04-01-2022 01:30 PM - edited 04-01-2022 11:29 PM
Update: The account suspend issue has been resolved. Thank you.
Hey Community,
We’re currently having some issues with our Monthly Renewal Charge and Auto Top-Ups, causing some customer accounts to mistakenly go into suspend. Our team is working on a fix, all services for impacted accounts are expected to be reinstated by 4pm EST. Check back for more updates. We’ll also update this post when the issue is resolved.
Thank you,
- Public Mobile Team
04-01-2022 11:07 PM
PM is aware of the problem and it seems if you had a plan renewal within the last day and a half, you're affected, any other days not affected unless your plan renews tomorrow then there's a chance you could be affected tomorrow.
04-01-2022 10:55 PM
I have had not service all day today. I cannot call or text.
I have restarted my phone.
I have removed and inserted my sim card.
I had suspended my public mobile account and reopened it.
I have added $1 to my balance.
It is still not working!!!!
Help - I need to use my phone!!!!
04-01-2022 10:53 PM
Log into your account and check it is active which hopefully it should be.
A gotcha I had once was dead zones with one Telus signal strength bar which included my basement and also a recent WIFI was not working confusing the data so had to hard reboot the phone!
Have you a neighbour with the same problem for a Teius service?
04-01-2022 10:23 PM
There is no solution. Only solution is to change carrier?
04-01-2022 10:23 PM
Yup I sent a message regarding my ticket and it got answered quickly. I got that response maybe 15 min ago.
04-01-2022 10:22 PM
Yes, renewed overnite
04-01-2022 10:19 PM
Thank you.
04-01-2022 10:18 PM
Did you plan renew overnight ? There is a system wide issue that Public mobile is trying to fix.
04-01-2022 10:17 PM
I have to register for the first time to login to out community figuring out what the hell is going on with my phone. Hours and hours of no service. I thought maybe my phone is broken take another phone. Try it. No service. No one can reach me for the whole day. Calling someone was impossible. When I finally got home log in to my account bill was paid. And search Google found this post. Read from beginning to the end. Still nothing. I am so choked right now is not even funny.
04-01-2022 10:17 PM
04-01-2022 10:16 PM
Sorry to hear you're going through that. No one needs this additional stress when a loved one is ill. Sending positive thoughts to you.
04-01-2022 10:16 PM
Might be a good idea to send a message out to everyone whose plans renewed today so they know what's going on...
04-01-2022 10:15 PM
This is the update I got. Hopefully we all wake up to working phone plans again.
I am sorry, but because there are many customers affected by this issue, the team needs more time to fix all the accounts.
I hope in the next 8 hours, the service will be running.
04-01-2022 10:15 PM
04-01-2022 10:11 PM
There is a widespread system issue affecting accounts that went thru renewal last night resulting in no service. To reset your voicemail password log into your self serve account to reset it. Is it possible you misdialed your phone number? Try again to see if you get the same result.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
04-01-2022 10:11 PM
HI @jenniferccmarsh if your renewal date is today, maybe this is why you have the issue:
For voicemail, are you calling from a landline and you got the mandarin voice? try to call again from another line
10:07 PM
- last edited on
11:37 PM
I have no service. I cannot make a call or text. I cannot access my voicemail. I cannot change my voicemail password. When I call my phone number it goes to voicemail with a mandarin voice message.
edited: terms of service/language
04-01-2022 10:02 PM
04-01-2022 10:00 PM - edited 04-01-2022 10:04 PM
More details would be helpful.
Was your service working before? Anything work?
In your self service account, is your account status active or suspended?
New activation? If new activation, did you port your number?
Some basic troubleshooting advice:
Reboot phone
Remove your SIM card and re-insert.
Network reset of phone.
Sorry, missed the earlier announcement today:
04-01-2022 09:53 PM
No service all day. Please fix!
04-01-2022 09:52 PM
No, I seriously doubt they feel my pain. My father was admitted to the hospital and now that I am at home from work my mother has no way to tell what the test results are regarding his condition.
04-01-2022 09:47 PM
There is a widespread system issue affecting accounts that went thru renewal last night. Here is the announcement on the issue however the timeline for the fix is not correct....
....and your post has been moved into this same announcement thread.
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
04-01-2022 09:45 PM
@taylorpaquette No, three is no confirmation that issue was fixed, it is not fixed indeed.
So, today is your plan renewal date? if so, then yes, you are affected. Need to wait for PM to confirm issue resolved.
04-01-2022 09:44 PM
Any updates? Still down here.
04-01-2022 09:44 PM
i would say that surely the management team can login using a PC and some Wifi, same as me, and post something to indicate some sort of progress. no information is not an acceptable customer support initiative. and not having phone service is not an excuse.
04-01-2022 09:43 PM
I have read all the posts today but this issue should have already been fixed by now.
Can we at least get an update on what is going on?
Not like it matters to me, already looking into other providers
04-01-2022 09:40 PM
Apparently since the announcement update this morning pm management have also lost service on their phones and are unable to access the community to give customers an update on when the issue will be fixed. Surely they share your pain.....
To contact customer support click below:
To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.
04-01-2022 09:40 PM
I have had no service since this morning. My bill is always paid automatic debit monthy, so it is not be cause of a payment issue. What is going on?
04-01-2022 09:34 PM
This is the only info we've been given: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Announcements/System-Issue-Accounts-in-Suspend/m-p/80...
04-01-2022 09:30 PM
@selenacaparello "couldn't work at all today because my job requires access to data, talk and text."
For future consideration, I have given some thought to the issue of service disruptions and have concluded a residential phone service, cellular or landline, alone is not a good solution if you cannot tolerate several days without service. A business voip service seems to offer the best balance of dependability and price BUT I am not an expert just an interested bystander on business service.
Some reading for you:
VOIP: https://top5voipproviders.com/ca/ and https://www.gonevoip.ca/
STILL WANT PM for the price: https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Getting-Started/100-SERVICE/m-p/183753#M33693