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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just submitted a ticket, made the swap a few weeks ago on 1 account to see how the points would transfer. My screen cap of my previous login when it asked me to transfer to the new system stated "1 point for every month I have been with PM" OK that would be nice, Nov 2016 on some accounts. Lots of credit to use up for a few months yet.  My account made the changeover and all I see is 5 points for the welcome... So maybe 2-3 weeks now, still not there. 2 days and I port out all accounts if they cant fix this or they clawed that statement as well.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

While I'm not impressed how PM is handling all this, I can't help but have empathy for the CS reps as they truly are being hung out to dry here by the suits in offices who probably haven't dealt with a customer in years and wouldn't last 10 mins doing that same CS job before breaking down.

Been there, done that.  Not great for your mental health to have customers telling you that you are no good and then management saying the same because you aren't retaining happy clients when you have zero control over anything.  


HI all, 

for those who thinking to leave, these news plans are good.  

$24 - 3GB is new activation only

but check the $29 - 20 GB, they have 90 days option, it will bring down the price to $25/30 days.  So, it is s a great deal.  

Mayor / Maire

Looks like they are re jigging their plans again. All the 3G plans seem to be gone.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 11.44.42 AM.png

 Edit: I see no mention of the 250MB of data that the old $15 plan had.

Edit: If you click through on the $21 plan for new activations, it doesn't say for "new activations only". I would screen grab that and plead a case if I was interested in it. This is how I was able to get a different plan a few months ago that was new activations only.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 11.51.37 AM.png

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have to agree 15 points is a joke

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I agree … you can do better but you need to open a ticket and negotiate. It’s possible to get more than a one-time 15 points.

Dealing with Public Mobile is starting to feel like a lot like working with Rogers where you have to negotiate for better discounts

@Patrick_PM    Not sure many would consider an one time credit of 15 points ($15) as a really serious win back offer...  At best, it's rather lame.  At worst, it's sort of insulting.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Not sure if this has been posted here but just came across this article:

At this point, I don't think Public Mobile will back off their plans to decommission the legacy rewards program.

You may however be able to negotiate temporary discount for a few months. 

HI @SeniorCitizen 

we will meet again, again in this community

when you are have enough of the bad service from that new carrier and ready to come back and have question about porting back in, remember to post your message here.  In case you have a new name, just refer back to your name @SeniorCitizen  so we know it is you. 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Hopefully this is my last post. 

Because Telus has betrayed my family and many other customers  I will phase out all 3 of my PM accounts when the amount I have to pay is more that what I can buy from the competition be it a VOIP line or a Mobile line. 

YOU have personally blocked one of my legitimate Community accounts that is linked to a PM mobile account. And when contacting a CSA I have been referred to you and the situation only goes in another PM Merry Go Around. 

I verify my account monthly, on the renewal date and am continually shorted $1 referral rewards. I bring this to the attention of your CSA's and just get a run around.  

What can I haven't built up customers that trust the product. 


Mayor / Maire

@eyes wrote:

It seems that when I switched to the point system not all my rewards were converted. Didn’t get the $2 auto payment converted or helping others $2 — cut and pasting what they gave me —



HI @eyes 

you just made the migration on April 24.  The $2 Community rewards was before that, it was credited to your account as Available funds 2 weeks ago when you were still on the old rewards system

for friend referrals,  how many you expect to get ?  this is something you need to check with Public Mobile agent


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville


I haven’t lowered my plan so I have no skin in the game but my heart is with you on your complaint/challenge via the CCTS. My head, however, believes the Good Ship Integrity sailed away from Public Mobile about 7 weeks ago and so I’d be surprised if they did an about-face by reinstating your bonus data. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Someone was asking for updates from those with complaints:

PM didn't respond to the rejection of the objection and I just got an email from CCTS they've decided to move my case to the next stage and a complaints resolution officer will be in touch shortly.

I don't think lack of updates is that a bunch of us are getting defeats, it's because PM is not working with CCTS and everything is being pushed to the next stage and PM is given more time to delay/not respond.  

