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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,554 REPLIES 5,554

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Anyone feel traumatized after being committed to something for so long only to be betrayed by it?  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Sorry, but you did not sign any contract. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

(2nd post, I might now start taking screen shots before removal)

If PM service and points system is so great, why do they delete our posts that let the communtiy know about an article on MobileSyrup that talks about the latest bonus data being given?

I don't know what they are so afraid of, I even altered the name of the providers listed. What, now we can't share articles or other online resources that don't specifically praise PM??? 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@PublicPointsuck wrote:

This is unacceptable! This is a violation of the contract we signed, I will bring you to court and cancel my public mobile plan if i am forcibly switched to the inferior points system

What contract?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

They're talking about rewards you've already earned and haven't used, mainly because your monthly bill is already at $0. Only people with monthly rewards higher than their current plan price are subject to this I believe. Some people have hundreds of dollars as funds in their account. So these funds will stay in the account, but you won't earn any new rewards from the old program moving forward. $2/month auto pay discount? Gone! $5/month loyalty discount? Gone!

@nick55aa wrote:

I think everybody be looking for a new carrier they did US dirty make a complaint to the crtc on your way out

Complaints would be through CCTS not CRTC


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Submit a complaint to CCTS now don't wait until May.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

With 5 lines, you are increasing my monthly bill between $25-$30.

I'll be opening 5 separate CCTS complaints.

Not happy.  Been loyal customer since Fall 2016.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

This is unacceptable! This is a violation of the contract we signed, I will bring you to court and cancel my public mobile plan if i am forcibly switched to the inferior points system


@Wolfcore wrote:

It's hilarious how we see most of the Oracles claiming that PM still has the best value even with the old rewards system being removed, while also removing any comments that showcase any of these competitors deals, while also saying that they're impartial, don't work for PM, and aren't protecting them 🤣

@Wolfcore, it is against ToS for advertising of other services.  As for teh best deal out there it is for my family as the plans suit our needs at good pricing 2 plans at $29/30GB and 2 at $34/50GB Can/US plans.  If I have a mass exodus of referrals then I will have to see if it is still making sense for the family to stay here.


I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I think everybody be looking for a new carrier they did US dirty make a complaint to the crtc on your way out

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

For me , I am thinking switch my kid's line to Rogers with my employees plan throught red wireless, not sure what plan they have this BF, for my parents' line, I will buy the hk3 360 days data plan for esim , my wife and my line, I am think the Eskimo 2 years 30G data plan with esim  plus cheap tt plan

Maybe it will cheaper than currently to PM

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yeah I can't believe public Mobile did his dirty like this. I'm going to make a complaint to the crtc before I start shopping for a new carrier

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

As a long term customer I am truly disappointed by this decision. In 2022 when this change was first implemented we were told this wouldn’t affect current users unless we made the choice to switch to the public points rewards. I have my own account plus 4 others that I manage for family members - my total cost will be going up over $30 a month so I have no choice but to look into other providers. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Then you should be just as quick to remove posts that trash competitors or spread false information about them.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Guess I'm gonna be shopping for new provider. 

Not happy with the change to remove the old reward system.


I was thinking of switching, but never did because of the old reward system.  But now there's no benefit.

Bye bye

@public_999 wrote:

Wow, you guys are really working overtime removing posts!!

Members need to be aware that advertising for other companies is violation of the terms of service.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Please someone show me how to file a CCTS Complaint. step by step. I am low skilled at computers.

Cheers & please recommend a cheaper phone carrier plan that isn't associated with Telus. Perhaps an international so my money can go to non Canadian scam companies.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Wow, you guys are really working overtime removing posts!!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Massive failure to all existing customers. I will be leaving this May after being a 5 year customer. Never going back to Public Mobile or TELUS. Filing a CCTS complaint too. Loyalty proved pointless. Public mobile laying evidence they don't care about customers at all. My plan is going to become more expensive so I am leaving. Thanks for showing us truly where your heart is.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Well, like so many other people here I was an early subscriber and have a large discount... One that was setup as my reward system years ago and will no longer be honoured. 

