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Scheduled System Maintenance on Feb 14

Public Mobile
Public Mobile


Hey Community, 


We wanted to give everyone a heads up that Activation Portal & My Account will not be available during the following maintenance window:


February 14, 2023 | 00:00 – 05:30 ET


During this time, you will be unable to activate SIM cards. If you try to activate your SIM card during the maintenance period, you will receive an error message. Please return to activate once maintenance is complete. 


We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!


  • Public Mobile Team

Mayor / Maire

@theguardian - you get into My Account to the overview page here?


THEN, the error comes up? Is that what you are seeing? 

@theguardian   Well that's annoying, so I'm using my desktop and FF too and just logged again without issues.  What about trying with Chrome?


edit:  @theguardian   BTW, if you're needing to login to make a payment, you can dial 611 on your phone and pay with a registered CC as long as you know your 4 digit PIN, or purchase a voucher from places like SDM, London Drugs, 7/11 or Shell and add it via 611 without the need for a PIN.   This gives you more time to troubleshoot the login issue.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

desk top already tried firefox and google incognito, cleaned cache and restart

No joy

@theguardian    Are you using your device or desktop?  Perhaps try closing the computer and restarting. Also try a different browser if you can. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just tried with incognito no difference.

I get the overview page but cannot access anything else, it goes to the error message

@theguardian   The maintenance is over but you need to try login with incognito/private mode or another browser as the self serve site has ongoing caching problems.  I had no problems logging into My Account just a little while ago.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

February 15th

Still cannot access account info I get error code 404 


Is this ongoing?

@DennyCrane wrote:

I was being 90% facetious people ☺️👊✌️. The remaining 10% was split 5% for the off chance someone may actually know something, and 5% to keep the VoLTE topic front and centre.

Awweee @DennyCrane   😆

I was being 90% facetious people ☺️👊✌️. The remaining 10% was split 5% for the off chance someone may actually know something, and 5% to keep the VoLTE topic front and centre.

Mayor / Maire

Yeah @dust2dust @DennyCrane , just like for example, if your online bank is offline for maintenance and you cannot log in during a period of time, or certain applications within online bank is temporarily unavailable.

Down maintenance is a regular thing with online sites, they don't usually share why.

Could be unnoticeable backend fixes/improvements/security/etc., or noticeable differences.

@DennyCrane- Unless someone here is connected to inside knowledge about these maintenance downtimes, no one here would know and therefor can't assert anything one way or the other what effects maintenance downtimes will produce. If an oracle type user were to drop some company shared inside knowledge then maybe. But would any company employee share that with a select few users here? Exceedingly unlikely.

haha @DennyCrane   good try, but sorry, it does not come with this site maintenance


PM knows the need for that and seems like they are working hard and will likely give us good news this year.  Stay tuned

Mayor / Maire

VoLTE coming?! 🤞☺️

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@J_PM Thank you for head up. What is a good day to maintain? I have good excess that my phone is not working on Feb 14.. My wife can not reach out for  me.

Mayor / Maire

Yeah @J_PM , because when I see this I think, Maintenance = Improvement, right? - Go Public Mobile!!

Mayor / Maire

Thanks for the head up 

Mayor / Maire

@J_PM  Thanks for the update !

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