@G_Pomzz wrote:

@Chalupa_Batman  you definitely have a legal argument. It's all in the wording of PM's statement. When you go to court you will definitely win. PM will have to give you the 240 GB. And to anyone else who changed to a lower priced plan. And your legal fees shouldn't be more than about $5,000 🤣🤣

I think you may be confused about the process. Filing a claim with the CCTS doesn't cost anything. No lawyers or legal fees required.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Chalupa_Batman  you definitely have a legal argument. It's all in the wording of PM's statement. When you go to court you will definitely win. PM will have to give you the 240 GB. And to anyone else who changed to a lower priced plan. And your legal fees shouldn't be more than about $5,000 🤣🤣

HI @Chalupa_Batman i think including the 150 days bonus in the  the complaint is not necessary.  PM has clearly said the condition for the bonus.  Bonus is bonus, those Government agency has no say and won't do much just because PM's marketing department is not doing a good jo.  LoL

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I'm not interested in the fails (been there done that). I want to hear about the successful complaints, what the CCTS did, what Public Mobile did.

@ShawnC13 wrote:

@Chalupa_Batman , I am trying to figure this out.  You knew you would lose the data if you went to a lower plan, switch to a lower plan and are surprised/mad the data is gone?

Hey @ShawnC13 

I am not surprised or mad. 🙂 And yes, I knew, according to their forum information, I would lose the data. That sir, isn't the point. The point is they are extorting everyone to pay the equivalent of the plan they had at the time the "gift" was given or higher to keep the "loyalty" data. If customers lower the plan in value, they lose the "gift" they were given. I'm not sure they can legally do that. Hence the reason I'm asking the CCTS to look into this. 

Public Mobile, gave me 240GB of data for my "continued loyalty" to their company, not because of the plan I was on, but my loyalty. Since my account is still active, my loyalty continues. Telling me I have to pay the same amount or more is no longer in line with their "Loyalty" text. It's now about financial gain. I believe the CCTS may have concern with that. 

I hope this helps clear things up. 🙂 

HI @EdN 

check back, there were some confirmed rejected cases and cases closed.  I don't think too many are willing to come back confirm defeated.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Anyone care to comment on their success with their CCTS complaint?  What did Public Mobile respond with?  Are they backing down on the migration or did they buy you out?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Well super sleuth. 
1. Am I @Wolfcore ……no.  
2. Not interested in following your saga. 
3. This thread has gone totally off course with the hope of an abundant amount of non relevant posts to gain community points.
4. Suggest to close this thread. 
5. Posts of protest and customer dissatisfaction should be directed to the messenger, PM and Telus. 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Yeah, if there is a fair deal of discussion regarding communications from PM then it should tell the PM team something. Namely, no matter how good their intentions, they just don’t appear to be connecting in an effective manner. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I wouldn’t necessarily use “text” and “clearly” in the same sentence when describing the effectiveness of PM communications. The text was structured to introduce changes to the rewards program and their impact and then included the link to learn more. Below the link they introduce the bonus data and only state it will be added by March 30, “as long as your account stays active”.

PM could have structured the text in either of two ways to be more clear. First, include the concept of the bonus data immediately following the introduction of the rewards program changes and their impact and then end the text with the link. Or, be upfront within the text and add the qualifiers “you switch to a plan of lower value” and “or you switch to an incompatible plan” immediately after “as long as your account stays active”.

It begs the question if they are just ineffective at communicating or they knew exactly what they were doing by not being clear and upfront.

@hkjhkj wrote:

The issue is that pm violated the code of conduct by doing something that isn't explicitly mentioned in the email and text notifications. Whre exactly does it say in the text that the bouns data will become invalid when downgrading? If there are additional T&Cs (i.e. fine prints), they have the obligation to state  that clearly when communicating to the customers. But they did not. 

If they don't have fine prints mentioned in there notifications, then there will be no fine prints.  


the text has a link to the T&Cs T&Cs (i.e. fine prints) that you are talking about

The text clearly asked the subscriber to visit  On that page, there is a Bonus Data Details and have the answer to your question:

Will I lose my special bonus data if I switch plans?

The bonus data will remain active unless your account becomes inactive, you switch to a plan of lower value or to an incompatible plan.


It's in the Bonus Data Details @hkjhkj :

"Will I lose my special bonus data if I switch plans?

The bonus data will remain active unless your account becomes inactive, you switch to a plan of lower value or to an incompatible plan."

However I still agree with the assertion that it is equivalent to extortion and a ridiculously poor policy on public mobiles part.

@Chalupa_Batman , I am trying to figure this out.  You knew you would lose the data if you went to a lower plan, switch to a lower plan and are surprised/mad the data is gone?


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