Also like others have posted, I upgraded fairly recently (2 accounts) and now the new activation offers are much better than anything I can switch to as an existing customer... And without the old discount, my existing plan sucks.

Now, reading others comments I notice all the better deals from other companies with actual service provided as well... Thankfully both my plans are prepaid monthly subscriptions with no long term commitments...What shall I do... Stay with public or go with one of the better deals elsewhere?

I guess I don't have any loyalty (plan) anymore eh?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi.  Wondering if you have done a comparison?  It looks like your current rewards discount remains.

I still have leftover rewards from the old program that I want to use - do I lose these rewards?

No, you won’t lose any leftover rewards from the old program. Any credits earned up to May 2024 will remain on your account and be applied to your future bills.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Lucky has a 25 GB for $29 plan at the moment which is already better than the current 20GB for $29 plan that PM is offerring (for new activations only).  However, I'll wait to see what other promotions and plans the competitors will be offerring before switching.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I'm looking forward to what the other providers will be offering to all the potential PM customers who will be looking to switch.  I was very tempted to make a switch today but we have until May to see what the competition will come up with.  Perhaps something even better than the $29 plan will be available by then...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


I officially received my email notification today (March 11, 2024).  I'm upset with Public Mobile and hope they'll revise their position however, I'll be ready to port 6 lines in May if they don't.

Consider this my formal complaint and a statement that I will not move to your new reward program. 

I hope you find the values you lost (loyalty & integrity).

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

We already know how much we'll lose. And I don't see how anyone would gain anything from this switch, except for PM that is.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Thanks for the info.  No need to respond to my request, I found your new provider.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

What are details of your new plan?

Can you please post the new service provider?


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

These changes are quite expected, I kept thinking that when this would happen, the time had come. Well, let’s see in reality how this will all work, how much we will lose or gain. I will draw conclusions after May.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

hi;  a simple letter sent to customer service .  i understand, but you are evil.


i understand the switching over to the points reward program from the old rewards program

points ( less in dollar value ) instead of bill credit. ok. points for purchases instead of credits

for auto-pay ( again at a lesser dollar value for the low dollar plans, for people who just need

an inexpensive cell plan ) ok, but you are hitting the poorer . all that is ok, i understand.

i even understand the reduced loyalty points value ( from 12 dollars per year to just 10 ).

but what kills me is the resetting the loyalty to zero. all the years of being a member is

flushed away.

right now i pay about 8 $ per month for the simple 15 $ plan - some minutes and texts, a

bit of data that is hardly used. i have some unused extra data and long distance add-ons

( which i think will be lost in the conversion ?? ) gifted to me from some promotions ( thank

you ). that hurts. why are you taking away what you gave ?, especially when i did not even

use them much .

but what really hurts is the loss of the accumulated loyalty ( even at the reduced rate )...

yes that is a punch in the face. you are evil, just plain evil.

do you really want me to pay 15 $ per month for the 250 MB of 3G data and only 100

minutes outgoing and texting ( at sign up it was 100 outgoing, unlimited incoming and

100 outgoing text - now the details are vague with unlimited texts and 100 canada wide

minutes ( have to assume it is outgoing with free incoming )) ???

that is 180 $ per year. i can go to freedom mobile and pay 119 $ in advance for a whole

year of unlimited canada wide calling ( i do live in their network area ) and texting,

unlimited, yes that is right and also get 15 GB of data at 4G speed - that is 10 $ per

month. i never thought of switching, because i like public mobile, i thought you were

a nice company, much better that freedom. now i will be paying more for less and even

though i do not use customer service much i am willing to go through this online

community help platform to reduce costs. again, at freedom i can talk to a human,

mind you most of the time that human seems to be a bit dim, ( i have dealt with them

many years ago ) and somewhat full of b.s. but i would not need to do that much.

so what do you want me to do ? what are you going to do for me when i will be paying

upwards of 50 % more for a lot less ?????

thanks, pete

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