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Is it just me or does it seem like most respondents on here are biased toward Public Mobile.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Especially when referencing other cell carriers.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@allagelman but I am not sure why you think there wouldn't be a PM bias in the PM community?  What am I missing?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@rossputin  I did post this in "The Lounge". Perfect place for such a subject lol

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious wrote:


Oh I've got a chatr story too.....or least the bf does!😄

Ok, so let's hear it..... or at least the hi(low)lights. 😁

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@allagelman I'm not sure I understand the point.  Given this is a PM community, why wouldn't it have a PM bias?

Am I misunderstanding you point?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Korth  I see your point of view which answers the question "Is it just me or does it seem like most respondents on here are biased toward Public Mobile."



Each of the second-tier and third-tier providers has a gimmick. PM's gimmick is Rewards - and gifts - and no additional fees, charges, penalties.


Admittedly this doesn't really pay off much in the short term (albeit even with just AutoPay Reward you're already paying less than Lucky on many plans). They reward "Loyalty" (sticking around as a solid, predictable revenue stream), they don't need to reward mercenaries who constantly chase after better deals, jump ship, and come back as "new customers" again and again.


Evidently PM is "competing" quite fine, it's established a loyal customer base, it's always attracting new customers. I doubt PM will ever do much more to entice new customers - they dare not rock the boat and they're doing well enough already that it makes no sense (from a business perspective) for them to start giving away their profits.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Korth  I had only referenced your name on the 2nd line to address an example where it would not be applicable. Hope this makes sense for you @Korth.



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Korth  I am not "Challenging others". By you saying this actually makes the subject of this topic more interesting and real.😉

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@darkomega  I agree with you there.🙂

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Korth  You misunderstood my comment there. I just don't see rewards as a factor in deciding if your a new customer entering the market. For an existing customer with rewards I totally get why stay. I'm speaking for new customers getting into current in-market plans. Rewards can be earned with any provider and it would all sound pretty similar for a new customer. It depends on their needs. I'm actually very neutral when it comes to this. I am not biased toward Freedom Mobile; my only opinion about the company is that they are the only carrier who actually embraces heated competition. If it wasn't for them PM wouldn't be this good. That's all there is too it. PM is a very good carrier compared to other's. I only embrace the different points because not one answer may work for everyone if that makes sense. Thus, only trying to be fair here.

@allagelman wrote:

If you have lots and lots of rewards that's your reason to stay and be biased to PM. Conflict of interest in my opinion lol😂

You seem to already be biased towards Freedom. Challenging others to fully convince you that PM is better.


I don't see any "conflict of interest" in seeking the lowest price or the best deal. Wherever it might be found. Freedom didn't offer me anything worthwhile years ago when I signed up with PM, and now (that I've accumulated Rewards/etc) Freedom's best offers are too little too late. But if you're "conflicted" then by all means subscribe to the provider you believe offers you the better deal.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@allagelman wrote:

@KorthYeah it seems like most PM customer's really appreciate their rewards. The rewards benefit @Korth significantly to reduce the bill. Some people have lot's of rewards on here while other's have less rewards posted to their account. For some obviously it makes sense to remain with PM. For other customers it really just depends on the scenario. For instance, PM has a 20GB plan for $70/m. Freedom has the same plan unlimited for $50/m. Bring your own Device its $45/m for 24 months. Few dollars in PM rewards won't make a huge difference for the average customer when comparing these numbers.


If you have lots and lots of rewards that's your reason to stay and be biased to PM. Conflict of interest in my opinion lol😂

Well honestly PM is more attractive to those of us that use lower tear plans, the higher you go the rewards don't stack enough for most to make sense, but if you keep it lower you can tack on addons after the savings to make the plans much more attractive in the long run.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@KorthYeah it seems like most PM customer's really appreciate their rewards. The rewards benefit @Korth significantly to reduce the bill. Some people have lot's of rewards on here while other's have less rewards posted to their account. For some obviously it makes sense to remain with PM. For other customers it really just depends on the scenario. For instance, PM has a 20GB plan for $70/m. Freedom has the same plan unlimited for $50/m. Bring your own Device its $45/m for 24 months. Few dollars in PM rewards won't make a huge difference for the average customer when comparing these numbers.


If you have lots and lots of rewards that's your reason to stay and be biased to PM. Conflict of interest in my opinion lol😂


Lol...the CSR took 2 steps backwards when dealing with the bf! 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@darlicious wrote:


Oh I've got a chatr story too.....or least the bf does!😄

They were pretty crappy when I used them, though I will say one positive some of their CSR's go the extra mile for customers, else wise it's too much of a nickel and dime type of third tear brand, they charge you for anything they can.


Oh I've got a chatr story too.....or least the bf does!😄

@allagelman wrote:

I've been screwed by every cell company except Freedom. If Rogers gets Freedom who won't screw me now?

It will take a few years for Rogers to fully absorb Shaw/Freedom, integrate them into a unified corporate-wide accounting structure, merge and streamline all their retail channels, etc.


Until then, they will likely keep Freedom "intact" and let it operate as-is. Partly to audit how/where it might be "optimized", partly to disturb a successful operation as little as possible - indeed, if Freedom doesn't get lobotomized or sabotaged then it would remain a valuable re-sellable asset.

