!!??
Lol. It's public information. Everyone can view everyones bravos from everyone at anytime.
I am not accusing YOU of anything. I had to choose anyone to use as an example for bravo per $. Nothing against you. You did nothing wrong.
Edited to add picture
I know that the bravos are part of the generally accessible information, hours spent on the board isn't (or should not). Extrapolating from my bravos that I am only here an hour a month is wrong, and uncalled for.