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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,588 REPLIES 5,588

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

PM made to this website for the third time:

Personally I would be worried with future changes by PM.   They can easily eliminate $1 or 1 point per month for each referral or increase redemption to 2 points for $1 (instead of 1 for 1)

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You're aware that mentioning a name or facts is not necessarily in every occurence advertising, right?


@computergeek541 wrote:

@public_999 wrote:

Wow, you guys are really working overtime removing posts!!

Members need to be aware that advertising for other companies is violation of the terms of service.

@Wolfcore wrote:

It's hilarious how we see most of the Oracles claiming that PM still has the best value even with the old rewards system being removed, while also removing any comments that showcase any of these competitors deals, while also saying that they're impartial, don't work for PM, and aren't protecting them 🤣


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

No HTML, no links, just plain text. I used a lot of dollar signs and slashes (for per month and per year), but still all just text. Maybe my high IQ move is grab a screenshot before I refresh and attach it as an image.

Edit: we were at 1474 replies when I last looked, now we're 1463 - someone is cleaning up.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Mods are deleting any comments regarding competition? Ruthless.... Goodbye

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@OldNicknameGone wrote:

It seems they were really unimpressed with my posts, because I just tried twice to post my numbers again and it won't work. I hit reply and see the message as posted, but refresh the page and it's instantly gone. My posts are being filtered instantly. Maybe I should try posting it without all the dollar signs, in case that's what's triggering the filter! 😛

lol heheheh ahhh You're not getting an html red flags right? Not using any hyperlinks? If it's just a breakdown of old reward numbers vs new, then I've seen a lot back when this thread first started to take off & there didn't seem to be any problems. 🤔

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I haven't got any sort of notice yet, other than searching myself on the internet... But thanks for letting me know to start searching around for better deals.


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

It seems they were really unimpressed with my posts, because I just tried twice to post my numbers again and it won't work. I hit reply and see the message as posted, but refresh the page and it's instantly gone. My posts are being filtered instantly. Maybe I should try posting it without all the dollar signs, in case that's what's triggering the filter! 😛

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@PC_Out  -  Yeah, if they made it forever data... possibly yes, but since it is 150 days expiry date then no.

How would they have thought that would work by just 'Giving them a bonus data for 150 days' and call it a day?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I’ve been with PM for over 10 years now. PM is chasing the grandfathers…. I’m not sure we want bonus data. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@OldNicknameGone wrote:

I've had exactly the same, without even posting information about other companies. I've posted twice with a detailed analysis of how much my cost of service will increase with this plan. I haven't posted anything about competitors or their plans, only honest information about my existing PM plan and how much more I'll have to pay if I stay with PM. Both were deleted within minutes. They seem okay with leaving posts of people just being angry, but will not allow posts that really detail the financial impact. I think they're hoping people won't fully appreciate what this change will cost them, and that the increase in billing from the people who stay will offset the losses from people who leave.

ooooo I may give that a shot just to see. 😛  Pretty sure that doesn't constitute posting personal information, so not sure why your posts would have been removed... 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Three lines with PM for years. Only reason I have stuck with PM is due to the credits on the old rewards. Have one newer line that I'm stuck with the points system. Let's face it, they just want you to never log in to use the points. That's the reason for the change. Plain and simple, more money for them. I'll be considering moving on from PM in May with the 4 lines (3 on the old rewards) I have. Keep the rewards or loose clients plain and simple. Also tell all of your customers. So far only 1 line has been notified. Normal big company garbage. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Believe it or not back in around 2018 when the community would rise up PM would actually adjust their plans sometimes. Back when they cared about the customers I guess. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

If anyone tries to answer that, their post will get deleted (and honestly, your post will probably get deleted to). There doesn't seem to be much deletion happening now, so I assume the moderation staff are all in bed, but I imagine they'll get caught up in the morning.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Wow that's trash. I guess I'll have to start shopping around after being with PM for over 5 years. I finally thought I found a carrier I could stay with. 

Anyone know who's best to switch too?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've had exactly the same, without even posting information about other companies. I've posted twice with a detailed analysis of how much my cost of service will increase with this plan. I haven't posted anything about competitors or their plans, only honest information about my existing PM plan and how much more I'll have to pay if I stay with PM. Both were deleted within minutes. They seem okay with leaving posts of people just being angry, but will not allow posts that really detail the financial impact. I think they're hoping people won't fully appreciate what this change will cost them, and that the increase in billing from the people who stay will offset the losses from people who leave.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Elijah123 wrote:

when reviewing the new point system it has this in the fine print. does that mean we'll initially get 1 pt per month since we've been with public mobile? 


Yeah, others have asked & I'm sure there are a lot of us interested in knowing the answer, but unfortunately, we don't have one definitive one yet, or at least not one that I've seen. 

Edit: Sorry Elijah, that was a useless link & ss I posted as only references the old rewards... 🙄

This one is better in that it covers both old & new rewards programs, but highlights what others have also mentioned, that it makes no mention of that compensation shown in your ss.


I'm still hopeful for a one time credit though for us old timers, even if it's in points. 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@public_999 because you brought it up & in the event anyone else is interested, I'm reposting this because the original is buried, gerd only knows where in these pages & hopefully, it will help people to make informed decisions. 

This is a 2nd. modified post to my original which was removed, maybe because I gave specific review numbers & included links to sources used the first time. The second time I removed all review numbers. This time, I’ve removed the resource links, so hopefully this one meets TOS.

I'm staying with PM for now & depending what happens with the promo $24 plan, if they open that to everyone, then will probably stay for good, as I've never, ever had any problems with PM.

But out of curiosity, I’ve done my homework & overall, it was a disappointing experience. Fizz Mobile seems to be the most comparable to PM, with respect to the plans & flexibility, the website navigation, ease of use & the community. Keep in mind that this is from my pov, for my plan requirements.