If anything, fake-Freedom customers might enjoy better services or lower rates, since Rogers can (in theory) allocate nation-wide Rogers network resources without charging additional operator overheads. Rogers network isn't as mighty as the others combined but it is larger and faster overall than any single one of them. And Rogers seems to be the carrier which most foreign/travel calling plans prefer when in Canada, alas.


Though by the time that happens, I'll aggregate another three years worth of Loyalty Reward on every bill. Plus perhaps (likely) some more gifts. While paying single-digit $ phone bills for a plan which costs $$ anywhere else. There's my bias.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@CFPartDeux  I've been screwed by every cell company except Freedom. If Rogers gets Freedom who won't screw me now? 😂

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious wrote:


Everyone has their line in the sand and for you weasels are the deal breaker. I don't blame you. I wouldn't pay for weasels either! Lol....and you know what I think about yours!

Except that, three of your paragraphs above are devoted to gettin' royally screwed by one company that you're equating to mine, but altho the same guys own 'em, they're not run the same, and therefore mine isn't susceptible to the same sorts of issues that you described. 😁

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@allagelman wrote:

@Nezgar  Yeah you seem very right about that. I wish Freedom had a forum. Public Mobile Community is probably the best so far I've used.

The closest to one is the subreddit

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Nezgar  Yeah you seem very right about that. I wish Freedom had a forum. Public Mobile Community is probably the best so far I've used.


Just try and get me to switch to koodo....hahahaha!!🤣🤣🤣

Just try to recommend Public Mobile on the Koodo or Lucky mobile forums. 😉

Not applicable

 @allagelman : You betcha. This place suits my needs. Particularly add-ons that only Koodo has the same once, consume over time. Nobody else does that. There's my reference to other providers.

My needs changed a couple years ago. I had a bucket of data for hotspotting. Then I didn't need to hotspot so much anymore. I had my first experience outside of post-paid with a pay as you go service in the states. Went through the unlocking process too.

Looked around for other providers and stumbled across this place as I learned they belonged to Telus. Being a Telus lifer from the west it was a no brainer.

Started with a 500mb plan for $35 and then figured out more how the place worked and my newer usage pattern and went down to the $10 plan.

I won't be paying in any new money for that account for quite some time.

I have two other accounts here too.


So yeah sure biased. Particularly around my needs and preferred service delivery.


Everyone has their line in the sand and for you weasels are the deal breaker. I don't blame you. I wouldn't pay for weasels either! Lol....and you know what I think about yours!

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@darlicious  While you know how I feel about YOUR phone company, at least that essay was well written, and rather informative! 👏 😁

@allagelman betcha! Don't get me wrong I was a long time loyal telus customer fighting the technology of the 21st century with my beloved flip phone. But I was paying $35 a month for 300 daytime minutes, free evenings and weekends of local calling only, unlimited texting (lol...on a flip phone!) and free roaming within the above constraints and 5 "free" friends I could call unlimited. And a data block.


In late 2016 I inherited my partner's smartphone and his $40 unlimited freedom account. So I was pulled kicking and screaming into this century but as soon as I entered my yard in the middle of Vancouver I lost my signal. If I left town I had the dreaded AWAY and no service. When I went to Nova Scotia I could only randomly get a signal for a few seconds here and there and I would recieve a flood of texts and mine would eventually send. I had no service in Montreal, Winnipeg, occasionally on Vancouver Island I would get service in Victoria and at my sisters house in Ladysmith because it was at the very top of town. Not a very useable provider for the most part.


In 2018 I broke my own rule and signed a contract with fido so my boyfriend could get a phone and plan....$60 a month for a samsung galaxy S7 and 1gb of data that soon became 1.5gb for $70 and to avoid the insane overage rates $80 for 2gb. Every single month the paper bill arrived in the mail with extra billing, add ons that had to be cancelled every month, overages totalling up to $150 clearly against the WCC and I would spend minimum 6 hours every month getting the billing reversed when you could understand the cryptic usage.


Then they stopped paper billing altogether and refused to send one despite my PWD status and refused to email the bill or even call me if the bill went unpaid as it often did since the bf had sole access to the online account and I lost the ability to monitor, control and approve any new charges despite being the account holder. Within two months they cut off services for late payments but with no notice whatsover.... that was it!


After a month of negotiation and the reversal of nearly $400 in what I called fraudulent overbilling for the previous 3 months I got the bill to $0 with 6 months left in the contract and the first 15 months of billing still in dispute I ported his number out to my newly discovered provider public two weeks I had ported all three numbers into pm and never looked back!


My freedom number had a $0 bill by its second renewal, my telus number was $0 by month 11 and after getting some insurance referrals on the former telus number I am halfway to $0 for the bf. I will never have to pay for my mobile services ever again as long as public mobile is around and I will be hard pressed to spend the ever growing credit as well so yeah I'm biased and despite its bugs and glitches and gremlins and even weasels I can truly say I love my phone company! Can you?😁📞

Mayor / Maire

@allagelman wrote:

Especially when referencing other cell carriers.

As we're PM customers...of course we're going to be biased. We're all "invested" in our plans...otherwise we'd be customers of the dog or some other network.

FWIW...I'm content with my PM plan...not really needing 4G or 5G. I can talk to any of my friends or relatives in Canada. PM just gave me 500 minutes of International calling to many countries. I can send / receive texts anywhere on the planet. I'm not a big data user so I still have data that was gifted to me from 2 years ago....for free. All that and I pay less than $15  for 30 days of service. I will agree that there is room for improvement...but am I biased toward PM ?....yup.

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