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Unlimited Data

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Unlimited Data


It has probably been asked and Discussed before

but I am curious if PM is going to offer Unlimited Data

at some Point in the Future


Looking Forward to your Replies


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

@RCO , it's something we can hope for in the future but after all this time whitout an unlimited data, it's not looking up for this.

Mayor / Maire


I don't believe they will. if they did, I don't think we would be able to keep the rollover add-ons which I believe to be a much better deal. I'm actually hoping for PM to adopt monthly plans instead of a cycle of 30 days.

Mayor / Maire

@RCO   You're right it's been discussed numerous times over the last few years and personally I don't PM changing anything in the near future, but who knows?

Mayor / Maire

@RCO  One can only hope but I doubt this simply because it’s an offer from the big 3 top tiers service and away to justify the more expensive plans along with having shareable data and multi line discounts 

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