11:07 AM
- last edited on
12:32 PM
Hey Community,
We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.
We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program.
We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.
To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st.
We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.
To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.
The Public Mobile Team
04-04-2024 08:58 PM
@simon247 wrote:I'm not sure if I can share the details, but CCTS has so far been surprisingly feisty and helpful on my behalf in addressing this change. I'm certainly glad that I filed the complaint. It was very quick and easy too. My issue has been presented as effectively a billing change in PM's favour disguised under the umbrella of a reward program change that's in violation of former written promises (going from a monetary amount impacting how the bill itself is calculated, to receiving arbitrary points with "no cash value"). Neatly, billing falls directly at the very core of CCTS' scope to take action on.
On top of the above, the big "checkmate" here that I'm not sure how PM could or will respond to is that when the PublicPoints system launched, we've had written assurances mailed by PM that it will be optional for existing users, who will be able to remain on the existing reward system to continue "saving the same amount" (in PM's words). I happen to be the existing user who made it clear that I'm not willing to take them on the option to stop "saving the same amount" as I did under the current rewards scheme.
I'm truly happy CCTS is helpful with "our" situation. Keep all of us posted. I'll be opening 6 cases very soon.
04-04-2024 08:36 PM
In my time here, they seem to involve one of the following reasons:
04-04-2024 08:16 PM - edited 04-04-2024 08:35 PM
I'm not sure if I can share the details, but CCTS has so far been surprisingly feisty and helpful on my behalf in addressing this change. I'm certainly glad that I filed the complaint. It was very quick and easy too. My issue has been presented as effectively a billing change in PM's favour disguised under the umbrella of a reward program change that's in violation of former written promises (going from a monetary amount impacting how the bill itself is calculated, to receiving arbitrary points with "no cash value"). Neatly, billing falls directly at the very core of CCTS' scope to take action on.
On top of the above, the big "checkmate" here that I'm not sure how PM could or will respond to is that when the PublicPoints system launched, we've had written assurances mailed by PM that it will be optional for existing users, who will be able to remain on the existing reward system to continue "saving the same amount" (in PM's words). I happen to be the existing user who made it clear that I'm not willing to take them on the option to stop "saving the same amount" as I did under the current rewards scheme.
04-04-2024 07:59 PM
They did in fact go there, but it doesn't say why. Character limit?
04-04-2024 07:58 PM
Check if perhaps they went here: (it's where unmoderated items get sent for various reasons...)
04-04-2024 07:56 PM
Hi jtennyuk! Check out my RFD post with details here: https://forums.redflagdeals.com/public-mobile-retiring-their-old-rewards-program-may-2024-2679876/51...
04-04-2024 07:56 PM
Hi Basem! I wanted to post all the details here but they kept getting deleted (maybe too many characters?) so check my RFD post instead: https://forums.redflagdeals.com/public-mobile-retiring-their-old-rewards-program-may-2024-2679876/51...
04-04-2024 06:37 PM
@Wolfchilla wrote:I would like to know if there are any progress with those who have filed CCTS complaints. I am considering filing one, but not sure if it is worthwhile or if it would create problems.
As this isn't really a billing issue, they are raising the price without technically raising our bills. So I'm not sure we can retain the discounted price even if they aren't allowed to charge us for the extra amount while this is in dispute.
I filed and got a response saying the CCTS accepts my complaint and that they're giving PM 20 days to contact me to resolve the issue.
04-04-2024 06:14 PM
@Basem24 - You will first contact CS_Agent to get it resolved (It won't get resolved)
⬇️ Click the link for an Agent * ⬇️
If the link above doesn’t work, please go here to create a ticket to CS_Agent: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/composepage/note-to-user-id/22437
* - CS_Agent will typically get back to you within 48 hours. They work 7 days a week from 9 AM to 10 PM EST. You will be required to login to your Public Mobile Community Account to contact CS_Agent. Once you are finished making the ticket with CS_Agent, please ensure that you monitor for an agent because they may notify you asking for some information via Private Message, in your mailbox by clicking this link here: Messages
Then you can make the complaint with the CCTS:
04-04-2024 05:22 PM
Where and how I can file the complain ?thanks
04-04-2024 05:04 PM
I see this post is the most "successful" one from PM in a long time ...I posted here in the past and won't repeat the same thing but will add a new one... you once had a loyal subscriber with 4 lines that have now reached 5 years ( 3 on 15$ and one on 25$) plus several referrals... when the change goes thorough my 25$ plan is scheduled to go down to 15$ so for that one month you will earn 21$ more ...(your managers that came up with that idea will boost in their improved ARPU) my minutes and non expiring data add on will be used up... 4 sim have already been ordered and once your celebration ends you will find that you're missing 4 clients plus referrals and your TSN and ARPU will drop consistently and will need to do something to stop tge bleeding....too bad at least these 4 clients will never come back to your company nor any company affiliated to Telus once you break trust and loyalty it's almost impossible to get it back. You can still stop this but I know you won't... you're not that smart ...I'll be watching your body floating down the river.
