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7-Eleven Birthday.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I jusy went to a 7-Eleven Birthday Party since its July 11th(07/11), and I seen a wheel to spin for prizes similar to Public Mobile's colours. 🤣

I just had to share since i thought it was funny and very similar.



Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

This 7-Eleven is in Canada, Manitoba to be specific. (Sadly, no free Public SIMs here as prizes.😪)

The post regarding Korea was from a Friend Referral who asked me to post on their behalf and have that sorted. (I have no idea is 7-Eleven exists in Korea.)

CSA was able to update the SIM Card for us and that matter was resolved.

@BKNS27 wrote:


Too old for slurpee…brain freeze for my senior brain. LoL

I am in East Vancouver.

@BKNS27 , I was looking at the Blueberry Yuzi Lemonade one! Sounds good, 😆. Yup, I would.. brain freeze! 😂 

I was teasing about your location 😉. Op is in Korea.


Too old for slurpee…brain freeze for my senior brain. LoL

I am in East Vancouver.

@BKNS27 wrote:


On my daily walk and they were giving out free cupcakes and slurplee…I haven’t had a slurpee in about 50 years.

@BKNS27 , ohhh that would be good! That’s really nice of them to do that! Are you in Korea also? 😉 

Mayor / Maire


On my daily walk and they were giving out free cupcakes and slurplee…I haven’t had a slurpee in about 50 years.

@hairbag1 wrote:


I woulda guessed that was in any neighborhood in Canada or USA. All wording I can see in anglais. Scotiabank signage too.

@hairbag1 , I know, I was thinking that’s pretty cool that the wording at that place in Korea is written all in the English language!

@Handy1 , that’s why I asked Op if was able to use the voucher from the 7-Eleven to pay on account.

@LitlLdy  Yes I see that . And 16 hours before that OP was visiting 7-11

@hairbag1  that what’s started the confusion for me . But now I think we maybe rubbing shoulders with the CEO and owner of 7-11 franchises 

@Handy1 wrote:

@LitlLdy @hairbag1  OP didn’t get back to North America in 4 hours

@Handy1 , I replied on that post. I was waiting for Us to get a response back to see if Op was able to get access to account from Korea to make a payment. No update yet 😞 


I woulda guessed that was in any neighborhood in Canada or USA. All wording I can see in anglais. Scotiabank signage too.

Korea ?...what's with Korea ? Aren't those pics in north America somewhere ?

@softech wrote:

@Priority is the grand prize a PM sim card? 🙂

@softech , probably not in Korea 😉 


@Priority is the grand prize a PM sim card? 🙂

Mayor / Maire

@Priority  Cool thanks for sharing . I had no idea 7-11 was so big and in Korea too 

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