Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
since ‎07-25-2019

User Statistics

  • 45 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 48 Bravos Given
  • 35 Bravos Received

User Activity

- I have one Public 4g plan with an iPhone 6+ (just upgraded a few months ago from 3g plan.- I signed up for a 2nd Public plan (3g - limited use) over a month ago with hope of using the sim in an old iphone4 (emergency phone only). I switched to Publ...
I know others have had this problem but until I saw this elsewhere I hadn't even considered the 0 and O problem to be a problem.WIth the digits in the code being shown so large I just naturally thought the code included a 0 (zero).I have taken out a ...
I have an old iPhone 4 that I've only kept going with another service because it has a number I want to retain... but I'm paying way too much just to save this number!!I want to be able to activate this iPhone 4 with a new account at PM (just the low...
I'm hoping I have the right sequence down for switching from Fido to PubMob. I've been through as many of the tips and threads as possible but would appreciate if anyone could let me know if I've got it straight here. Our daughter just gave us her ol...
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