For those that do not care About useless data "gift" downgrade all your lines to 15$ for at least a couple months...if we all do this you will see the alarm bells ringing at Telus and maybe they will wake up and reconsider or at least come up with a fairer deal....I say this as a ex Telus Employee... I know how this all works.
04-04-2024 05:00 PM
@Techie309 wrote:I'll probably go back to Koodo (also on Telus network). I was with them for 9 years with no rate increases. For a couple of dollars difference they have live customer support. My after tax bill went up by almost $6 with the new system. No loyalty from Public for long term subcribers. I will leave & probably my referals will leave too.
There is a recent article on MobileSyrup about Koodo’s latest plan changes. A direct quote from that article: “Koodo offers more plans than before, but somehow none of them are worth your time.”
04-04-2024 04:25 PM - edited 04-04-2024 04:26 PM
@Techie309 wrote:I'll probably go back to Koodo (also on Telus network). I was with them for 9 years with no rate increases. For a couple of dollars difference they have live customer support. My after tax bill went up by almost $6 with the new system. No loyalty from Public for long term subcribers. I will leave & probably my referals will leave too.
@Techie309 I'm curious as to what long term loyalty rewards Koodo gave you for 9 years?
04-04-2024 04:12 PM
I'll probably go back to Koodo (also on Telus network). I was with them for 9 years with no rate increases. For a couple of dollars difference they have live customer support. My after tax bill went up by almost $6 with the new system. No loyalty from Public for long term subcribers. I will leave & probably my referals will leave too.
04-04-2024 03:21 PM
Public Mobile, please reconsider this forced change to the new points system. If you will be forcing everyone to change over, I will be porting out my phone number to another provider.
04-04-2024 12:53 PM
@eyes wrote:That's what they say now ............. ..........but they may also break that promise .......
@eyes You can say that about every single provider out there. As a matter of fact you can say that about every single company out there. They will until they don't. So for now @jlo10ca has nothing to worry about.
04-04-2024 11:17 AM
@jlo10ca wrote:I noticed that the 5GB of bonus data I was given due to this change expires in 6 month. The Christmas bonus I got for 2 or 3 years ( data and mins) has no expiration date and I am hoping that they still will not expire. Can someone please confirm that?
@jlo10ca Any old data and minute bonuses are still good until they are used up.
04-04-2024 11:15 AM
I noticed that the 5GB of bonus data I was given due to this change expires in 6 month. The Christmas bonus I got for 2 or 3 years ( data and mins) has no expiration date and I am hoping that they still will not expire. Can someone please confirm that?
The old plan was saving me $7 a month on $15 which was amazing. The new rewards might save me $2 a month as far as I can remember…. Oh well
04-04-2024 10:51 AM
I am in Victoria, BC. One of my clients, who lives in Duncan (north of Victoria), and is also with PM, investigated Fizz and Freedom. No coverage north of Cobble Hill for Freedom (between Vic and Dun), and no Duncan coverage for Fizz, except on a partnered network. If you use a partner too much, they suspend service. Better check coverage before fleeing.
04-04-2024 10:05 AM
@NoseyNick1 wrote:> So long as you can get by on 250MB you're golden.
Right, except Lucky has 250MB of data AND THEN "You can also continue to use data at reduced speeds of up to 128 Kbps for email, light browsing and messaging at no additional charge once you have exceeded your allotted data"
I believe with the $15 plan, you will not get the 128 Kpbs unlimited throttled data.
Unless things have changed recently. You may want to contact Lucky mobile just to make sure.
You will need to be on the $25+ plan with Lucky mobile to get the unlimited throttled data.