For the most budget friendly service providers, I started by looking at customer reviews from several sources, including Trustpilot, Reddit & the BBB. Then I looked at plans, support features if any & website navigation.

Fido Mobile: Network & Owned by Rogers: complaints re: customer service & billing issues.

Fizz Mobile: Network: Vidéotron/Rogers / Owned by Québecor: Good for internet, not as good for phones.

Freedom Mobile: Network: Vidéotron / Owned by Québecorcomplaints re: customer support & connectivity issues. Edited to correct network / ownership. Thank you to the person who pointed that out to me. Sorry I didn't note the name...

Koodo Mobile: Network & Owned by Telus: complaints re: customer support, billing & connectivity issues.

Lucky Mobile: Network & Owned by Bell: complaints overall just really bad.

PC Mobile: Network: Bell / Owned by Loblaws/Bell: complaints re: customer service, billing & connectivity issues. Note - I've edited here because originally, I could only find a few reviews, so I'd left no comments. 

For those of you who have the time & patience to do more research, these are some useful tools:

Phone Providers in Canada: How to Choose the Best | CansumerGood reference source for all providers, ownership etc.

Trustpilot Reviews


Reddit - This is the source I found with enough reviews to allow me to summarize PC Mobile. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This sucks. Obviously it affects those who have been with Public Mobile for the longest times. Disappointed that Public Mobile is no longer leaving the choice up to the customer. Might have to look elsewhere for my phone services. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Looks like this is now gone which is hilarious, when I previously went to change over they at least offered 1 point for every month you had been subscribed as an incentive to get you to switch. This has now been removed and you get nothing! absolutely amazing who ever thought this was a good idea

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So much for loyal long term customers. I’ve referred 4 lines. All of us will be leaving to other providers. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is not acceptable, and 250gb that expires in 150 days? 

are you guys serious?  noone needs extra data that expires.

Bring back the old reward system or ill be moving.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Super disappointed. 7 year customer and I'll be looking for the next opportunity to switch to a competitor.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

when reviewing the new point system it has this in the fine print. does that mean we'll initially get 1 pt per month since we've been with public mobile? 




Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@public_999 wrote:

Then you should be just as quick to remove posts that trash competitors or spread false information about them.

I posted a cited review not once, but twice, of 6 competitors, with statistics re: the % of pro vs con customer reviews & a summary of the descriptors used by the reviewers. It was as accurate as the resource sites I used would allow, which is to say, they were reputable sites & I carefully transcribed the data. Both of those reviews were deleted within minutes, seconds even!

For my third try, again cited, I removed all statistics, softened some of the descriptors & removed the hyperlinks to the resources, where people could read the reviews in their totality for themselves. That one remained active, not deleted.  

It stands to reason that when people review a company, some will exaggerate, but I assume that people reading will take that into consideration. 

I can assure you that I didn't knowingly spread any false information, however let's just say the reviews were overwhelmingly less than positive... & they disappeared off of this thread in the blink of an eye! 😯

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

That's what I would accept. The $2 autopay was never advertised as being permanent as long as we remained customers, but the referrals and loyalty rewards were. So they should be honoring their promises. Referrals are basically the same, so all that would change would be grandfathering in whatever loyalty rewards a customer currently has, and just locking those in permanently. Other than that, I won't be sticking around, as there are plenty of better alternatives out there to choose from. Nor would I want to support a company that blatantly lies to their customers like this either.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Stelawrat wrote:

@bcsuazon wrote:

I guess PM wants to lose their most loyal customers.  The worst part about this is that I finally upgraded to a more expensive plan but I did so with the belief that I'd still have my loyalty discounts for a while...if I had known this change was coming I would never have changed my subscription.  I can't even switch to the $29 plan since its only available to new activations so I guess it may be time to switch to another carrier unfortunately 😞

I've seen a few posts from people in the same situation as you & you are the customers that I feel the most sympathy for. I can imagine the frustration of having made the switch so recently, only to have your costs shoot up, effectively wiping out any benefit for having switched. 

I'm really hoping that PM / Telus, who have been kept aware of our concerns here, are going to compensate you & those like you, in a meaningful way for this specific loss. If you have any ideas for what types of compensation you'd like to see, then maybe post them here as well. It might be worth a shot. 

I think someone already posted that it would be great if they just gave a flat discount/credit going forward - ideally it would be equal to the loyalty credits we currently have.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@bcsuazon wrote:

I guess PM wants to lose their most loyal customers.  The worst part about this is that I finally upgraded to a more expensive plan but I did so with the belief that I'd still have my loyalty discounts for a while...if I had known this change was coming I would never have changed my subscription.  I can't even switch to the $29 plan since its only available to new activations so I guess it may be time to switch to another carrier unfortunately 😞

I've seen a few posts from people in the same situation as you & you are the customers that I feel the most sympathy for. I can imagine the frustration of having made the switch so recently, only to have your costs shoot up, effectively wiping out any benefit for having switched. 

I'm really hoping that PM / Telus, who have been kept aware of our concerns here, are going to compensate you & those like you, in a meaningful way for this specific loss. If you have any ideas for what types of compensation you'd like to see, then maybe post them here as well. It might be worth a shot. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

"Members need to be aware that advertising for other companies is violation of the terms of service"

There's a difference between advertising and stating a fact that a certain competitor has a better plan than PM at the moment.  Deleting the latter is censorship...

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

You are doing a very bad thing to us for your own personal profit. You think 30GB of useless data will make us stick around? You are mistaken, At the end of this bill cycle you will be losing our business and your company will fail because you cant compete with your competitors. They have much more to offer us than 30gb for a couple of weeks

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