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Upcoming Changes to our Old Rewards Program

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community,

We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.

We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program. 

We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.

To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st. 

We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.

To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.

The Public Mobile Team

5,494 REPLIES 5,494

hi @dabr I have to say PM system is glitchy.  Many still willing to tolerate it because of the savings, huge savings.  Now that the savings drop dramatically, PM better able to offer a better system to make it up

hi @edeepm please respect yourself by respecting others with different views. Your comment does not line up with the free speech Canadian value and is offensive 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@JennalynnFlesch wrote:

PM's answer to my refusal to be moved to their new points program was this, followed by my answer; (I am filing with CCTS )

Hello there,


We’re making these changes in an effort to ensure we’re providing the best possible value to our subscribers.


PM, I think you're completely confused as to what your subscribers actually value. It's plain and simple: dollars. We don't care about your points, contests, and what not. You had a real thing going and it worked. Now you're gonna throw everything out the window out of greed. It's outrageous, and dare I say, immoral.


@hTideGnow   Without knowing the exact reason why others will be switching to a different provider and pay the same, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume PM's deficiencies and better (live support?) might be the tipping point once PM removes the legacy rewards for those on budget plans needing a reason to stay.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@dabrThat's a good point.. Looking I have

  • 554 Int'l LD bonus minutes left of 1000(two free 500 min from PM)
  • 380 canada wide minutes (paid for by me)
  • 7GB of data (free from X years of holiday bonuses)


for me to move to another provider I would give up these and they're really nice to have. I guess I'm the other side of the coin as you because I'm willing to give these up (I typically use for international calls) to show Telus/PM that I'm serious. Short of that and complaining as loud as I can, they're going to think sticking it to the poor little guys on the cheapest plan is okay.

yes @dabr ,any just leave because they are upset, some not confirm if they in fact still have save money by staying 

@RNk6xib2    I don't want to pay the same price as I will be paying with PM after May.  In fact, I have plenty of data/international/domestic minutes (purchased/gifted) available in my plan already, so it doesn't make much sense to me to switch to another provider and pay the equivalent price and lose all that.  However, I'm willing to forego those add-ons if the cost is going to a lot less with another provider.

@Wolfcore wrote:

Crazy to see Oracles openly trying to guilt people into feeling sorry for the profits of a multibillion dollar company like Telus, while speaking to subscribers of a budget brand, who are probably struggling to pay rent, or even eat (like most of Canada), due to the exact same inflation being spoken of. Even if that's how they feel, they should probably sit this one out, just out of respect, as it's quite disrespectful.

I can assure you that a legacy rewards program of Public Mobile, isn't hurting Telus financially. Regardless of inflation, they're continuing to see profit from each and every legacy customer. They simply want more. 

Trust me, I am not shy to encourage people to shop with their wallets, I do it myself.  That said, I am here because of the shopping efforts, the rewards were a bonus on top.  I hate to see it go just as much as the next customer.  Please don't think I am in any way a paid shill.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

You hit the nail on the head with that one!!😀

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The $15 PM plan is $15 per 30 days. Lucky Mobile has a $15 plan with the same 100 minutes, 250mb (with auto pay) and texting but it's per month.

I'm sure if you do the math, PM + new points system might still make up for the lost day here and there but I'll be moving to the lucky $15 plan out of annoyance if it goes though.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Crazy to see Oracles openly trying to guilt people into feeling sorry for the profits of a multibillion dollar company like Telus, while speaking to subscribers of a budget brand, who are probably struggling to pay rent, or even eat (like most of Canada), due to the exact same inflation being spoken of. Even if that's how they feel, they should probably sit this one out, just out of respect, as it's quite disrespectful.

I can assure you that a legacy rewards program of Public Mobile, isn't hurting Telus financially. Regardless of inflation, they're continuing to see profit from each and every legacy customer. They simply want more. 

@LTD2023 wrote:

@will13am wrote:  If people think they can find better elsewhere, have at it.  After cycling through the stages of grief, I suspect many will come to the realization that things are not so bad here. I have the 3G $15 plan with 250MG data 100 min Canada-wide calling unlimited texting. My referrals have already left PM and with my erwards disappearing, I have cycled through my grief. Another provider has a yearly plan with 15g data, unlimited T&T on 4G LTE for $119. I wonder where I'll take my business??

Unfortunately, I believe that's the whole point of this exercise is to reduce the number of customers on the $15 (or $13) plan/s and more than likely that's where a couple of our household lines (eventually) will end up.  I was previously with that provider and rarely had service problems but price wise, it'll be cheaper (enough) to make the switch.  I came to PM for the savings and will port out for the same reason.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Apologies for replying here, this new setup is not intuitive to me at all.  I couldn't even use my old nickname (the form screen said it was already in use) so I'm stuck with this one I entered in anger.  ARGH. 

I haven't gone through all the posts (WAY too infuriating!) so I'm really just here because it sounds like I'm about to lose my remaining accumulated past reward bonuses of 5.49GB (NON-expiring data) and 1487 minutes of International Long Distance (also NON-expiring).  Can anyone definitively confirm that? 