04-04-2024 09:00 AM - edited 04-04-2024 12:20 PM
@NoseyNick1 wrote:> So long as you can get by on 250MB you're golden.
Right, except Lucky has 250MB of data AND THEN "You can also continue to use data at reduced speeds of up to 128 Kbps for email, light browsing and messaging at no additional charge once you have exceeded your allotted data"
@NoseyNick1 Good luck with using "up to" 128kb. I used the 256kb up to 512kb here once and it was so maddenly slow as to make it useless for me.
Edit to correct PM throttled speed.
04-04-2024 08:01 AM
> So long as you can get by on 250MB you're golden.
Right, except Lucky has 250MB of data AND THEN "You can also continue to use data at reduced speeds of up to 128 Kbps for email, light browsing and messaging at no additional charge once you have exceeded your allotted data"
04-04-2024 07:14 AM
@ccyl wrote:The original Rewards system is clearly successful, retaining customers and drawing in new ones. The new Public Points system is not comparable in rewarding customers (Loyalty, AutoPay).
@ccyl The legacy program hasn't drawn in new customers for about 2 years. Everyone who joined since sometime in 2022 is on the new program so they would have no reason to care about this.
04-04-2024 07:11 AM
@NoseyNick1 wrote:Another interesting thing about Lucky... NO OVERAGES.
If you run out of your minimal 250MB, "If your usage exceeds the data included in your plan or Add-On, we’ll send you a text message with a link to add a Service Pass should you wish to use more data. You can also continue to use data at reduced speeds of up to 128 Kbps for email, light browsing and messaging at no additional charge once you have exceeded your allotted data"
If 250MB was enough to get you most of the way through a month (like me), then 128kbps might be enough for the last few days anyway? It's better than the olde 56kbps modem days! 😉
In fact... even if you were downloading continuously, that's... like... another 250MB every... 4.5 hours? Did I do my maths right? I feel like I'm never going to need more than the minimum plan, never NEED any top-ups/add-ons/service-passes?
@NoseyNick1 Look close at the plan. It says "Data Add-ons / Data service passes are not available on this plan". It advises you to change plans if you need more data. So long as you can get by on 250MB you're golden.
04-04-2024 02:44 AM
They accepted PM's objection in my attempt. Could you share how you worded it so that myself and others could submit that?
04-04-2024 01:04 AM
public mobile, the subsidiary of Telus is forcing us to pay a higher price, thinking that all the other providers are the same. Because of their stupid move, it actually motivates me to look hard, very hard and I’m glad they did this, Fonus is offering global unlimited data and minutes to many countries (US, Canada and Mexico data and minutes) for $27 I’m switching all my public mobile accounts to them. Thanks for insisting in increasing your price Telus/public mobile !
04-04-2024 12:58 AM
@ccyl wrote:The original Rewards system is clearly successful, retaining customers and drawing in new ones. The new Public Points system is not comparable in rewarding customers (Loyalty, AutoPay).
I know many customers share the same sentiment, I think it's important we state our dissatisfaction, so that Public Mobile can see the many unhappy LOYAL customers.
@ccyl the original rewards system hasn't been drawing in new customers since the points system was introduced in 2022
* I am happy to help, but I am not a Customer Support Agent please do not include any personal info in a message to me. Click HERE to create a trouble ticket through SIMon the Chatbot *
04-03-2024 11:37 PM
My complaint was accepted by CCTS and they rejected PM's objection. Now it will go to adjudication.
It is absolutely worth filing a complaint, and if enough people do then they may reverse course like they did in the past.
04-03-2024 11:31 PM
technically the $7 (+tax too!) off per bill is still correct, because the new reward is not automatically deducted. You can only cash out only at $15, if I'm right? So perhaps you're right to say we don't lose $84 per year because we can deduct that $15, but we still pay $7 dollars more per month until we can get a $15 dollar coupon off for the year.
Most customers who are in the legacy program would have 5 years or close to 5 years seniority with the PM anyway, but you're right in saying that not everyone will. But close.
04-03-2024 11:28 PM
@Knockali5 wrote:Today when I needed my rewards 240 GB data, it didn’t work. It also disappeared from my account. opened a ticket, let’s see what happens.
By chance, did you downgrade your plans? If you downgrade to cheaper plan, unfortunately, you will lose the 240 GB data bonus.