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Top Contributors - Congratulate

Public Mobile
Public Mobile

Hey Community, 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations this month! 

We'd like to encourage community members to congratulate other members and share comments under this thread. However, we will keep the Top Contributors announcement featured.

Thanks again for all your amazing support‌‌! 

- Public Mobile Team 

395 REPLIES 395

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Great job by all winners. Keep going, and THANK YOU.Congrats-1.png

Mayor / Maire

Congrats to all the July contributors.

I’ve noticed more new members on this Community. I hope you’re earned some rewards.

Mayor / Maire

Congrats to the July Contributors . Keep up all the good work !

Mayor / Maire

Nice! I received my badge & Community giveback points (the correct ones) on time this month for the 1st time in several months! 🙏🏼 that this is finally fixed from here on out!

Great job everyone & congrats on once again providing awesome Customer support here in the Community helping others!

Mayor / Maire

Congrats everyone on a successful July!!

I hope this month, all calculations are correct

HI @Silvio_M @J_PM  I know some people's June's badges were changed after the announcement.   For fairness, did they rewards got adjusted accordingly?

Mayor / Maire

@J_PM @Silvio_M - badges on accounts, great. I thought that usually meant $'s/points were showing somewhere at this point.

Is the order of this changing? It used to be that badges were the last things to arrive after any rewards showing in our My Rewards.

Mayor / Maire

4th of the month - woo wee! Congrats all July 2023 awardees and thanks to all the contributors!

Thanks @J_PM  The rewards badges come today!!!

Good to hear, thanks @J_PM 

@HALIMACS July Rewards will come in a bit earlier this month. July has been reviewed carefully to ensure supporters receive the correct reward. 


Around the 10-15th you should see it in your account. 

The badge notification occurs a day or so afterwards...

Good Neighbour / Bon Voisin

Thank you.

Mayor / Maire

So when do they announce the monthly earners? Do you get notified? 


@J_PM   That was a prompt response.  👍

Mayor / Maire

@J_PM , thank you for adding my Community giveback points & badge for me. I really appreciate it. 🤗 

Sorry for panicking! I felt forgotten 😞 

@Handy1 , this is frustrating ! It seems like a lot has gotten severely messed up since the new PM setup! I will keep an eye on here for updates. Thank you.

@LitlLdy  Thank you but it’s not just me clearly your one of them and it has rippling effects in everyone else too . It’s like after skipping over active members the system decided hey let’s reward old members that no longer post . So this has to be far reaching effects I mean how would just us two be forgotten and some banned members receive top 5% . Something went terrible wrong . And it’s obvious it’s not the correct out come for many 

@Handy1 , ok. Sorry 😞. I know you put in a lot of time & work hard for it. You deserve your rewards & badges. It’s crazy what has happened!

@LitlLdy  I’m still waiting for reply since verifying account . Think I have to wait till tomorrow for senior staff to audit things 

@esjliv , @Handy1 , I guess I don’t get any points for June! I was sure I did! I sent a private message to CS_Agent & received the response below!

I checked the list for June Rewards and your username does not appear, hence there are no points applied. We will further investigate this coming week and will get back to you once I have some news.

Have a great Sunday!

Respectfully yours,

Mayor / Maire

Some of Us have been forgotten 😢! No badge or giveback points! 😞 💤 

@esjliv  I’ve messaged about it already . And told its being handed off to someone else that handles community issues and I’ll hear back in 24 hours 

LOL @Handy1 .

According to below you should be 1% and I should be at 5%.  I've messaged a CSA agent about this just now.



@esjliv  Yes I’m afraid so . All I hear in my head is the sound . When dying in Mario wha whawhaaa

@Handy1 wrote:

@esjliv  I see they gave out community badges today and I have not seen my badge or community award as of yet myself 😞

@Handy1 oh gesh, you are affected now??

@esjliv  I see they gave out community badges today and I have not seen my badge or community award as of yet myself 😞

Not applicable

Congrats to all those new members keep up the good work!


@danielj wrote:

Congratulations to all the June 2023 contributors. Let us continue to strive for the community and Public Mobile to improve as a whole.

Hi @danielj - did you see an award for June 2023 in your My Rewards? I have not noticed any yet.

Thank you @TeaTime22! We're all in this together🤗

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