Since I have internet at home, I rarely use it on my phone, but having nearly 6GB of backup available has been reassuring, especially for those times when the internet goes down on my modem!  (It's also been reassuring to have the International Long Distance minutes, though I'll grant my 93 year old mother gets more use out of them to call old friends in Germany.)

Honestly, without these Bonus minutes and data, I don't see any other reason to stay with Public Mobile.  The website is a joke, there's no more customer service, the list goes on.  It's too bad; I started with PM in May of 2014, and I was really impressed with it then.  In the ensuing 10 years, it has *not* improved with age. 

glimmercat - not "thatISmyname" 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I hope so, I don't want to leave PM but these days, you have to shop with your wallet.

@LTD2023 wrote:

@will13am wrote:  If people think they can find better elsewhere, have at it.  After cycling through the stages of grief, I suspect many will come to the realization that things are not so bad here. I have the 3G $15 plan with 250MG data 100 min Canada-wide calling unlimited texting. My referrals have already left PM and with my erwards disappearing, I have cycled through my grief. Another provider has a yearly plan with 15g data, unlimited T&T on 4G LTE for $119. I wonder where I'll take my business??

So you should.  Shop with your wallet, not your heart.  Maybe this will help to bring a similar plan option to this brand.  

hi @Aehmttw yes for the cheapest plan with the most data

btw, the new app now cam access rewards and check and redeem points, so it is easier than ever 😉

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Eh, it's fine really. There around xmas one of the agents helped me set up with one of those special offer plans and even if I don't use the point system (which I wont because I am forgetful and will never log in for it lol) or the old loyalty discounts. Still have the cheapest plan with the most data. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@will13am wrote:  If people think they can find better elsewhere, have at it.  After cycling through the stages of grief, I suspect many will come to the realization that things are not so bad here.

I have the 3G $15 plan with 250MG data 100 min Canada-wide calling unlimited texting. My referrals have already left PM and with my erwards disappearing, I have cycled through my grief. Another provider has a yearly plan with 15g data, unlimited T&T on 4G LTE for $119. I wonder where I'll take my business??

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My point was they can't make changes that affect our past behaviour. We've earned the $1/mo/yr forever.

They can put what they like in the Terms of Service and take their chances with external overseers.

hi @Michael6666 PM's intention is to save money and not to drive subscribers away.  In fact they have great in lower overall plan price with more data for both new subscribers and existing. 

@Michael6666 wrote:

They could have increased those price points.. 

They could have locked all accounts on the old system and a change in plan would force you to the new points system. 

So many ways that are not possible to object to legally. 

In this case, they made future promises on rewards, it's just not logical to remove them. But you can effectively force people out humanely. 

I feel like trash with this method

I believe the lower end plan prices are covered by government mandates.  

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

They could have increased those price points.. 

They could have locked all accounts on the old system and a change in plan would force you to the new points system. 

So many ways that are not possible to object to legally. 

In this case, they made future promises on rewards, it's just not logical to remove them. But you can effectively force people out humanely. 

I feel like trash with this method

@RetiredGuy1 wrote:

So, as a shareholder could you please explain the merits you are referring to since “record profits” is apparently not enough?

Respectfully, no.  Inflation invariably makes new number appear larger than last year's comps.  

@mikasik2 wrote:

@hTideGnow wrote:

hi @will13am yes , unfortunately consumers only sees from their angle and update ar anything that cost them money..they don't see the big picture 

Telus just posted record profits

The other side of the coin is $13 accounts paying $6 in perpetuity.  These days $6 doesn't buy a single burger.  I hate to pit one group of customers against another group.  I think it was the unsustainability of giving $7 rewards to $13 and $15 customers caused this change.  Let's just agree to disagree if you are not willing to look at this problem from all angles.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am reading there are many angry Public Mobile customers who are on the old rewards program already complaining to the CCTS as mentioned here:

What I DO NOT appreciate is this statement and I quote "We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward."  This is my personal opinion is complete lie as how are loyal existing customers on old rewards program earning more when we are forced to switch to new rewards program if we all have calculated that by going to new rewards program we will lose approximately 75% to 80% in terms of dollar value in rewards per month.  

You want to discontinue the old rewards program fine, just don't treat us like idiots and lie to us with these statements that have ZERO TRUTH to it.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

So, as a shareholder could you please explain the merits you are referring to since “record profits” is apparently not enough?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

They should have kept the old program for loyal customers. Then just have the new one for new customers. Its that simple.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Freedom isn't available in Quebec for porting in a number, I tried. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Maybe in over 2 years! 

In this case, you buy a 4$ sim card vs 5$ for public mobile, 15$ off in the third month and a 20$ Dollarama gift card.

Public mobile has 30 day months, so that is 1.44% lost yearly in actual cost vs lucky. 

It would take 24 months to accumulate 30 points at public mobile. With lucky, you get 35$ back after 3 months and the flexibility to move elsewhere if you choose without losing these god awful points. 

The 1.44% is = 5.25/365.25

15$ X 24 months X (0.05 - 0.0144) + 20 = 32 points. 

hi @mikasik2 so, buy more Telus shares now, they now find more ways to save and stock price will go up further 

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