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Rumours are circulating the Bubbles from the Trailer Park Boys is going to be the New Canadian Editor for Goggle News Canada ................................ ----------------------------------------
I redeemed my First Rewards today. I switched to PubMo just under 2 Months ago I posted at the time Is it Always this Good It is it really is I want to thank you all for your Helpsin the Solving or explaining thingsInclude PubMo CS for my own small h...
Because Telus mis-billed a small amount of Long Dist5ance the day I transferredto PubMo ( they(Telus) have said they will reverse the charges in next few days TY! 1 )I cannot Login to PubMo because my Telus account is still open. 2) I also cannot do ...
fwiw, , and it has probably come up before Carriers may misbill long distance charges in those hours while the transfer is happening Telus was very understanding and credited me . Other Carriers may not be as helpful
On the old Iphone I use I sometimes use the option to# to keep a message new/fresh Is it possible you you may have hit wrong key There may be a message still there I know thats not a good explain but the # sign keeps the red dot Like the message has ...
fwiw , I think your point question is little moot I think the issue(s) is/aredid PM change system and orif PM did change it , the reason ?and whether PM can change it back ?
Awesome , Way to Hang in there I note that your original post did say it worked in the past I note that at least one of our smarter Folks was a little dismissive. Regards of Result I admire you following it to whatever logical conclusion BravoBravo