11:07 AM
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12:32 PM
Hey Community,
We have an important announcement to share with our subscribers who are currently enrolled in our old Rewards program.
We’re making changes to our rewards program and are sharing how these changes impact some of our subscribers. Starting in May, we’ll be retiring our old Rewards program and moving all subscribers to our Public Points™ program.
We launched the Public Points™ program in January 2022 to provide our subscribers with more ways to earn and spend rewards, with greater flexibility. As part of our commitment to continuously evolve our products and services, it's time to retire our old Rewards program and shift our focus on enhancing our Points program.
To show our appreciation for your continued loyalty, subscribers on our old Rewards program will receive a special thank you. We'll send you a text message when it has been added to your account by March 31st.
We’re excited to continue providing you, our valued subscribers, more opportunities to earn and spend rewards with Public Points™ moving forward.
To learn more about your move to Public Points, check out our FAQ here.
The Public Mobile Team
03-08-2024 08:57 PM
@Shan_Bhai wrote:So, the $2 autopay reward has been removed, and the 6 years of loyalty for $6 is no longer available. You now receive a $1 discount through loyalty inn points. Additionally, there used to be a $1 discount for referrals. Is that referral discount also gone?
Due to inadequate customer support and subpar infrastructure allocation by Public Mobile, I’ve decided to switch providers within a month. When I reached out to them to enable VoLTE, they lacked the expertise to do so. Interestingly, when I tested my phone on Freedom Mobile, it worked flawlessly.
Yes, with the migration to points system, you will lose $2/month autopay and $5/month loyalty. They will be replaced with 5% back on your plan cost and 10 loyalty points/1 year (anniversary date).
The friends referral rewards remain intact. one friend referred equates to one point/30 day cycle as long as friend stays with Public mobile.
Yes, the VoLTE whitelist with Public mobile is limited to certain phones and is frustrating for customers who own phones outside the list.
03-08-2024 08:54 PM - edited 03-08-2024 10:40 PM
When PM stated there were no plans to make a change to the old reward system back in 2022, there was no disclaimer or anything added saying subject to change/cancellation. As this forum is the main way for PM to communicate with us and for us to communicate with them, their messaging without and disclosures can be be seen as them agreeing to not make future changes.. it's not that strong of a case, but a case can still be made to have a CCTS claim opened, and to get our voices heard, and cause financial costs to Telus/Pm for their scummy behavior
03-08-2024 08:54 PM - edited 03-08-2024 08:55 PM
@Michael6666 wrote:CCTS is the way to go.
Structure the request as a change to the original agreement where the discounts were progressive.
They promised 5$ off per month after 5 years and then pulled it away for some after not even reaching 5 years. Clear bait and switch if you ask me. It was a discount program that attracted many of us.
I also asked for 50$ credit if there is no way the discounts will be reinstated.
At least it will give me a few months of credit if anything.
Public mobile, don't make forward looking promises! It's a disgusting business practice and my CCTS will hopefully, at minimum, cost you some time, money and effort to compensate my loss.
My future provider, fizz, actually refers to never increasing plan rates in their contract as long as I don't change plan, now that's a refreshing way to do business.
That's an interesting point. We were told the loyalty reward would go up to $5 after 5 years as long as we stayed with PM. But my loyalty credit is only at $4 and now will never get to 5. Is that not false advertising?
03-08-2024 08:54 PM
What a shame, I love the old system. I will also be moving to PC Mobile when this change goes into effect. My other family member who is on the new point system has to apply her (lower) discount every month and it gets super annoying.
03-08-2024 08:51 PM
PC Mobile must be loving this. Received the PM text notification early this afternoon, had migrated my number over to PC Mobile before 5PM.
Bye, Bye PM. (Although I will admit it was good while it lasted)
03-08-2024 08:49 PM
Complaint are being accepted by CCTS already. Will there be an outcome in our favour, likely not, but we need to have our voices heard, and additional costs / fees imposed to Telus for this scummy behavior. These cases will cause financial costs to Telus which they rightfully deserve
03-08-2024 08:48 PM
goodbye PM.
I wasn't even able to receive verification texts outside US and Canada anyway.
and with this nerf, time to leave
03-08-2024 08:46 PM
Very disappointing decision. Would rather have kept my old plan. They sucked people into the new plan for a little more money but lots more date and are immediately clawing it back by removing the rewards system. Existing and loyal customers should be grandfathered in.
03-08-2024 08:46 PM
Signed up for $10 plan in 2018 (increased to $13 in 2022) 50 texts/50 minutes/no data plan with $8 off in rewards ($2 autopay, $5 for 5+ years loyalty & $1 off for 1 referral) & your switch to Public Points is increasing the cost of my monthly bill about 2 and a half times.
Absolutely ridiculous (considering the level of service provided & used) price gouging and now this bait & switch on rewards is the last straw with me.
If Public Mobile proceeds with removing the old grandfathered loyalty rewards system that I signed up for & forces us on to the Public Points system that will jack up my bill by %250 (on top of already jacking up my bill %30 in 2022) then I & my referral will be RUNNING, not walking to switch to a non-Telus carrier ASAP.
I WAS intending to upgrade to 1 of the $34/$29 range plans at Public Mobile around Black Friday this year but no chance if this fiasco goes forward.
03-08-2024 08:44 PM - edited 03-08-2024 08:46 PM
Would be interesting to know how many people voluntarily switched to the new points program, from the old one (when they first released it). It has to be almost none, because it made no sense to. I know that a few people fell for the trick of it being a better system, but those must be few and far between.
The reality is, their new points system is terrible, and the only reason why they've even managed to remain competitive, is because of the plans they've been offering.
With all of these disgruntled subscribers now, and the negative press, it's only going to get worse for them. Competitors will move in to try and scoop these people up, and if they're even fractionally more competitive with their pricing, and offering things like live support, PM will be in trouble.
03-08-2024 08:42 PM
Yes but I actually started getting more expensive plans... Now I'll take my 4 lines that i pay for elsewhere. Also my home services as well.
03-08-2024 08:40 PM
I don't like this decision, and I don't like how we don't have options to opt out.
03-08-2024 08:40 PM
That's how they got some to switch earlier... I knew the new program wasn't good. They sure don't know their customers.
03-08-2024 08:39 PM
This is completely unacceptable. Public Mobile does not value our loyalty. The Old Rewards Program was what made PM stand out among all of the other service providers. Many users and their referrals will jump ship because of this.
03-08-2024 08:37 PM
I have been with Public Mobile since just a few months after it became Public Mobile, so long that I remember Martin. I suspect that there may not be a whole lot of others who can say the same.
In the past, PM has grandfathered plans/raised prices. There have been complaints but I think everyone recognizes, deep down, that these things happen in business.
The current situation is different. For me, as others have mentioned, it is the perceived breach of trust that is most disappointing. We were promised that we could keep our loyalty rewards.
IMO the person who dreamed up this announcement has a cord that doesn’t quite reach the outlet. Instead of terminating loyalty rewards, PM might examine why the Points program apparently has been such a colossal failure.
03-08-2024 08:30 PM
Very true. They basically had their customer "locked" in to a contract by providing enough incentive for us to stay. Now everyone will just jump as soon as there is a better option.
03-08-2024 08:29 PM
If you cost out Freedom and a phone over a 24 month period it's basically the same price. With Freedom you get live tech support and brick and mortar stores.
03-08-2024 08:27 PM
Guess they didn't like my comments about how they did this with their Koodo brand too.. $6 hike
03-08-2024 08:22 PM
I'd like to make a complaint here: Public mobile doesn't offer a choice "not to move to the new points reward system".
This will be my reference for my CCTS complaint.
03-08-2024 08:22 PM
It doesn't matter if they promised or not. Yes, they can make any changes they see fit.
I think the problem is that people came to Public Mobile for cheaper plans. But it was only cheaper because in turn the customer sacrificed live tech support, brick and mortar stores and having to do their own account management.
With this change they are now basically the same price as the competitors but they haven't provided us anything in return. We still do not have live tech support, brick and mortar stores and we still have to do our own account management. Not only that, we need to do even more management work to be able to redeem the points.
I think they have lost sight of the fact there are a lot of services they don't provide, so they shouldn't be almost the same price.
03-08-2024 08:22 PM
I’ve got 4 phone numbers with PB…all these numbers will be leaving to go with other providers unless the old rewards program stays.
03-08-2024 08:19 PM
Gotta love the corporate greed and price gouging... I've been a loyal user for years, and recommended PM to many. No longer, I'll move tot he next provider I see with a decent or better deal, this point system is a joke, and the bonus data offer is a slap in the face... it was a good run.
03-08-2024 08:18 PM
4 year customer. Goodbye PM! Thanks but it's not OK to lure us in and now screw us over. We've already had to troubleshoot and figure out issues with the forums. You don't provide customer support and now you're ruining it for long time customers. Back to the hopping game between providers I go!
03-08-2024 08:14 PM
Well then, was a fun 7 years. PC Mobile it is
03-08-2024 08:14 PM
I stuck it out and stayed on PM because the loyalty points made it really hard to go elsewhere. After being a customer for 6 years, it was a good run. See you later PM.
03-08-2024 08:13 PM
I'm not disputing that loyalty programs change.
I'm just saying that this isn't a devaluation. It's a bait and switch.
Old referral should remain 1$ off. New referrals, give me points, that's the deal at that time. Imagine if koodo stopped giving the 5$ per month after 5 months instead of 10. Same logic applies here.
Loyalty program discontinued? Sure, but freeze the accrued discount.
These would be fair for time based rewards. Not this insulting useless data bucket.
03-08-2024 08:13 PM
Terrible. Public Points sucks, do better. If this is the loyalty shown to long time customers, I have no loyalty for this company and I'll actively look at other providers from now on.
03-08-2024 08:08 PM
I switched to PC Mobile today. The first time in 7 years I could actually speak to someone over the phone and pay $29 instead of $50.
03-08-2024 08:08 PM - edited 03-08-2024 08:23 PM
So true , such a slow app and web site. I will be saying good by to Public mobile and Telus home services. Don't be fooled this new rewards program isn't that good.
03-08-2024 08:02 PM - edited 03-08-2024 08:03 PM
If I'm going to pay more I might as well switch to a provider with real support and a website that actually works.
Trying to figure out how much this is going to cost me a month and your website portal won't even load the account details. Typical.